Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Residencebef 1797, Scotland44945
Residence1797, Highland County, VA44945
MemoStraight Creek, near Monterey
Residence1848, Highland County, VA44947
MemoHouseholders on Map of County Surveyor, Straight Creek
Pg 391-4 Tithables in 1822, for portion of Highland then part of Pendleton: Trimble, James - Pg 391-4 Tithables in 1822, for portion of Highland then part of Pendleton: Trimble, James - James, Jr. - John
21729 (Same one?)
24038 James Trimble same page as George Seybert, his wife’s father related?
Memobef 1794; 1787 - before parents marriage?
Census1810, Pendleton County, VA44927