Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Memobef 1794; 1787 - before parents marriage?
Census1810, Pendleton County, VA44927
Residencebef 1797, Scotland44945
Residence1797, Highland County, VA44945
MemoStraight Creek, near Monterey
Residence1848, Highland County, VA44947
MemoHouseholders on Map of County Surveyor, Straight Creek
Pg 391-4 Tithables in 1822, for portion of Highland then part of Pendleton: Trimble, James - Pg 391-4 Tithables in 1822, for portion of Highland then part of Pendleton: Trimble, James - James, Jr. - John
21729 (Same one?)
24038 James Trimble same page as George Seybert, his wife’s father related?