Misc. Notes
St Mary’s County MD Marriages 1638-1820
47860Individual: Hatton, Eleanor (d/Rich & Margaret) (m1), Spouse: Brooke, Maj Thomas, bef 1676, Source: Skordas;
Individual: Hatton,Eleanor (d/ Rich & Margaret) (m2) Spouse: Darnall, Col Henry, bef 1679, Source: Skordas;
Individual: Hall, Benjamin, Spouse: Brooke, Mary (d/ Col Thomas & Elinor Hatton) (m2), 1693-1695 Source: Linda Reno
Johnson Genealogy
117382. Eleanor (Elinor) Hatton + Thomas Brooke, Mayor + Henry Darnall,Col
ID I21613 Thomas Brooke, Mayor (Source Colonial Fam Histories of US 1607-1920
Genealogy.com) b: 23 Jun 1732 Battle,England d:bef 29 Dec 1676 Calvert Co MD Father:RobertBrooke b:3Jun1602LondonEngland Mother:MaryBaker Marr: abt 1658 Eleanor Hatton b:1642 England
3 Thomas Brooke Mayor b: 23 Jun 1632 d: bef 29Dec 1676 + Eleanor (Elinor) Hatton b: 1642 d: 1725 + Barbara Dent b: 1676 d: 26 Jun 1754
Wade Family Genealogy
46150Wade Notes:
Luke Gardner was married to Elizabeth Hatton and Thomas Brooke was married to Eleanor Hatton, both also sisters of Mary Hatton Wade.
Zachariah (Zachary) Wade & Mary Hatton were marr aft1749,when she came to MD with her mother Margaret Hatton,widow of Richard Hatton, & siblings, Barbara,Eleanor,Elizabeth,Richard&William. (LiberABH,folio 422;Liber2,folio613,THE EARLY SETTLERS OF MD)
It appears that Barbara Hatton was married to James Johnson by 1650 and Eleanor Hatton married Thomas Brooke in 1658, so they must have been born by 1634 and 1640, respectively.
Eleanor Hatton, daughter of Richard Hatton of London and niece of Thomas Hatton, Secretary of the Province of Maryland, married Major Thomas Brooke, son of Robert Broke and Mary Baker, in 1658.
Richard Hatton died in England in 1649, leaving his widow Margaret and six children, William, Richard, Barbara, Elizabeth, Mary and Eleanor who came to the province that year.
Eleanor Hatton raised in family of her uncle Thomas Hatton,who was a member of the Provincial Council.
Eleanor Hatton, widow of Maj Thomas Brooke,marr(2)Col Henry Darnall.(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PG CO, Effie Gwynn Bowie, Richmond, VA,1947, reprinted, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore,1975)
will of Maj Thomas Brooke of Calvert Co MD, who was born at Battel,England,on23Jun1632(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S CO)dtd25 Oct1676&proved29Dec1676.Will Bk5,pg 123, MD CALENDAR OF WILLS,Vol I He left land to is wife Eleanor (Ellinor) & children.
Col Henry Darnall, who marr: Eleanor Hatton Brooke,was son of Philip Darnall,a barrister of London. H Darnall b:1645,came to MD in 1672, marr: Eleanor Brooke aft d: of Maj Thomas Brooke in 1676 & d:17 Jun 1711, aged 66(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S CO)
Eleanor Hatton Brooke Darnall of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, died after 31 March 1724, when she made her will, and before 21 February 1725, when it was proved. Will Book 18, page 492, MARYLAND CALENDAR OF WILLS, Volume V
The MD Calendar of Wills
46837Pg 82-95 Gardner,Luke, StMarysCo,4Dec1673, -Editor: marr Elizabeth Hatton, dau of Richard & Margaret Hatton & niece ofThomasHatton, former Secy of Province. Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner's sister, Elinor, marr(1) Thomas Brooke & (2) Henry Darnell & her sisterMary,ZacharyWade.
