Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Memoor VA? bet 1780-1790?
Census1830, Whitley County, KY107878
Census1840, Whitley County, KY107877
Memo56 years; or Pulaski County, KY?
Burialaft 8 Dec 1847, Jellico Creek Cemetery, Whitley County, KY107887,107873
Memoold section behind the church
1Elizabeth Creekmore
Birth13 Jan 1785, Nash County, NC107860,107851,107861,107862,107863,107864,107865,107857,107858
Memobet 1774-1784?
Census1790, Nash County, NC93977
Tax List1790, Nash County, NC93865
Memotax list of her father
Census1800, Nash County, NC107841
Census1810, Nash County, NC107842
Census1830, Whitley County, KY107858
Census1840, Whitley County, KY107857
Census1850, Whitley County, KY107851
MemoDistrict 1, enumerated with her brother, William B. Creekmore
Census1860, Whitley County, KY107860
MemoEnumerated with Simon Jones and Celeter Jones, her sister
Memo82 years; Somerset, Pulaski County, KY?
Memoold section behind the church