Misc. Notes
Family Search
4286Indiv Recd Henry Seybert (AFN:VD2F-QH)B:30 Nov 1743 Martinsburg, Berkeley Co VA,D:10 Oct1795 Parents Jacob Seibert (AFN:MBQG-W6)& Maria Elisabetha Theiss (AFN:VD30-16) Marr: Rachel Trail (AFN:VD2F-RN) abt 1772 (N Smith, Ontario CA Subm AF93-108396 & Hope Kosier Mt View CA AF92-105978)
Indiv Recd Jacob Seibert (AFN:MBQG-W6) Marr: Maria Elisabetha Theiss (AFN:VD30-16) 26 Feb 1739 Berks Co, PA, & Maria Elisabetha Theiss (AFN:10L0-N6K) (Hope Kosier Mt View CA AF92-105978 & Others)
Indiv Recd Maria Elisabetha Theiss(AFN:VD30-16)B: 29 Jun 1721 Baumholder, Rheinland, Prussia, Christening 29 Jun 1721, D:28 Apr 1758 Ft Seybert VA, Parents: Hans Matthias Theiss (H4KD-R5) & Maria Margreth (H4KD-SB) or Johann Mattheus Theiss (10L0-N3X) (Hope Kosier Mt View CA AF92-105978 & Others)
Tice Family
391672. John Henry SEYBERT s/o 4. Johan Jacob SEIBERT Seybert and 5. Maria Elizabetha THEISS
5. Maria Elizabetha THEISS d/o 10. Hans Matheus "Matheis" THEUSS Theiss & 11. Maria Margaretha ENGEL
Child of Johanna & Christopher"SEIBERT is: 4.i.Johan Jacob SEIBERT Seybert..He marr Maria Elizabetha THEISS 26 FEB 1739 Tulpehocken Region PA(BerksCo),d/o Hans Matheus "Matheis"THEUSS Theiss & Maria Margaretha ENGEL.
vii. Maria Elizabetha THEISS ..She married Johan Jacob SEIBERT Seybert 26FEB1739 Tulpehocken Region,PA (Berks Co), s/o Stophel "Christopher" SEIBERT & Johanna. He was born ABT1717 Soterm, Germany & died 28 APR 1758 Fort Seybert VA (now Augusta Co, WV).
Dave’s Genealogy
391682. John Henry SEYBERT s/o 4. Johan Jacob Seybert\ SEIBERT and 5. Maria Elizabetha THEISS d/o 10. Hans Matheus "Matheis" Theiss\ THEUSS & 11. Maria Margaretha ENGEL.
Children of Maria Margaretha ENGEL & Hans Matheus"Matheis"Theiss are: vii. Maria Elizabetha THEISS .. She married Johan Jacob Seybert\ SEIBERT 26 FEB 1739 in Tulpehocken Region, PA (Berks Co), son of Stophel "Christopher" SEIBERT and Johanna
The Walter-Wood-Harper Family
391692. Henry Seybert s/o 4. Jacob Seibert and 5. Maria Elisabetha Theus.
5. Maria Elisabetha Theus was born BEF. 29 JUN 1721 in Baumholder, Germany, and died 28 APR 1758 in Fort Seybert, Augusta County, VA. She was the daughter of 10. Hans Matheus Theus and 11. Maria Margretha
ChildrenMariaMargretha&HansMatheusTheus are:5.vii.MariaElisabethaTheus was born BEF29JUN 1721BaumholderGermany&died 28APR1758FortSeybertAugustaCoVA. She marrJacobSeibert 26FEB1738/39PA. He was bornABT1717SotermGermany&died28APR1758Fort SeybertAugustaCoVA
Update 7 Nov 2004: Source: Broderbund WFT Vol 5, Ed 1, Tree#0327, Date: Aug 5, 1997
Update 7 Nov 2004: Source: “Mathias Dice Family” by Jack Ackerboom, draft 22 Sep 1997
The Seibert
39099Pg 25 Tulpehocken, Seiberts: John Jacob Seibert & Mary Elizabeth Theiss were marr Telpehocken Feb 26, 1739 by John Casper Stoever, a noted Luthern minister.
