Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthabt 1643, Lower Norfolk, VA98555,98578,98579,98580,98581,98582,98583,98584,98585
Residence1659, VA98586,98587,98588
Residence1659, MD98589,98590,98587,98588
Memobanks of the Severn River near their father’s surveys
Residenceaft 1660, Middle Neck Hundred, Anne Arundel County, MD98591,98592
Memoon his land Howard’s Heirship & Chance
Land Purchase1662, Anne Arundel County, MD98593
MemoHoward’s Choice, 420 ac
Residence1662, Round Bay, Anne Arundel County, MD98594
Land Purchaseabt 1662, Anne Arundel County, MD98595
Memogranted Howard’s Chance 420 acres
Land Purchase26 Jan 1662, Anne Arundel County, MD98596,98597,98598
Memoreceived 450 acres called “Howard’s Heirship” south side of Severn River, where he built his dwelling house, later known as Upper Rhodes River Hundred
Land Purchase7 Sep 1663, Anne Arundel County, MD98599,98600
Memo600 ac demanded for the transportation of himself, Henry Kettlewell & Mary Clarke in 1659, John Sherwin and __ Newlaird in 1661 & John Fortune in 1662
Land Purchase1666, Anne Arundel County, MD98601,98602
Memopatented a tract of land containing 500 ac known as Howard & Porter Range with Peter Porter, his nephew
Land Purchase1668, Anne Arundel County, MD98603,98604
Memogranted Howard’s Fancy 333 (or 330) ac
Land Purchase1670, Anne Arundel County, MD98605,98606
Memogranted The Increase 100 ac
Land Purchase1672, Anne Arundel County, MD98607,98608
Memogranted Howard’s Hill 200 ac
Tax List1678, Anne Arundel County, MD98609
Memo80 pounds of Tobacco
Will Filed15 Apr 1680, Anne Arundel County, MD98610,98611,98612,98613,98614,98615,98616,98617
Memodated; MD Wills 2:107-110
Deathaft 15 Apr 1680, Anne Arundel County, MD98618,98619,98620,98621,98622,98623,98624,98614,98625,98626,98627,98628,98629
Memobef 15 Oct 1680; bef 23 Oct 1692; 1716? testate
Burialaft 15 Apr 1680
Will Filed15 Oct 1680, Anne Arundel County, MD98612,98630,98631,98614,98632,98615,98616,98617
MemoProbate; Book Part 1.2A, Pg 52 and Book 2 Pg 107
OccupationMD Assembly 1661-1675(1671-75?); Justice of Peace in 1679 (from 1680-82)98633,98634,98635,98636,98637,98638,98639,98640,98641,98642
ReligionChurch of England, vestryman of St Ann’s Parish in Annapolis in 169298643,98644
FatherMatthew Arundell Howard (1609-1659)
MotherAnne Hall (<1613-~1651)
Misc. Notes
(Cornelius Howard) Was on expedition on 1678 against Nanticoke Indians3738

Pg 272 The mansion house, still standing, known as Mulberry Hill is a fine specimen of early American architecture and boasts of the reputation of being the oldest brick house in Anne Arundel County. Some believe that Mulberry Hill was built by Capt Cornelius Howard before his death in 1680, but others believe it was constructed by his son, Joseph.84857

The Howard Lineage84798
Pg 51 Capt Cornelius Howard, From 1671-75, he represented Anne Arundel County in the Legislature, his colleagues were Robert Franklyn and Col. William Burgess. This official position enabled him to increase his surveys and take up surveys for his neighbors. He was frequently called upon to write the will and become a witness of the same for his neighbors.
Pg 53 Edward and Cornelius Lloyd were near neighbors in VA in 1635 of Matthew Howard and Ann, his wife. The latter named his son Cornelius, in honor of Colonel Cornelius Lloyd.

