Misc. Notes
Cornelius Howard of Anne Arundel Co, MD Will 18 Sep 1715; probate 19 Nov? 1716
10139 (very hard to read)
To eldest son Cornelius Howard
To my son John Howard, 50 pounds current money, land at Tuckahoe
To my son Thomas Howard, 250 ac
Sons Cornelius, Thomas & John Howard to be executors
My loving brother Joseph Howard
My friend John Beale
/s/ Cornelius Howard (seal)
Samuel Howard, Each? Lumbe? (Vachell Denton
Joseph HowardPg 152 Sec 1 Howard: Cornelius Howard II, Will 18 Sep 1715; 19 Mar 1716/7, Annap 14.317:
98539To son Chs Howard -12 d. in full for his part.
To son Cornelius Howard - 300 ac on Hockley Creek, Howard’s Hills & Howard’s Heirship
To son Th Howard- 350 ac Ropers Increase on Patapsco river, B. Co, & 250 ac Howard’s Addition.
To son Jn Howard - £50, all land at Tuckahoe, & a proper part of the personal estate
The residue of the est., to “unmarried can.” (Cos was then married).
The Trustees were: Bro Jo. Howard and “Cousin” Jn Beale
Pg 263 Cornelius Howard married first cousin, Mary, the daughter of Major General John Hammond & Mary Howard his wife.
84857 (Mary Hammond not mentioned as daughter under Mary Howard & John Hammond in this book, but her family was not discussed in detail. See Research note under Mary Roper!)
Pg 76 Capt Cornelius Howard Jr., wife was Mary Hammond
53200Pg 243: 1716/7 Howard, Cornelius, Anne Arundel Co, 14, 275
17766 (MD Hall of Records, Need to Get!)
Pg 12 Capt Cornelius2 Howard & Elizabeth ch: Cornelius3 Howard Marr: his first cousin, Mary Hammond d/o Maj Gen John & Mary (nee Howard) Hammond
53474 (Wife Mary Hammond? See Note under Mary Roper)
Pg 151 Sec 1 Howard: Cornelius Howard II Marr: ca 1692 d/o Maj Gen Jn Hammond & Mary Howard. She b: abt 1674 d: bed 18 Sep 1715 the date of her husband’s will; not given in the will of her fa, Maj Gen Jn Hammond, either because she was not then living (11 Nov 1707) or had previously been provided for. At any rate, her mo., Madame Hammond, who lived until 1721, did make provision for this da’s can, both sons and das.
98539 (Wife Mary Hammond? See Note under Mary Roper)
1Mary Roper
Birthabt 1675, Anne Arundel County, MD98545
MemoDid not have a will
Pg 262 Cornelius Howard Marr: 1st Cousin, Mary, d/o Maj. Gen. John Hammond & Mary Howard his wife
84857 (Mary Howard?)
Pg 53 Capt Cornelius Howard Jr.: his wife was Mary Hammond. The will of her mother, Mary (Heath) Hammond, in 1721, named her grandsons, John Howard, Thomas Howard, Cornelius Howard.
84798 (Hammond or Roper?)
Pg 4 viii. Mary Howard & Maj Gen John2 (Thomas1) Hammond ch: Mary3 Hammond (sic) Marr: Cornelius3 Howard s/o Capt Cornelius2 & Elizabeth (nee__) Howard
53474 (her name Roper or Howard?)
Pg 151 Sec 1 Howard: Cornelius Howard II Marr: ca 1692 d/o Maj Gen Jn Hammond & Mary Howard. She b: abt 1674 d: bed 18 Sep 1715 the date of her husband’s will; not given in the will of her fa, Maj Gen Jn Hammond, either because she was not then living (11 Nov 1707) or had previously been provided for. At any rate, her mo., Madame Hammond, who lived until 1721, did make provision for this da’s can, both sons and das.
98539 (Wife Mary Hammond? child of her father or step-father? Hammond or Roper?)
Pg 152 Sec 1 Howard: Cornelius Howard II: Th Hammond was the brother of Mary (?) b: ca 1674, wf of Cornelius Howard, Jr. (her brother?)
MarriageAnne Arundel County, MD98552
Marr Memoabt1726? after his death? son marr in 1726?