Pg 180-193 Brooke, Thomas, CalvertCo, 25 Oct 1676; 29 Dec 1676. To wife Ellinor .. To eld. son Thomas .. @ 21 yrs, To 2nd son Robert .. @ 21 yrs, To 3rdson Ignatius .. To 4th son Matthew .. To young son Clement .. To dau Ellinor .. To dau Mary .. 5. 123
Pg 180-193 Brooke, Thomas, Calvert Co, 25 Oct1676; 29Dec1676. Editors:Thomas Brooke marr Elinor, dau of Richard & Margaret Hatton. Elinor marr Henry Darnell who died testate in 1711Anne Arundel (Cal, Vol III, p198) Elinor Darnall(sic) died in 1725 AA (Cal,Vol V,p223)
Pg 180-193 Brooke,Thomas,CalvertCo, 25 Oct1676; 29Dec1676. Editors:Elinor’s sister, Elizabeth, marr (1) Luke Gardiner & (2) Clement Hill Sr.
Pg 194-207 Wade,Zachary, CharlesCo 5 March 1677; 25 May 1677. Editor: Zachary Wade marr Mary Hatton; ..her sister Elinor marr1) Thos Brooke & 2)Henry Darnell
SideLights on MD History
47069Vol II Pt I-Pg35Maj ThomasBrooke, marr Eleanor Hatton, niece of Secy of Province. Their son, Col Thomas Brooke, of Brookesfield, PGCo Justice of Calvert Co
Vol II Pt I-Pg35Maj ThomasBrooke, marr Eleanor Hatton, niece of Secy of Province. Their son, Col Thomas Brooke, of Brookesfield, PGCo Justice of Calvert Co
Vol II Pt I-Pg75 Col Henry Darnall, outlived his younger brother, was called of the Woodyard .. in PG Co- 1st wife Mary, 2nd wife - widow of Col Thomas Brooke of Brookfield - had a large family
Vol II Pt I-Pg126 Another Margaret Hatton, widow of Richard Hatton, deceased, brother of Hon. Thomas Hatton, came to MD w/her bro-in-law & family, accompanied also by her children, Wm Mary, Richard, Eleanore&Elizabeth. (1648)
Vol II Pt I-Pg127 Eleanore, dau of Margaret Hatton & Richard marr: Maj Thos Brooke of DeLaBrookes
MD Genealogies
478615. Maj.Thomas Brooke b:Battle23Jun1632 arrMD:30Jun1650, He marr@1658Eleanor d/oRichard&MargaretHatton&niece ofThomasHatton, Secy of theProvince.She b:1642(MD Archives, x, 356)&came toMD w/her widowed mother&fam in 1649(LandOfcLib1,fol 440;Lib2 fol 613)
Mrs. Eleanor Brooke, widow of Maj Thomas, Marr2: Col. Henry Darnall (d: 17 Jun 1711) & had issue by him also.
Thomas Brooke & Eleanor (Hatton) had issue: 10 i. Col. Thomas Brooke b: abt 1659
Thomas Brooke & Eleanor (Hatton) had issue: ii. Robert Brooke 24 Oct 1663 d: 18 Jul 1714; a Jesuit priest
Thomas Brooke & Eleanor (Hatton) had issue: iii. Jonathan Brooke b: 1670 entered the Society of Jesus 1697 d: 1751
Thomas Brooke & Eleanor (Hatton) had issue: iv. Matthew Brooke b: 1672 entered the Society of Jesus 1699 d: 1762
Thomas Brooke & Eleanor (Hatton) had issue: 11 v. Clement Brooke b: 1676 d: 1737
Thomas Brooke & Eleanor (Hatton) had issue: vi. Mary Brooke, Marr1: Capt James Bowling (d:1693) of St Mary’s Co Marr2: Benjamin Hall (d:1721) of PG Co Marr3: Henry Witham
MD Marriage Evidences
47070Brooke-Maj Thomas m. Eleanor d/o Richard & Margaret (?) Hatton & niece of Thomas Hatton Secy of MD (Hodges cites MWB-Wills 5:123, 18:492)
Darnal(l)-Col Henry, m. by 1678 Elinor, widow & extx of Thomas Brooke & d/o Richard Hatton (MPL-Patent 10:541, 15:561; MWB-Wills 5:123, 18:492)
MD Genealogy Forum: Hatton of MD
47058LandPatMd show(Elizabeth,sic,Margaret), wid ofRichardHATTON,late of London,&his broThomasHATTON, Secy of MD, migrated bef23Apr1654 (bef1649?),w/her childrenBarbara, Eleanor/Elinor,Elizabeth, Mary,Richard,&William[perSKORDAS,ABH:422].