S9 Cornelius Howard will, MD wills 2:107-110, FHL microfilm 0,012,84198645,17765 MSA S538-2 Pg 107-110 Actual Will9987
Will of Cornelius HOWARD (1680); Anne Arundel Co., MD98646 Pg 36747338
Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Joseph H. Howard <jhhoward[at]>
Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved.
NOTE: Superscripts are indicated by . A formatted version can be Viewed at
Cornelius Howard (d.1680) Will, Prerogative Court, Anne Arundel County, MD, Maryland Hall of Records, Liber 2, folio 107 (Microfilm SR4398-1) (MSA S538-2, 1669-1707 Will, Pg 107-1109987)
Also the original Will (non circulating) is located at Box H, Folder 104, 1/12/3/15, Written 15 April 1680, Probate 15 October 1680
In The Name Of God Amen the fifteen day of Aprill one Thousand Six hundred and Eighty Cornelius Howard being Sick and weak in body but in perfect memory Thanks be unto the Almighty God for it, Calling to Remembrance the uncertain Estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield to Death when it shall come or please God to Call Do make Constitute ordain & Declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth Revoking and anulling by these presents all and every Testament and Testaments Will and Wills here to fore by me made and Declared Either by work (word47338,9987) or writing and this is to be taken only for my last Will and Testament and no other and first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my Sins past most humbly desireing forgiveness for the Same, I give and Committ my Soul unto the Allmighty God My Saviour and Redeemer in whom and by the Meritts of Jesus Christ trust and believe assuredly to be Saved and to have full remission & forgiveness for all my Sins and that my Soul at the Genl day of Resurrection Shall use again with Joy through the merritts of Christs Death and Passion and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his Elect and Chosen and my Body to be buried in such place where it shall please my Executor hereafter named to appoint and now for the Setting of my Temporall Estate and such goods and chattells and Debts as it hath Pleased God farr above my Deserts to bestow upon me I do order give and Dispose the same in manner and form following That is to say first I will that all those Debts Dues as I owe in right or Conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly Contented and paid ordained to be paid within convenient time after my Decease by my executor hereafter named makeing my dear wife
Elizabeth Howard my hole and sole Executrix.
Item I give unto my Son Joseph Howard a Parcell of Land Called Howards Hope Lying on the South Side of Severn River in Ann Arundell County According to Pattent Item I give unto my Son Joseph Howard One hundred Acres of Land out of Pattent Called Howards Hardship beginning at a bounded White Oak the other side of a branch Called Cad Branch runing West and by North to Hockly Branch ------
that Branch whilst it intersects with ----- lot Todd Land is by that while it intersects with John Dorseys Land so along whilst it intersects with Samuel Howards Land that was
Item. I give unto my Son Cornelius Howard a Parcell of Land Called Howards Hill as appears according to Pattent
Item I give unto my Son Cornelius Howard a parcell of Land beginning at my Son Joseph's bounded white Oak and so running upon his Line to hockly branch So runing down the same branch till it intercpts with the neck Called Hockly Creek & so runing down the said Creek whilst it intercepts with Howards Hill.
Item I give unto my Daughter Sarah two hundred and fifty acres of Land Lying at Tuckahoe in Choptank River.
Item I give unto my daughter Mary about two hundred [acres] of land Lying in that Divident Called Howard and Porters (Pourters47338) Range.
I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Howard two cows.
Item I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Howard one good feather bed and furniture with it.
Item I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Howard one Suit of Damask.
I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Howard Two thousand pounds of Tobacco to be paid Soon after the Day of her marriage.
Item I give unto Dear wife Elizabeth Howard her Life Time on that plantation and Land whereon I now dwell. She or her predecessors leaving of it Tenantable making my son Cornelius at age of Eighteen years giving him that Privilege to Seat upon any Convenient place in the Said Divident Likewise makeing my son Joseph at age of Eighteen years makeing my dear Brother and friend Samuel Howard and John Hammond my overseers and assistance to my Executrix and if it should please God my Executrix should Dye before my Sons should be of age Then I give full power to my Brother Samuel Howard and John Hammond the looking after and Trustees for the Said children whilst they Come of age as is before mentioned.
/s/ Cornelius Howard (Seal); Abraham Childe, the mark of Charles Stevens (t Hevens47338); the mark of Lanclett T Todd; John Howard
MSA S538-2, 1669-1707 Will, Pg 110, Cornelius Howard 15 Oct 1680 probated:9987
MSA S538-3, 1680, Will, Pg 52-56, Cornelius Howard (same will)
and on the back side of the said will was thus written ___
By virtue of a Commission from the honerable Philip Calvert Esqr Chief Judge or Commissary Genl for Probate of Wills __? called before me John Howard and Lanclett Todd both of Ann Arundell County being two of the wittnesses to the within written will who did upon their Oaths in Common form prove the same to be the Last Will and Testament of the said Cornelius Howard Late of Ann Arundell County Deceased which was by them performed on the fifteen day of Oct anno duo 1680 witness. /s/ Richard Hill

The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Co53200
Pg 68 In 1662, the five brothers, John, Samuel, Matthew, Cornelius and Philip (Howard), had nine hundred acres granted to them as brothers.

