Misc. Notes
Wade Notes: her will, which was dated 04 February 1656 and proved on 29 August 1657. Margaret Hatton named Patrick Forrest and her brother Richard Banks as executors. Will Book 1, page 65, MARYLAND CALENDAR OF WILLS, Volume I ... he probably was not a brother-in-law of Margaret Hatton, but he could have been the husband of Margaret's unnamed sister who was one of her legatees.
46150 (Her will says Richd Raukes - see below)
Margaret Hatton Will dtd 4 Feb 1656 St Mary’s Co MD Probated 29 Aug 1657 Book 1 Pg 65:
17765Godson, Mathew Stone
Sister, (unnamed)
Jone Warde
Residue of estate to be divided equally among child. (Unnamed) at age after cost of son Thomas’ tuition is paid
Patrick Forrest , Brother
Richard BanksTest: Philip Land, Thos. Matthews, Robt Macklin
Pg 218: 1657 Hatton, Margaret, St Marys Co, 1, 65
17766MSA S538-1, 1635-1674 Will, Lib B Pg 65-66, Margaret Hatton, 4 Feb 1656; probated 29 Aug 1657
9987 Vol 1-2 Image42of545
10139Brother Richd Raukes & Patrick Horroft/Forrest? my Executors ... concerning my children ....
Sister - my soft gown and petticoat ....
My son Thomas Hatton
Jane Wardo - one yearling heifer
My godson Matthew Stone - a yearling heifer
4 Feb 1656 /s/ Margarott Hatton
Testes: Phillip Land, Thomas Matthews, Robert M. Macklin
29 Aug 1657 Sworn to be true Will & Testament of Margarott Hatton /s/ John Lawson
Hatton, Margaret, widow of Richard Hatton, m. by Dec 1658, Lieut. Richard Banks (ARCHIVES MD 10:259, 260; MD Will Bk 1:65; MD Patent Liber AB&H:314, 422).
47057 (Married Richard Banks? after her death?)
Margaret HATTON, SM, 4 Feb 1656, 29 Aug 1657. To godson Mathew STONE. To (unnamed) sister & Jone WARDE. Residue equally to unnamed children after cost of son Thomas' tuition is paid. Exs. Patrick FORREST, bro. Richard BANKS. Wit: Philip LAND, Thos MATTHEWS, Robt MACKLIN
47058 (Richard Banks (Raukes?) Brother? Which sister and Jone Warde-related?)
Hatton, Margaret, St. Mary's Co, 4th Feb, 1656; 29th Aug, 1657 (1. 65) To godson Mathew Stone, to sister (unnamed), and Jone Warde, personalty. Residue of estate to be divided equally among child. (unnamed) at age after cost of son Thomas' tuition is paid. Exs.: Patrick Forrest, Brother Richard Banks. Test: Philip Land, Thos. Matthews, Robt. Macklin.
47059 (Who is Mathew Stone - related? Richard Banks (Raukes?) brother? Which sister and Jone Warde-related?)
Margaret Hatton Will dtd 4 Feb 1656 St Mary’s Co MD Probated 29 Aug 1657 Book 1 Pg 65:
17765Sister (unnamed) (who is her sister?)
1Richard Thomas Hatton
Birthbef 31 Mar 1608, Haringey, Middlesex, England46987,46988,46989,46990,46991,46992,46993,46994,46984
Memobef 1638? 1605? 1608?
Baptism31 Mar 1608, All Hallows, Tottenham, Haringey, Middlesex, England46984
Residence1658, London, Middlesex, England46995
Death1650, London, Middlesex, England46996,46997,46998,46999,47000,46948,47001,47002,46959,47003,47004,47005,47006,47007,47008,47009,47010,46976,47011
MemoWFT Est 1645-1699; bef 1648? 1649? bef 10 Apr 1653? 1645 St Mary’s County, MD?