(Major) Thomas BROOKE (23 Je. 1632, Battel, England - Nov. 1676, PG, MD), s/o Robert BROOKE & Mary BAKER, m. 1658, Elinor HATTON, d/o Richard of London, & niece of Secretary Thomas HATTON
Thomas BROOKE & Elinor HATTON had Thomas, Robert, Ignatius, Matthew, Clement, Mary, & Eleanor. Robert., Ignatius, & Matthew became Jesuit priests.
Elinor m2. (Col.) Henry DARNALL. By second husband, Elinor had Elizabeth (ca. 1680 - 9 May 1705), who m. Edward DIGGES, will pr. Apr. 1714, s/o Col. Wm. & Eliz.
MD Marriage Records
28737Vol 10 p. 34 Hill, Clement; Ann Darnall, 1724; His Will Pro 25 Aug 1743 d/o Elinor Darnall, Anne Arundel Co, Her Will Pro 21 Feb 1725; Ref: Wills Lib 23 Fol 215 & Lib 18 Fol 492 Land Ofc Annapolis
Vol 3 p.126 Brooke, Mary; James Bowling, 2nd Henry Hall, 3rd Henry Witham, 1696, d/o Col Thomas & Ellinor (Hatton) Brooke, Ref: Wills Lib 2 fol 272; Lib 16 fol 354-527; Lib 18 fol 492 Land Ofc Annapolis
Vol 6 p.21 Darnall, Mary; Charles Carroll, 1724, His Will Pro 28 Jul 1720; d/o Eleanor Darnall, Anne Arundel Co; Her Will Pro 21 Feb 1725; Ref: Wills Lib 18 fol 492 Land Ofc Annapolis
Vol 6 p.24 Darnall, Henry; ___ Brooke, 1st Thomas Brooke, (No Date), Calvert Co; Date on Manuscript: 1693; Ref: Pro Court Judgments Lib DSC fol 361 Land Ofc Annapolis
Vol 10, p. 230 Hatton, Eleanor; Major Thomas Brooke 1676-1725, Col Henry Darnall, St Marys Co d/o Richard & Margaret Hatton, Ref: Judgmts Lib4 Fol359; Lib33 Fol 136-37; EarlySettlers Lib15 Fol561; Lib2 Fol613; Wills Lib5 Fol 123;Lib18Fol 356 LandOfcAnnap
1Thomas Brooke
Birth23 Jun 1632, Battel, Sussex, England47881,47882,47883,47884,47885,47886,47872,47887,47888
Land Soldca 1650, Charles County, MD46713
MemoWadeson Wadeson’s Enlargement 400 ac, Locust Thicket 1060 ac sold to Randolph Hinson & Zach Wade
Residence16 Apr 1664, Calvert County, MD47889,47890
MemoBrookefield, V-W-16, Liber 6, folio 343
Residence16 Apr 1664, Calvert County, MD47891
MemoBrook Wood V-16, L 7 f 2
Land Purchase3 Aug 1666, Calvert County, MD47892
MemoBrooke’s Neck, 150 ac
Residence2 Apr 1668, Calvert County, MD47893
MemoBrooks Content T-10, Liber 11 folio 303
Residence2 May 1668, Calvert County, MD47894
MemoBrookes Grove T-9, Liber 11 folio 303
Land Purchase3 May 1668, Charles County, MD47895
MemoBrookes Landing Q-14 Liber 11 folio 340
Land Purchase3 Aug 1668, Charles County, MD47896,47761
MemoLocust Thicket 1060 ac patent Maj Thomas Brookes; 2 May 1668 P-14 Liber 11 folio 339
Land Purchase10 Jun 1671, Charles County, MD47897
MemoNonesuch Q-11 Liber 14 folio 223
Residence10 Jun 1671, Calvert County, MD47898
MemoPoplar Neck T-15, Liber 14 folio 302
MemoLocust Thicket 1060 ac to Zachary Wade and Randolph Hinson
Will Filed25 Oct 1676, Calvert County, MD47885
MemoWill dated
DeathNov 1676, Calvert County, MD47881,47900,47901,47902,47889,47903,46965,47872,47824,47904,47905,47906
Memobet 25 Oct-29 Dec 1676?