Pg 243: 1680 Howard, Cornelius, Anne Arundel Co, Part 1.2A, 52 & 2, 10717766 (Have will above)
Cornelius Howard was an ensign under Capt. Besson. Later held rank of Captain in Anne Arundel County, MD.3738

Pg 261 On Dec 10, 1661 Cornelius Howard was commissioned an Ensign of the militia under Capt Besson and was placed in command of the Severn. (Archives, vol 3, p. 444) Later he was advanced to the rank of captain. In 1696 he signed as a military officer of Anne Arundel County (Archives, vol 20, p. 541) Pg 262 In 1678 he was a member of that group of pioneers from the Western Shore which participated in a punitive expedition against the hostile Nanticoke Indians of the Eastern Shore. For his services he was paid 80 pounds of tobacco (Archives vol 7)84857,98647

The Howard Lineage84798
Pg 51 Capt Cornelius Howard, named for Col. Cornelius Lloyd, this Severn settler was made Ensign in Command of the Severn.
Pg 55 Proceedings of the Assembly 1666-76 Reference also on pg 311, 421, 439, 440, 440, 445 Commission to Cornelius Howard to be Ensigne under Captain Besson. Mutates, mutardis ut in folio 23, Vol. III, p. 444

Pg 6 Cornelius Howard was commissioned an ensign by Lord Baltimore and fought against the French and Indians. Later papers still on file in Annapolis were signed by Capt Cornelius Howard, in command of the Maryland Navy.84858

Pg 359 Prof. Warfield (op. cit, p. 30) spoke of him (Cornelius Howard) as Captain. Ensign Cornelius Howard was mentioned (Semmes, op. cit, p. 701)47338

Pg 30/71 Captain Cornelius Howard53200

Pg 2 iii. Capt Cornelius Howard. Pg 11 On 10 Dec 1661, Cornelius2 Howard was given his commission as an Ensign in the Severn River Battalion of the Anne Arundel County Militia. He later was promoted to the rank of Captain.53474

Pg 150 Sec 1 Howard: Cornelius Howard2, 3d son: Southern records state that he was an Ensign or Capt in the MD Militia in 1671 & a mem. of the House of Burgesses, 1671-75 (Notable Southern Families, vol 1) Founders, 67, likewise, says he was in the Assembly, 1671-7598539
(Cornelius Howard) Moved to Severn River, MD on 1650-1658 as part of "Puritan Exodus".3738 (moved after 1659?)

Howard Family Genealogy Forum, Post 4 Jan 200698519 indicates his wife is not Elizabeth Gorsuch, listed elsewhere in Reunion

US and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s1009 (Him?)
Cornelius Howard; Arrival: 1659 MD; Primary Immigrant: Cornelius Howard; Source: 8510 Skordas, Gust, editor. The Early Settlers of MD: an Index to Names of Immigrants, Compiled from Records of Land Patents, 1633-1680, in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1968. 525p. Repr. 1986. Pg 240
Surname not Gorsuch98519

Pg 7 Elizabeth Todd84858

Pg 359 Elizabeth (?Todd) d/o Thos. (See Anne Arundel Gentry, by Newman, p. 183)47338

Pg 71 Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, wife of Cornelius, was “aunt” of Mary Todd, daughter of Lancelot53200

Cornelius Howard b: 1643 Anne Arundel County, MD, Spouse: Elizabeth “Anne” Todd Sisson Gorsuch b: 1641 Anne Arundel Co MD/Baltimore MD (Looked at Trees on Ancestry Library Edition 3/26/2020 and none have a source) (her surname?)

Pg 10 Capt Cornelius2 Howard Marr: Elizabeth __ (Her parentage has been the topic of considerable debate among genealogists. There are some who claim she was a Hammond; others say a Sisson and still others a Todd) In 1662, Capt John Sisson named Cornelius2 Howard in his will as his “brother-in-law” Pg11 Elizabeth (nee__) Howard has been noted upon the records as “the Aunt of Mary Todd, who was the d/o Lancelot Todd”53474

Pg 150 Sec 1 Howard: Cornelius Howard2, 3d son: Marr: ca 1660 Eliz (gr d/o Lawrence Todd “Southern Families). She was doubtless a sister of Lancelot Todd, whose will, 1691 (Annap 2.219), left to his dau Mary personality “left her by her aunt Elizabeth Howard” This shows that Eliz d: 1680-90.98539 (granddaughter of Lawrence Todd?)

Cornelius Howard b: 1630 VA, Marr: Elizabeth Gorsuch19964 (See above - not Gorsuch?)
Cornelius Howard b: 1630 VA, Marr: 1680 MD, Elizabeth Todd (Marriage after children’s births?)
Cornelius Howard b: 1630 VA, Marr: 1652 VA, Elizabeth Todd
Marriagebef 166298555,98659,98573
Marr Memoca 1660?
ChildrenSarah (ca1662-)
 Elizabeth (ca1663->1708)
 Mary (ca1664-)
 Cornelius John (1664-1716)
 Joseph (~1676-<1736)
Last Modified 24 Mar 2024Created 12 Jul 2024 using Reunion 13 by Chris Dunmore
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