Pg 43 Theiss - Lauer: Maria Elisabetha Theiss b: Grunbach, Kreis Birkenfeld, Rheinland bapt: Jun 29, 1721 at the Baumholder (Nahe) Reformed Ch. d/o Hans Matthes & Maria Margreth Theiss.
Pg 43 Theiss - Lauer: MariaElisabethaTheiss came to America in1738 with her broNickel&possibly a sister. On the same ship was JohnJacobSeibert, whom she marr atTulpehocken Feb26, 1739. MaryElizabeth’s older bro HansMatthias(II) had come to Amer 1730.
Pg 44 Theiss-Lauer: 7. Maria Elisabetha Theiss bap: Jun 29, 1721 to America 1738 m JJS
Family Ties - Fort Seybert
32789From story in the Pendleton Times Newspaper: On 28 Apr 1785 ... Among those killed were Jacob and Elizabeth Seybert and Jacob’s mother Hannah Lawrence.
MaryElizabethTheiss&JacobSeibert(Seybert) were marr Feb26, 1739, inTulpehockenPA byRevJohnCasperStoever. Recd tract of land inBethelTownship that yr&stayed there until 1749 when they sold 100ac&went to South Branch of the Potomac in AugustaCoVA
Descendants of Matthias Theiss
327901. Matthias & Maria ch: + 8 F vii. Maria Elizabeth Theiss b: 29 Jun 1721 d: 28 Apr 1758
7. John Nickel Theiss Notes:Joh.Nickel & Mary Elizabeth Theiss,children of Matthias(1670-1732) & Maria Margretha, came to America on the shipDAVY, which arr in Phila Oct 1739. With them was Nichols Hebner (Heavener), who settled first at Tulpehocken & later on SoBranch
8. Maria Elizabeth Theiss (Source: The Genealogists Post, Jun 1966. “Jacob Seybert, a native of Germany, came to a settlement in what is now Highland Co VA. He became established his new home on the headwaters of Straight Creek..)
8. Maria Elizabeth Theiss b: 29 Jun 1721 Grunbach, Germany christened 29 Jun 1721 Grunbach, Germany(Source: Baumholder Reformed Ch Records). d: 28 Apr 1758 Augusta (now Pendleton) VA
8. Maria Elizabeth Theiss marr: Jacob Seybert s/o Jacob Seibert & Catharine Kuntzer on 26 Feb 1739. Jacob b: 1716 d: 28 Apr 1758
Notes: On 27Apr1758, fort at UpperTract was attacked & 23people killed.The next day,Ft Seybert was attacked & nearly every adult..scalped, young..spared were taken captive. Among those killed were Jacob & Elizabeth Seybert & his Mother Hannah Lawrence
39170Jacob Seibert/Seybert b: 1716 Soterm, Germany d: 1761 Tulpehocken, PA Marr: 26 Feb 1738/39 PA Maria Eilsabetha Theiss b: 29 Jun 1721 Grunbach, Germany d: 28 Apr 1758 Fort Seybert, VA (now WV) She arrived with bro Nickel on ship “Davy” 25 Oct 1738
Margaret Seybert b: 1746 d: 1801 Parents: Jacob Seibert b: 1716 & Maria Eilsabetha Theiss b: 1721; Marr: William Janes
Henry Seybert b: 30 Nov 1743 d: 10 Oct 1795 Parents: Jacob Seibert b: 1716 & Maria Eilsabetha Theiss b: 1721; Marr: abt 1772 Rachel Trail
George Seybert b: 1750 Parents: Jacob Seibert b: 1716 & Maria Eilsabetha Theiss b: 1721 Marr: 21 Jan 1781 Unknown; Marr2: 1791 Unknown
Elizabeth Seybert b: 1753 Parents: Jacob Seibert b: 1716 & Maria Eilsabetha Theiss b: 1721 Marr: Henry Janes
The Seiberts of Saarland, PA & WV
39096Pg 11. 30 Aug 1730 Rotterdam via Dover: Matthias Theiss, sister Marr: Jacob Seibert WV; Marr: Lauer;
Pg 13 Matthias Theiss ch: Elizabeth Marr: Seibert;
Pg 26 Marr: 26 Feb 1739 Elizabeth Theiss;
Pg 40 Elizabeth Theiss d/o Matthias Theiss I, Marr: Jacob Seibert
1Johan Jacob Seybert
Birth1716, Sotern, Rhineland Pfalz, Germany39008,39009,39010,39011,39012,39013,39014,39015,39016,39017,39018,39019,39020,39021,39022,39023,39024,39025,39026,39027
Memoabt 1717? Eiselban? 1720? 1710?