Burialaft 25 Oct 1676
Will Filed29 Dec 1676, Calvert County, MD47885,47907
MemoWill proved Bk 5 Pg 123
Occupation member House of Burgesses & one of the Commissioners of MD to confer with Sir Wm Berkely, Govenor of VA & others regarding the overproduction of tobacco in 166747908
Misc. Notes
Welcome to Wade Family (website)
46150Zachariah Wade will proved 25 May 1677. which Zachariah Wade & his brother (in-law)Randolph Hinton (Note: wife Mary Hatton’s sister, Barbara Hatton’s husband Randolph Hanson) bought fm Thomas Brookes, & land at the head of Piscataway Creek.
Wade Notes:
1. Luke Gardner was married to Elizabeth Hatton and Thomas Brooke was married to Eleanor Hatton, both also sisters of Mary Hatton Wade.
2. Will Luke Gardner of St Mary's Co MD, If all of them died without heirs, the real estate was to go to wife Elizabeth and when she died it was to pass to the children of his brother-in-law Major Thomas Brooke.
3. It appears that Barbara Hatton was married to James Johnson by 1650 and Eleanor Hatton married Thomas Brooke in 1658, so they must have been born by 1634 and 1640, respectively.
4. Eleanor Hatton, daughter of Richard Hatton of London and niece of Thomas Hatton, Secretary of the Province of Maryland, married Major Thomas Brooke, son of Robert Broke and Mary Baker, in 1658.
5. Eleanor Hatton, widow of Maj Thomas Brooke, marr(2) Col Henry Darnall. (ACROSS THE YEARS IN PG CO, Effie Gwynn Bowie, Richmond, VA,1947, reprinted, Genealogical Publg Co, Baltimore, 1975)
6. Col Henry Darnall, who marr: Eleanor Hatton Brooke, was son of Philip Darnall, a barrister of London. H Darnall b:1645, came to MD in1672, marr: Eleanor Brooke aft d: of Maj Thomas Brooke in 1676 & d: 17 Jun 1711, aged 66 (ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S CO)
MD Calendar of Wills
46837Pg 82-95 Gardner, Luke, St Mary’sCo, 4 Dec 1673, 12 Aug 1674 - brother-in-law Major Thomas Brooke, and 1/2 of personalty to god dau. Mary Brooke. 1. 631
Editor: marr Elizabeth Hatton, dau of Richard & Margaret Hatton & niece of Thomas Hatton, former Secy of Province. Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner's sister, Elinor, marr(1)Thomas Brooke & (2) Henry Darnell & her sister Mary, Zachary Wade.
Pg 180-193 Brooke, Thomas, Calvert Co, 25 Oct 1676; 29 Dec 1676. To wife Ellinor .. To eld. son Thomas .. @ 21 yrs, To 2nd son Robert .. @ 21 yrs, To 3rd son Ignatius .. To 4th son Matthew .. To young son Clement .. To dau Ellinor .. To dau Mary .. 5. 123
Editors: Thomas Brooke marr Elinor, dau of Richard & Margaret Hatton. Elinor marr Henry Darnell who died testate in 1711 Anne Arundel (Cal, Vol III, p198) Elinor Darnall(sic) died in 1725 AA(Cal,Vol V, p223)
Pg 194-207 Wade, Zachary, Charles Co 5 Mch 1677; 25 May 1677. To eld son Richard .. brother, Randolph Hinson, from Thomas Brookes 9. 16
Editor: Zachary Wade marr Mary Hatton; ..her sister Elinor marr1) Thos Brooke & 2)Henry Darnell
Pg 208-218 Brooke, Baker, Delabrooke Manor, Calvert Co, 19 Mch 1678; 26 Mch 1679-80. To Wife Anne, execx .. To son Charles .. dec’d bro Col. Thomas Brooke.. To son Leonard .. To dau Mary .. To Mary dau of Dec’d Thomas .. To son Baker 10. 1
Sidelights on MD History
47069Pg 301 Names of Early Settlers in MD w/their earliest land surveys, as recorded in Lord Baltimore’s Rent Rolls for the various Counties: Calvert Co: Brooke’s Neck 150 ac, surv Aug 3, 1666 for Maj Thomas Brooke
Vol II Pt I
Pg9 Col George Beall marr Elizabeth Brooke, dau of Col. Thomas Brooke & his second wife, Barbara Dent & the gr-granddau of Robert Brooke of DeLaBrooke & his wife, Mary Baker
