Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1810, Pendleton County, VA42867
Pg 19 On May 18, 1762 certificates for naturalization were issued in Augusta Co for a number who were residents of the South Fork or South Branch Valleys: Henry Pickle
39095 (could be her father?)
1George Seybert
Birth1750, Fort Seybert, Augusta County, VA42850,42843,42844,42845,42846,42847,42848,42849,42851,42852,42853,42854,42856,42857,42865
Memonow Pendleton County; abt 1757? abt 1745?
Residenceca 1768, Augusta County, VA32752
MemoStraight Creek, now Highland County
Census1810, Pendleton County, VA42854
Tax List1822, Pendleton County, VA38090
Memonow Highland Co. (exempt)
Death MemoWFT Est 1786-1841? 1791? Bef 10 Aug 1812?
Misc. Notes
From story in the Pendleton Times Newspaper: On 28 Apr 1785 ... The six Seybert children were taken captive. The eldest son, Nicholas, was sold to the French and taken to Canada, where he escaped in 1761. The others were released in 1764.
MD Genealogical Records Committee s1 v061
7564Pg 56 Montgomery County established 1776 from Prince George’s County, Patriots Oath 1778, Mar Court 1778
List of persons taken oath bef different magistrates returned to Montgomery Court /s/ Gerrard Briscoe (Returns)
44. George Seybert
1810VAPendletonNoTwp429 George Seybert 1M <10, 1M 45+, 3F 16-26, 1F 26-45, 1F 45+ (Who is Female 26-45? Another daughter?)
ChildrenSarah (>1791-1882)