Baptismabt 1731, Wolfersweiler, Saar, Germany39028
Confirmation1731, Sotern Lutheran Church, Sotern, Germany39029
Residenceca 1735, Grunbach, Germany39030
Residence1738, Tulpehocken, Lancaster County, PA39031,39032
Memonow Berks County, PA
Memo209 ac land grant, surveyed in 1753 for George Mease, never patented
Residence1748, Pendleton County, VA39039
MemoSouth Branch of the Potomac, now WV
Land Sold1749, Bethel Township, Lancaster County, PA39034,39035
Memo100 acres
MemoSouth Branch of the Potomac
Memoon delinquent tax list; 1748?
Residence28 Aug 1750, Augusta County, VA39047
Residence1753, Pendleton County, VA39048
Memomoved to the area
Memo210 ac tract of land from Robert Green (patent 12 Jan 1746) to John Patton Jr 5 Nov 1747 to Jacob Seybert 21 May 1755, adjoining land of Nicholas Heavener, southernmost branch of South Branch of Potowmack, corner Rodger Dyer
Land Purchase10 Nov 1757, Augusta County, VA39058,39059
Memo88 ac land patent; on the mountain between the South Fork and South Branch of Potomac; Michael Mallow’s line
Death28 Apr 1758, Fort Seybert, Augusta County, VA39060,39061,39062,39063,39064,39065,39066,39067,39068,39069,39070,39071,39072,39073,39074,39075,39076,39077,39078,39079
Memonow Pendleton County, WV; Killed by Indians 40 Shawnees, led by Killbuck, Highland Co, VA?
Memonow Pendleton County, WV; Mass grave, Monument erected in 1936
Will Filed18 May 1758, Pendleton County, VA39087
MemoDaniel Smith named administrator for the estate
Will Filed19 Aug 1761, Pendleton County, VA39088
MemoSettlement of Estate
ReligionTrinity Reformed Church (1748)39091
GrvNichSeybert00356.tif Loc 1 mi West of Forks of Waters on the road leading to Crabbottom,VA. His(Nicholas Seybert) father, Captain Seybert, was in command of Fort Seybert where the people had taken refuge when the (indian) massacre started. ... Fort Seybert is in what is now (1936) Pendleton County, WV, near Brandywine, rather than in Highland County, VA
2747John Heinrich (Henry) Seybert, son of Cpt. John Jacob Seybert who died at Fort Seybert, WV on 4/28/1758
32791From Acct by Andrea Dalen Larrivee, Descendant of early settler, Roger Dyer: Fort Seybert was built in 1757 (named for Jacob Seybert, who had moved to the area in 1753 & had been commissioned in 1757 as first captain of militia in that section)
32789Capt John Jacob Seybert
32792In March of 1757, Jacob Seybert was commissioned a Captain to head up the militia on the South Branch. On 27 Apr 1758, the fort at Upper Tract was attacked and 23 people killed. The next day, Fort Seybert was attacked and nearly every adult at the fort was scalped, while the young who were spared were taken captive. Among those killed were Jacob and Elizabeth Seybert and Jacob’s mother Hannah Lawrence. The six Seybert children were taken captive. The eldest son, Nicholas, was sold to the French and taken to Canada, where he escaped in 1761. The others were released in 1764.
