Misc. Notes
From story in the Pendleton Times Newspaper: On 28 Apr 1785 ... The six Seybert children were taken captive. The eldest son, Nicholas, was sold to the French and taken to Canada, where he escaped in 1761. The others were released in 1764.
32789,32790Pg 54 Will Book 3 pg 238-239:
24918 10 Aug 1812. Will of Nicholas Seybert. Whole estate to be sold and the proceeds divided equally among the children of my brother George, brother Henry, sister Elizabeth, sister Catharine, and sister Margaret. Executor to make deeds of conveyance to all who have just claims. Executor: nephew Jacob Seybert. Signed: Nicholas Seybert. Witnesses: Jacob Havnor, Adam Havnor, Adam Stephenson. Proved by witnesses, 5 Apr 1813
Pg 150 Will Book 4 pg 158: 16 Jul 1813. Appraisal of a further part of the estate of Nicholas Seybert. No total. Not signed. Recorded 5 Jan 1819
Pg 150 Inventories 4 pg 158-160: 16 Apr 1813. Sale Bill of Nicholas Seybert. Purchasers: Matthias Benson, John Beverage, John Bird, Adam Boyer, Adam Bumgardner, James Burk(?), Abraham Gum, Samuel Gibson, Becky Gum, Isaac Gum, Jacob Gum, Mary Gum, Leonard Hammer, Miss Hays, Daniel Hefner, Adam Hull Sr., Adam Hull Jr., John Janes, Wm Janes, Hopkin Jones, Thomas Kinkead, John Lance (?), Daniel Moore, John Peck, Jacob Reintzel, Jacob Sybert, Wm Seybert, John Sharrot, Lennard(sic) Wade, Michael Webright. Includes Bible. No total. Not signed. Recorded: 5 Jan 1819.
Pg 150 Inventories 4 pg 161-162: 16 Jul 1813. Sale Bill of a further part of the estate of Nicholas Seybert. Purchasers: Leonard Boyer, Benjamin Eagle, John Gall Sr, Samuel Gibson, Abraham Gum, Edward Janes, Henry Nicholas, Jacob Seybert, Otha Wade. Includes notes on Philip Ramer; George Waldrum, assignee of George Caplinger, due 7 Oct 1796; James Rine, Leonard Wade, Jacob Winebright, George Hays, Edward Burress, John Propst. No total. Not signed. Recorded: 5 Jan 1819
Pg 150 Inventories 4 pg 162: 26 Dec 1814. Sale Bill of the lands of Nicholas Seybert. Purchasers: Jacob Seybert (tract adjoining Peter Hull at Straight Creek); John Gall Jr (tract in town of Woodsburg); Saml Gibson (2 tracts in town of Woodsburg); Robert Hayslet (tract adjoining Gibson, this sold 30 Dec 1818). No total. Not signed. Recorded 5 Jan 1819.
Pg 157 Inventories 4 pg 276-277: 20 May 1819. Settlement of the estate of Nicholas Seybert, with Jacob Seybert, executor. Payments to H. Seybert and M. Seybert, John Propst, Jacob Hull, Wm Crawford, A Kee, H Simmon (on deed of trust), Mathias Benson, Wm McCoy, Peter Simon, Adam Halterman, Jane Grim, Jacob Gum, Sally Hays, George Hays, Otho Wade (preaching the funeral), Isaac Gum, Edward Janes, Adam Hul, Thomas Kincaid, Adam Hevner, Wm Janes, John Sitlington, Sheriff, Clerk, re: George Waldren (note cannot be collected). Jhn H. Payton, recording deed (from heirs of Mustoe) for the estate, Mary Kee. Balance: $764.43. Signed: Jno Sitlington, Peter Hull. Recorded: 7 Mar 1821.
Pg 52, 28 Apr 1758 The captives whose names are known were Nicholas Seybert
BeverageHome00437.tif Loc 4mi east of MontereyVA on StraightCreek on county Route629.HistoricalSignificance:NicholasSeybert.. He was also a First Lieutenant in the Augusta Militia of 1779.
2747GrvNichSeybert00356.tif Loc 1 mi West of Forks of Waters on the road leading to Crabbottom,VA. (Nicholas Seybert) was a First Lieutenant in the Muster Roll, Captain Hull's company, Second Battalion, Augusta Militia, 1779, according to the original paper in his own handwriting.
