Misc. Notes
Mary Hammond Will dtd 4 Apr 1721 Anne Arundel Co MD Probated 6 Apr 1721 Book 16 Pg 366:
17765Note: Moses Maccubin and Cornelius Howard present at probate
Pg 206: 1721 Hammond, Mary, AA Co, 16, 366
17766S538-24, 1721-22 Pg 366-8 Will: Mary Hammond, probated 6 Apr 1721
9987Grandson John Howard the following negros namley Samson, Hrymon, Harry, Nick, boy Cato a woman and Abigall a girl
Grandson John Howard the best feather bed and furniture & a dozen of boot leather chairs and the great Table
Grandson John Howard one gray Golding and Caowan? Stone Coat and twelve head of cattle the first choice and one dozen of silver spoons
Granddaughter Sarah Howard one negro girl named Hagor and the horse Vain
Grandson Thos Howard old Tom and Janny
Granddaughter Elinor Howard one little negro girl named Cato
Rest of my Estate should be Equally Devided between three of my grandchildren namely Thomas, Sarah and Elinor
Grandson Cornelius Howard one cow and calf
Nominate Mr. John Boalo full & whole Executor of this my last will and testament
/s/ Mary (her mark) Hammond
Test: John Huett, Wm (mark) Anglin, Anne Selby, her mark
On back 6 Apr 1721 came John Huet, Wm Anglin & Anne Selby
Pg 262 Cornelius Howard Marr: 1st Cousin, Mary, d/o Maj. Gen. John Hammond & Mary Howard his wife
84857 (actually d/o Thomas Roper & Mary who married John Hammond when the dau Mary was about 2 years old)
There are claims that Matthew HOWARD had a daughter Mary who married John HAMMOND. The earliest mention I have found of this is by J. D. WARFIELD in 1905.(S22 J.D. Warfield, Founders of Anne Arundel & Howard Co, Baltimore: Kohn & Pollock, 1905, pg 71, 179) He claimed that since Matthew's son Samuel in his will made a bequest to his "cousin" [nephew] John HAMMOND, Jr., this proved that John HAMMOND, Sr.'s wife Mary was nee HOWARD, the daughter of Matthew. In that the "evidence" as provided by WARFIELD for John HAMMOND having married Mary HOWARD was based on Samuel HOWARD's will, and that the will did not indicate any relation between John HAMMOND, Jr. and Samuel HOWARD, it appears WARFIELD was in error. John HAMMON[D], Sr. married between 26 Oct. 1677 (S25 Thomas Roper Will, MD 5:313-315 FHL microfilm 0,012,843) and 1 Nov. 1678 (S26 MD Testamentary Proceedings 10:315, FHL microfilm 0,012,933) to Mary, widow of Thomas ROPER. As John HAMMOND had sons who married by the early 1690s, she was apparently a second wife.
98645Pg 630 John Howard I Marr: Susannah Stevens, whose dau, Mary Marr: John Hammond I
53398 (her father John Howard not Matthew Howard?)
Memowill dated; MD wills 5:313-315, FHL microfilm 0,012,843
Memo13 Nov 1677?
MemoWill probated
Misc. Notes
Roper, Thomas, A. A. Co., 19th Sept., 1677; 26th Oct., 1677.
3738,100112 Book 5 Pg 313
17765 S25 Thomas Roper will, MD wills 5:313-315, FHL microfilm 0,012,843
98645To wife Mary, execx., 1/2 plantation during life.
Dau. Mary and hrs., 300 A., "Roper's Increase" in Balto. Co., and 1/2 plantation at majority. Wife or dau. afsd. dying without issue, deceased's portion to revert to survivor.
Overseers: Dr. Wm. Jones, Wm. Mitchell.
Test: Wm. Bowman, Thos. Jeffe, Hugh Portingale. 5. 313.
(S: Baldwin, MD Calendar of Wills, 1:197)
Marriageabt 1665, Anne Arundel County, MD100145
ChildrenMary (~1675-1714)
2John Hammond
Residence1676, Newtown Hundred, St Mary’s County, MD101273
Residenceca 1695, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, MD101274
Will Filed11 Nov 1707, Anne Arundel County, MD101275
MemoWill Dated
Will Filed13 Nov 1707, Anne Arundel County, MD101275
MemoCodicil to Will dated
Memotestate; 29 Nov?
Will Filed4 Dec 1707, Anne Arundel County, MD101275
MemoWill Probated
OccupationAnne Arundel County, MD Justice from 1687 until at least 1692; Delegate in 1692; appointed Judge of the High Court of Admiralty by the royal administration (aft 1692)101282,101283
ReligionMember of the vestry of St Anne’s Church101284
Misc. Notes
p.26 For many years Newtown, being located in the central part of the County, was a center of great activity and ranked next in importance to St Mary's City. An agreement made by John Hammond on 5 Dec 1654, to provide for a Court House for the County Court, also provided that he would furnish “a ferry for the Convenient passage of people over Newtowne River”. (S99: Archives of MD X 410. Apparently the intent of this agreement was that the ferry would operate between the east shore of Bretton Bay and the west shore, which was Newtown Neck, as there is no Newtown River. For other details concerning Newtown see MD Historical Mag, Vol. 50, No.1 & Vol. 51, No. 2)
Pg 364 Major General; Colonel 1699
53200Pg 146 Major Gen John Hammond
48011He was major of Troop Horse from 1696 until 1698, becoming a colonel in 1699. He was made major general of the Western Shore of MD on 17 Jul 1707, a post which he held until his death on 29 Nov of that year.
Pg 4 Maj Gen John2 (Thomas1) Hammond
53474Pg 158 Sec 1 Howard: Maj Gen Jn Hammond
Pg 146 Major Gen John Hammond, Mrs. William H. Kenety Jr. (Ariana Traill Arnold) Marr: Mary Greenberry
48011 (Wife Mary Greenberry? or Mary Howard?)
Marr Memobef 1 Nov 1678; ca 1664?