Misc. Notes
St. Mary's County Will Abstracts, 1638-1800 (updated 2/2003) (File:MD/StMarysCo/StMarysMDWill)
Hatton, Richard, Poplar Hill, St. Mary's Co., 5th Feb., 1675; 14th Feb., 1675.
To Isaac Booth, son of Widow Booth, Richard Goodaker, and Richard Ringe, personalty.
To wife Ann, execx., 100 A. (unnamed) during life.
To son Richard, at 18 yrs. of age, and hrs., all real estate.
To wife and son afsd., personalty equally.
To cous., Eliza: Henson, sd. personalty in event of death of son afsd. during minority.
Overseers: Brothers Wm. Hatton and Randolph Hanson, and Jno. Cammell.
Test: Jno. Ditchfield, Thos. Renalds. 2. 403.
There is a Richard Hatton b: 1580, Father: John Hatton b:abt 1554 Mother: Margaret Austin b: abt 1558
4286 (Could this be his father & mother instead of Robert Hatton?)
Wade Notes:Richard Hatton was a brother of Thomas Hatton, Secretary of the Province of Maryland, who transported himself to Maryland in 1748, with his unnamed wife, sons Robert and Thomas, Jr., and servants Patrick Forrest and George Beckwith.
46150 (Brother or Father of Thomas Hatton? sons Robert & Thomas Jr.?)
Hill, Clement, b. Eng 1670 d: 1743 MD, Marr: Ann Darnall d: 1748 dau of Col. Henry Darnall & his wife Eleanor Hatton (dau of Sec Hatton of MD)
18957 (Sec Hatton was Thomas not Richard?)
Richard Hatton b: 1605 d: 1648 is brother of Thomas Hatton, Secretary of the Province of MD
9969 (Brother or Father?)
London, England, Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1538-1812
47014 (Him?)
Richard Hatton, bapt: 31 Mar 1608 All Hallows Parish, Tottenham, Middlesex County, Burough: Haringey; Parents Robert Hatton; Record type: Christening; Register type: Parish Register
England, Select Births & Christenings 1538-1975
1064 (Several Richard Hatton’s bap: between 1612-1628)
Marr MemoEngland? St Mary’s County, MD?
ChildrenMary (<1637-<1676)
Misc. Notes
1658-1758 Charles County MD Families
19772Richard Banks overseer of the will of Thomas Allen b: abt 1610 England d: bef 11 Aug 1648
Richard Banks overseer of Thomas Allen Will 4/3/1648-8/11/1648
47059Thomas Allen Will dtd 3 Apr 1648 Probate 11 Aug 1648:
17765Overseers: John Hatch, Wm Marshall, Richard Banks
Will Book 1 Pg 15
Pg 165-166, (Thomas Allen) furthermore did not wish his sons to be “sold for slaves or Morter-Boyes”, but left them with his “very loving ffriends John Hatch & Rich: Banks”.
Vol II Pt I-Pg126 In 1652 Lt RichardBanks
47069 (Lt)
413,47070,47058,19772,28737Vol II Pg 883 Richard1 Hatton d: bef 1649 leaving a widow, Margaret, Marr: Lt, later Capt Richard Banks (MD Arch X 259-260)
Margaret HATTON, St Mary’s Co, 4 Feb 1656, 29Aug1657. To godson Mathew STONE. To (unnamed) sister&Jone WARDE. Residue equally to unnamed children after cost of son Thomas' tuition is paid. Exs.Patrick FORREST, bro. Richard BANKS. Wit:PhilipLAND,ThosMATTHEWS,RobtMACKLIN
47058,46839 (Brother Richard Banks? or Husband?)
Vol 1-2 Image61of545 John Wade, Chirurgeon, dtd 4 Sep 1658 Probate not dated: Zachariah Wade took his oath and entered recognizance of 40000 lb Tobacco for the true inventorying and administering the estate of which Richard Banks and Patrick Horroft became his sureties
10139 (Zachariah Wade’s wife Mary Hatton’s step-father is Richard Banks)