Pg35 Maj Thomas Brooke, 2nd s/o Robert Brooke & Mary Baker-Calvert Co In 1667 he served in an expedition against the Indians also member House of Burgesses & one of the Commissioners MD to confer w/ Sir Wm Berkely, Gov VA & others regard’g the over production of tobacco 1667. Maj ThomasBrooke, marr Eleanor Hatton, niece of Secy of Province. Their son, Col Thomas Brooke, of Brookesfield, PGCo Justice of Calvert Co. Col Thomas Brooke, marr twice (1) 2 daus, 1 son, (2) Barbara Dent - 11 children (6 girls)
Pg75 Col Henry Darnall, outlived his younger brother, was called of the Woodyard .. in PG Co- 1st wife Mary, 2nd wife - widow of Col Thomas Brooke of Brookfield - had a large family
Pg127 Eleanore, dau of Margaret Hatton & Richard marr: Maj Thos Brooke of DeLaBrookes
MD Marriage Records
28737Vol 3 p.126 Brooke, Mary; James Bowling, 2nd Henry Hall, 3rd Henry Witham, 1696, d/o Col Thomas & Ellinor (Hatton) Brooke, Ref: Wills Lib 2 fol 272; Lib 16 fol 354-527; Lib 18 fol 492 Land Ofc Annapolis
Vol 6 p.24 Darnall, Henry; ___ Brooke, 1st Thomas Brooke, (No Date), Calvert Co; Date on Manuscript: 1693; Ref: Pro Court Judgments Lib DSC fol 361 Land Ofc Annapolis
Vol 10, p. 230 Hatton, Eleanor; Major Thomas Brooke 1676-1725, Col Henry Darnall, St Marys Co d/o Richard & Margaret Hatton, Ref: Judgmts Lib4 Fol359; Lib33 Fol 136-37; EarlySettlers Lib15 Fol561; Lib2 Fol613; Wills Lib5 Fol 123;Lib18Fol 356 LandOfcAnnap
Individual: Hatton, Eleanor (d/Rich.&Margaret)(m1), Spouse: Brooke, Maj. Thomas, Date: bef 1676, Source: Skordas
47860 (Maj)
Individual: Hall, Benjamin, Spouse: Brooke, Mary (d/Col. Thomas & Elinor Hatton) (m2), Date: 1693-1695 Source: Linda Reno
47860 (Col.)
Hatton, Eleanor, dau. of Richard and Margaret, m. between 1676 and 1725, 1st, Maj. Thomas Brooke, and 2nd, Col. Henry Darnall (Judgements 4:359, 33:136-7, 264, 267, 269, 130; MD Patent Liber 2:613, 15:123, 15:561, 18:492; ARCHIVES MD 10:356)
47057 (Maj)
Wade Notes: Will Luke Gardner of StMary'sCoMD, If all of them died without heirs, the real estate was to go to wife Elizabeth and when she died it was to pass to the children of his brother-in-law Major Thomas Brooke.
46150 (Maj)
Wade Notes:Eleanor Hatton, daughter of Richard Hatton of London and niece of Thomas Hatton, Secretary of the Province of Maryland, married Major Thomas Brooke, son of Robert Brooke and Mary Baker, in 1658.
46150 (Maj)
Wade Notes: Will of Major Thomas Brooke of Calvert Co, MD, who was born at Battel, England, on 23 Jun1632,(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S CO.) was dated 25 Oct 1676 & proved on 29 Dec 1676. Will Bk 5, pg123, MD CALENDAR OF WILLS, Vol I
46150 (Maj)
WadeNotes:ColHenryDarnall,who marr:EleanorHattonBrooke,was son ofPhilipDarnall,a barrister ofLondon. HDarnall b:1645,came toMD in1672,marr:EleanorBrooke aft d:ofMajThomasBrooke in 1676&d:17Jun1711,aged 66(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S CO)
46150 (Maj)
Pg 208-218 Brooke, Baker, Delabrooke Manor, Calvert Co, 19 Mch1678; 26Mch1679-80. To Wife Anne, execx .. To son Charles .. dec’d bro Col. Thomas Brooke.. To son Leonard .. To dau Mary .. To Mary dau of Dec’d Thomas .. To son Baker 10. 1
46837 (Col)
p.29 Maj Thomas Brooke
20208Pg 301 Names of Early Settlers in MD w/their earliest land surveys, as recorded in Lord Baltimore’s Rent Rolls for the various Counties: Calvert Co: Brooke’s Neck 150 ac, surv Aug 3, 1666 for Maj Thomas Brooke
47069 (Maj)
Vol II Pt I-Pg35Maj Thomas Brooke In1667 he served in an expedition against the Indians