2747"Peter Hull, Capt. 1777, and as such commanded a troop of cavalry in Yorktown. ,\luster(sic) roll of his company, 2nd Battalion, Augusta County Militia, 1779, taken from a list written by Lt. Seybert, and given in Morton's History of Highland County, Virginia. Privates: Isaac Gum, Jacob Gum, William Gum. 7
258688. Maria Elizabeth Theiss Notes: Nicholas Seybert became a soldier in the Revolution
32790VA Militia in the Revolutionary War:
20381. PART II Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution page 148 Muster roll of his company Second Battalion, Augusta militia, 1779. Taken from the list written by Lt.
Seybert, and given in Morton's History of Highland County (Va.)
2. PART II Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution page 148 Nicholas
Seybert, First Lt. Jacob Hoover, Ensign.
3. PART III Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution page 184
Seybert, Nicholas, F. L., S. March 16, 1778--under J. McCoy.
Revolutionary War Officers
44284Fifteenth VA pg 490 Seybert, Nicholas (MD). Ensign 1st MD Battalion of the Flying Camp, Jul to Dec 1776; 2d Lieutenant 7th MD, 20 Feb 1777; dropped 4 Jul 1777.
Pg 55 Nicholas Seybert went into the Rev War from MD, was a Lieutenant, but dropped out there, & later joined a VA regiment (S: Heitman F G, Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army, 1893. p. 362. Chalkey: Vol 1, p. 202)
39095Part II VA Militia Pensioners
2038Pg 147 Section No. 180 Hull, Peter. - Captain, 1779 and as such commanded a troop of cavalry in Yorktown campaign.
Pg 148 Muster roll of his company Second Battalion Augusta militia, 1779. Taken from the list written by Lt Seybert, and given in Morton’s History of Highland County (VA).
Peter Hull, Captain
Nicholas Seybert, First Lt
Henry Fisher, Second Lt
Jacob Hoover, Ensign
Part III VA Militia Officers
Pg 184 Seybert, Nicholas, First Lt, Sworn into office 16 Mar 1778 under J. McCoy
Pg 27 John Jacob Seibert Family: Nicholas Seibert In 1780 he was a lieutenant in the Berks Co militia. Pg 50 Berks Co Nicholas Seibert Lt 1780 - Capt John Anspach
39099 (same Nicholas?)
Partial List of Early Settlers Revolutionary Soldiers & Graves of Augusta County Soldiers located to date
37577Image47of84 Capt Peter Hull’s Co 1781, Capt Peter Hull 1779 commander of troop of Cavalry at Yorktown Campaign:
Lt. Nicholas Seybert
Compiled Service Record of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War
44285Card 1: Seybert, Nicholas, 7 MD Regiment (Rev War); 2 Lieutenant; Lieutenant, Card #’s 37443207 & 37447666
Card 2: S 7 MD, Nich Seybert, Appears with the rank of 2d Lieutenant on a List (Rev War) Not Dated
Card 3: S 7 MD, Nicholas Seybert, Lt, Appears as shown below on a List of Officers in 7th MD Reg’t with Casualties required by Gen’l Orders of 27 Aug 1778 (Rev War). List Not Dated. Lieut Nicholas Seybert from 20 Feby Benj Murdock Appd in his stead 4 Jul 1777.
The New Leader (Staunton VA) 3 Mar 1935 (sic) Pg 8: Augusta County Genealogies
610Muster roll of Peter Hulls’ company - Second battalion, Augusta Militia 1779. Taken from the list written by Lt Seybert and given in Morton’s History of Highland County (VA).
Peter Hull, Captain, Henry Fisher, Second Lt; Nicholas Seybert, First Lt, Jacob Hoover, Ensign
Privates: Gum, Isaac; Gum, Jacob; Gum, William
Not listed as child of Jacob Seybert & Maria Eilsabetha Theiss
25708 Addendum 2/2004
Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in VA
27266 (Same Nicholas? Father is Jacob but Frederick Co MD?)
Deed Bk No. 16 Pg 494: Pg 184 3May 1769 Nicholas Sybert (Seybert), eldest son and heir at law of Jacob Sybert, deceased of Frederick Co MD to John Blizard, L200, 210 acres on southernmost branch of South Branch of Potowtnack, part of 2,643 acres patented to Robert Green, 12th January 1746, and by him conveyed to John Patton Jr, 5th November 1747, and by him conveyed to said Jacob Seybert, 21st May 1755; corner Rodger Dyer. Teste: Mathew Patton, James Dyer, Adam Lock, Robert Minnis, Delivered: Daniel Smith, September 1770.
Pg 114 Seybert Cemetery, Seybert Hills Farm: Nicholas Seybert No dates, MD 2nd Lt., 7th MD Bn. Rev
30669 (Him? from MD?)