32789From Acct by Andrea Dalen Larrivee, Descendant of early settler, Roger Dyer: Fort Seybert was built in 1757 (named for Jacob Seybert, who had moved to the area in 1753 and had been commissioned in 1757 as first captain of militia in that section)
327898.Maria Elizabeth Theiss Notes: In Mar 1757 Jacob Seibert was commissioned a Captain to head up the militia on the South Branch. On 27 Apr 1758, the fort at Upper Tract was attacked and 23 people killed. The next day, Fort Seybert was attacked and nearly every adult at the fort was scalped, while the young who were spared were taken captive. Among those killed were Jacob and Elizabeth Seybert & Jacob’s Mother Hannah Lawrence.
32790VA Colonial Soldiers
2750Pg 5 Most references are to officers in the county militia who, in order to receive their commissions, had to take the requisite oath of office to the grown. The date is the term of court in which the individual is mentioned: Augusta County Militia: 16 Mar 1757 Jacob Sybert, Capt
The Fort Seybert Massacre
39095Pg 43 Jacob Seybert is said to have been commissioned Captain of Militia in Augusta County in 1757. (S: Lough, Alonza D., Fort Seybert Massacre)
Pg 47 The command (of Fort Seybert) was entrusted to Jacob Seybert, who, in March 1757, was commissioned the first captain of militia in that section. Seybert had come from Frederick County, MD, four years before. He was one of seven brothers and had been born in Eisleben, Germany, the birthplace of Martin Luther.
Pg 18 Jacob Seibert (d: 1758): 16 Mar 1757 Surety for Mark Muller; named militia captain
Pg 332
21729Jacob (1) is elsewhere mentioned. There were 7 brothers, whose descendants are many. One of the second generation was - Phillip - m. Mrs. Margaret Sims - C-3. - John - Mary (m. John Fleisher, 1805) - Rachel (m. Peter Simmons, 1811)
Johan Jacob Seibert came to America in 1738
39097 (different Johan Jacob Seibert came to America on ship Davy 1738
Grandson of Hans Nickel Seibert, son of Jacob; OR grandson of Hans, son of Christopher? Who is father of Johann Jacob Seibert and Johann Wendel Seibert or are there two families with similar children?
39099Pg 25 Tulpehocken, Seiberts: John Jacob Seibert & his bro John Wendel, landed at Phila in Oct 1738 and likely proceeded directly to the Tulpehocken Valley in what is now Berks Co, then Lancaster Co, PA (different John Jacob Seibert & brother Bernard Seibert were on Ship Davy 1738
39098 There is a John Wendel but not John Wendel Seybert/Seibert on the Ship Davy list)
Pg 43 Theiss - Lauer: came to America in 1738 On the same ship was John Jacob Seibert (There are no Lauer’s on the Ship Davy List. The Theiss/Thys were on Ship Davy
From story in the Pendleton Times Newspaper: On 28 Apr 1785 ... The
six Seybert children were taken captive.
32789 (Six children not seven?)
8.Maria Elizabeth Theiss marr: Jacob Seybert (Source: 1 Mary Harter, Marriage Bonds Pendleton Co, R929.37549 H328M; 2 Raymond Martin Bell, Emigrants from Wolfersweiler Parish Germany, To PA before 1750. National Genealogical Society Quarterly 63:2 (June 1975) pp. 105-109) s/o Jacob Seibert & Catharine Kuntzer on 26 Feb 1739. Jacob b: 1716 d: 28 Apr 1758
32790 (Son of Jacob & Catharine not Christopher & Johanna? However Mother Hannah Lawrence (not Katharina Kuntzler) died with him at Fort Seybert?)
