1Leonard Lee Gum
Birth28 Apr 1788, Bath County, VA37807,37808,37745,37809,37810,37811,37812,37813,37814,37815,37816,37817,37818,37819,37820,37821,37822,37785,37823,37824,37825,37793,37794,37826,37827,37828,35470,32713,37804,35471,34733
Memo1787? bet 1770-1780?
Land Purchase29 Nov 1833, Bath County, VA37836
Memo92 acres, E. of Back Creek Mountain, Land Ofc Grant No. 82, 1833, p 390 (Reel 148), next to Thomas Ruckman
Land Purchase11 Sep 1839, Bath County, VA37837,37838
MemoJesse Slaven & Ann deeded land to Leonard Gum, Bath Co Deed Bk VIV, 1837-1842, p.255)
Land Purchase12 Nov 1839, Bath County, VA37839,37840
MemoJesse Slaven and Ann, Deed, acknowledged and ordered recorded
Land Purchase5 Dec 1842, Bath County, VA37843
MemoReubin Slaven & Betsey, his wife to Leonard & Kersey Gum, (Has this been misread for Henry, a son?)
Land Purchase14 Mar 1843, Bath County, VA37844
MemoDeed, Reubin Slaven & Betsey Ann, his wife to Leonard & Henry Gum, ack. & admitted to record
Land Purchase14 Oct 1845, Bath County, VA37845
MemoDeed fm David Given & Margaret, his wife, to Leonard Gum, ack and Ordered Recorded
Land Sold12 May 1846, Bath County, VA37846
MemoDeed Leonard Gum & Ann, his wife, to Wm Byrd, ack. & adm. to record
Land Sold12 May 1846, Bath County, VA25463
MemoDeed Leonard Gum & Ann, his wife, to David Gwin ack. & adm. to record
Residence29 Apr 1848, Bath County, VA25464
Memoland joining Michael Trainer, David Gwin, Land Office Grant #100, p.94 (Reel 166)
MemoDistrict 25, formerly Bath County, VA
MemoWill Bk I, pg 124
Death10 Jul 1853, Highland County, VA37852,37853,35438,37854,37855,37856,37857,37858,37859,37860,37861,37862,37863,37864,37865,37866,37867,37794,37868,37869,37870,35470,32713,37804,35471,37851,34733
Memoperitonitis; 65 yrs 2 mos 12 das
Memoon the L. H. Blagg farm, County Route 600; Greenbrier Co WV? Pocahontas Co WV? Hightown, Highland Co VA?
Will FiledAug 1853, Highland County, VA37851
MemoWill probated
Will Filed1853, Highland County, VA37874
Will Filed1853, Highland County, VA37875
MemoExecutor Bond
Will Filed12 May 1854, Highland County, VA37876
MemoWife, Anna Gum, renounced his will
Anst File#AFN:10SD-WP537882