47069Vol II Pt I-Pg127 Eleanore, dau of Margaret Hatton & Richard marr: Maj Thos Brooke of DeLaBrookes
47069 (Maj)
Brooke, Major Thomas/ Poplar Neck T-15/Jun 10, 1671/ L 14 f 302
47909 (Maj)
5. Maj. Thomas Brooke b: Battle 23 Jun 1632 arr MD: 30 Jun 1650, Commissioned 15 Jun 1658 Captain commanding the militia of Calvert Co “fm George Reade’s on the south side & St Leonard’s Creek on the north side to the head of Patuxent River” (MD Archives, iii, 26) & was commissioned Major 11 Feb 1660 (ibid. pg 402)
47911Pg 49 Maj Thomas Brooke
10901Pg 311 Major Thomas Brooke
WadeNotes:will of MajThomasBrooke of CalvertCoMD, who was born at Battel,England,on23Jun1632(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S CO)dtd25 Oct1676&proved29Dec1676.Will Bk5,pg123,MD CALENDAR OF WILLS,Vol I .. His sons, who were under 21 years of age, were born in the following order, Thomas, Robert, Ignatius, Matthew and Clement. Daughter Eleanor (Ellinor) was under 18. The age of daughter Mary was not mentioned. Wife Eleanor (Ellinor) and brothers Baker and Roger were named as executors.
46150 (children? brothers?)
WadeNotes:Eleanor Hatton Brooke Darnall of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, died after 31 March 1724, when she made her will, and before 21 February 1725, when it was proved. Her legatees were son Thomas Brooke, daughter Mary Witham, daughter Eleanor, wife of William Digges, and her children Henry and Philip Darnall Digges (Diggs), and children Mary Carroll, Ann Hill and Henry Darnall. She mentioned a debt of son Clement Brooke. Will Book 18, page 492, MARYLAND CALENDAR OF WILLS, Volume V
46150 (children)
Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1666-1674 Vol 60, (File: MD/Chas CoMD/ChasCoCourt1658)
Pg 429 Maj Thomas Brooks & Ellinor his wife doe acknowledge a Tract of Land unto Zachary Wade & Randolph Hanson. ... 12 Nov 1670 ... Zachary Wade of Charles Co & Randolph Hanson of St Maryes Co
Pg 180-193 Brooke,Thomas,CalvertCo, 25 Oct1676; 29Dec1676. Editors: See also Combs & of St Mary’s 1656-1699 and Combs & of Anne Arundel
46837Charles Co MD Land Tracts
46838Brooke, Maj Thomas/Brookes Landing Q-14/May 3, 1668/L 11 f 340
Brooke, Maj Thomas/Locust Thicket P-14/May 2, 1668/ L 11 f 339
Brooke, Thomas/Dan L-5/Sep 6, 1694/ L B#23 f 223
Brookes, Thomas/Nonesuch Q-11/Jun 10, 1671/ L 14 f 223
Marriageabt 1658, St Mary’s County, MD47864,47883,47884,47815,47756,47913,47914,46966,47872,46973
Marr Memobet 1658-1679? bet 1676-1725? bef 1676?
2Henry Darnall
Residence1696, Prince George’s County, MD47931
Land Purchasebef 24 Feb 1700, Prince George’s County, MD47934
Memoland surveyed for him near The Forest, on Piscattaway Branch
Residence1703, Prince George’s County, MD47943
Memo7000 ac known as “His Lordship’s Kindness” he received from Lord Baltimore, later called Poplar Hill
MemoWill dated, Calendar of Wills Vol III, pg 198
Death17 Jun 1711, Anne Arundel County, MD47917,47882,47918,47920,47921,47923,47929,47945,47946,47947,47948
Memoage 66, bef 18 Jan 1729?
MemoWill proved, Will Book 13, pg 223, MD Calendar of Wills, Vol 3, Calendar of Wills Vol III, pg 198?
Land SoldFeb 1722, Prince George’s County, MD47949
Memo712 ac Forrest bounded by Crock Creek & 1500 ac Baltimore Co. on So. side of mail falls of Gunpowder River called Northampton
OccupationSurveyor General47950
Misc. Notes
By 1711, Colonel Darnall’s estate included more than 35,000 ac of land and more than 100 slaves. At the time of his death, most of his estate was willed to his son, Henry Darnall II.