PA Foreign Oaths of Allegiance (Original Data Source: Egle, William Henry. Names of Foreigners Who Took The Oath of Allegiance To The Province And State of Pennsylvania, 1727-1775, With The Foreign Arrivals, 1786-1808. Harrisburg, PA, USA: E.K. Meyers, 1892
15514Johan Jacob Seibert, 20, Ship: Glasgow; Captain: Walter Sterling; Place: Rotterdam; Date: Sep 9, 1738; Immigrants into PA Vol I (Him?)
Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in VA
27266 (Frederick Co MD? Same land he purchased on 21 May 1755)
Deed Bk No. 16 Pg 494: Pg 184 3May 1769 Nicholas Sybert (Seybert), eldest son and heir at law of Jacob Sybert, deceased of Frederick Co MD to John Blizard, L200, 210 acres on southernmost branch of South Branch of Potowtnack, part of 2,643 acres patented to Robert Green, 12th January 1746, and by him conveyed to John Patton Jr, 5th November 1747, and by him conveyed to said Jacob Seybert, 21st May 1755; corner Rodger Dyer. Teste: Mathew Patton, James Dyer, Adam Lock, Robert Minnis, Delivered: Daniel Smith, September 1770.
ID Society of NS SAR, National # 53409, State # 259 Edward Francis Seibert Jr., Desc of Jacob Seibert, A soldier in the American Revolution, Accepted 11 May 1936
20210 (same Jacob Seybert? two wives? son Jacob?)
Ref: Colonial Records of NC, Vol 16, pg 1130 & My sister’s National DAR No. 192,264 & PA Archives 5th Series Vol 5, pg 188. Mrs. H. H. Schank, Archivist, Harrisburg, PA
Son of Richard Francis Seibert b: 1889 & Florence Culver Seibert b: 1890 Marr: 1915
Grandson of Frank Edgar Seibert b: 1864 d: 1918 & Annie Elizabeth Casey b: 1865 d: 1931 marr: 1883
Gr Grandson of John Seibert b: 1819 d: 1874 & Susan Light b: 1823 d: 1871 marr:1843
2Gr Grandson of Henry Seibert b: 1782 d:1834 & Catherine Butterbaugh b: 1790 d:1864 Marr: 1809
3Gr Grandson of Jacob Seibert b: 3 Feb 1751 Dauphin Co PA d: 18 Apr 1830 MD & Sophia Keller b: 1752 d: 1793 Marr: 1775, Served in Capt Nash’s Coompany of Militia, Alsace Township, Berks County
4Gr Grandson of John Jacob Seibert b: 1716 d: 1793 & 1. Elizabeth Mary Theiss; 2. Mrs. Catherine Sheets
Pg 47 Jacob Seybert was one of seven brothers and had been born in Eisleben, Germany,
39095 (seven brothers?)
Pg 19 Jacob Seibert (d: 1758); 18 May 1758 Daniel Smith named administrator for estate
39096 (who is Daniel Smith?)
US & Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index 1500s-1900s
1009 (Related? NY not VA?)
Johan Jacob Seybert; Arrival: 1715-1716 NY, NY; Source: 8270 Scott, Kenneth & Kenn Stryker-Rodda. Denizations, Naturalizations, and Oaths of Allegiance in Colonial New York. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co 1975. 120p. Pg 59
Jacob Seybert; Arrival: 1733 PA; Source: 1033.11 Burgert, Annette Kunselman. PA Pioneers from Wolfersweiler Parish, Saarland, Germany. Worthington, OH: AKB Publications, 1983. 44p. Pg 3
Marriage26 Feb 1739, Tulpehocken, Berks County, PA39172,39173,39174,39175,39176,39177,39178,39179,39180,39181,39182,39183,39184,39185,38998,39186,39187,39119,39003,39004,39005,39007
Marr Memo1738/39? by Rev. John Casper Stoever, Luthern Minister