47910Early Landowners of MD
47951By 1710 more than one quarter of the certified acreage granted in Prince George’s County was owned by ten individuals: (one of them is) Henry Darnall, with 14 Tracts, 32,607 Certified Acres
47952,47070,47953,47058,47954,47910,18958,47955Hatton, Eleanor, dau. of Richard and Margaret, m. between 1676 and 1725, 1st, Maj. Thomas Brooke, and 2nd, Col. Henry Darnall (Judgements 4:359, 33:136-7, 264, 267, 269, 130; MD Patent Liber 2:613, 15:123, 15:561, 18:492; ARCHIVES MD 10:356)
47057 (Col)
Elinor HATTON Brooke married second Col. Henry DARNELL of the 1689 Maryland Protestant Revolution. Both died in Anne Arundel County.
47340 (Col.)
Wade Notes:Eleanor Hatton, widow of MajThomasBrooke,marr(2)Col HenryDarnall.(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PG CO, EffieGwynnBowie,Richmond,VA,1947,reprinted,Genealogical PublgCo,Baltimore,1975)
46150 (Col)
WadeNotes:ColHenryDarnall,who marr:EleanorHattonBrooke,was son ofPhilipDarnall,a barrister ofLondon. HDarnall b:1645,came toMD in1672,marr:EleanorBrooke aft d:ofMajThomasBrooke in 1676&d:17Jun1711,aged 66(ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S CO)
46150 (Col)
Across the Yrs PG Co
47347 Pg 426 Came to the Province in 1693; lived with his uncle Clement Hill, Senr until Sep 1696 when he marr Ann Darnall (b:1680 d:Mar 1749 Col Dames Paper) dau of Col Henry Darnall of the Woodyard (Col)
Vol II Pt I-Pg75 Col Henry Darnall
47069 (Col)
Pg 49 Col Henry Darnall
10901Pg 311 Col Henry Darnall
MD Indexes, Marr Refs MSA S 1527
47057Hill, Clement, m. by 18 Jan 1729, [-?-] Darnall, in admin. acct. of Col. Henry Darnall of PG Co. (MDAD 9:245).
Wade Notes: will, dated 28 April 1711 and proved on 17 July 1711, Henry Darnall of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, bequests to his wife, sons-in-law Charles Carroll, Clement Hill and Edward Digges (who was married to Elizabeth Darnall), stepson (son-in-law) Clement Brooke (son of Eleanor Hatton and Thomas Brooke), daughters Ann Hill and Mary Carroll, sons Philip Darnall and Henry "Harry" Darnall, and some grandchildren. Will Book 13, page 223, MARYLAND CALENDAR OF WILLS, Volume 3.
46150 (children?)
Darnall, Col. Henry/The Girles Portion O-7/Sep 20, 1687/L 22 f 319
46838 (Him?)
Darnall, Col. Henry/Potomack Landing T-16/Apl 5, 1685/L 22 f 166
Darnell, Col. Henry/The Addition S-15/Apl 5, 1685 L 22 f 267
Darnell, Col. Henry/The Forrest L-6/ Nov 12, 1694/ L C#3, f 228
Darnall, Col. Henry/assigned from N. Beale/Concord S-11/ Jul 20, 1686/L 22 f 252
47909 (Him?)
Darnall, Col. Henry/Bring T-14/Feb 22, 1681/2 /L 22 f 1
Darnall, Col. Henry/Graiden T-10/ 1686 L BC&GS#51 f 445
Darnall, Col. Henry/Darnall’s Delight T-14/ Jun 28, 1683/ CB#3 f 417
Darnall, Col. Henry/Darnall’s Grove V-8/ Mar 8 1681/2 - L 21 f 398
Darnall, Col. Henry/Prevention U9/Sep 3, 1684/ L 22 f 157
Darnall, Col. Henry/The Exchange T-16/Sep 4, 1694/ BB#3 f 489
Darnall, Esq. Henry/Strife W-10/Jul 4, 1680/ L 21 f 236
MD Genealogies Pg 4
47861About this date (1687) a meeting of the Council was held at his (Andrew Abington) house, attended by Col. Henry Darnell, Mr. Nicholas Sewall & Mr. Clement Hill (Same Henry Darnell?)
Marr Memobef 1671? bef 1678? bef 1693?