1John Gum
Birth1715, Sussex County, DE35252,35216,35217,35254,35221,35273,35222,35255,35226,35227,35262,35274,35263,35232,35234,35235,35275,35276,35277
Memoabt 1720? abt 1718? abt 1714? bet 1715-1722?
Memo200 acres surveyed to John Gum, between Smith and Pincher’s old place Augusta County, VA. Cedar Creek was near what is now the north boundary of Shenandoah Co.
Memo210 acres surveyed, draft of Cedar Branch, Liines and Corners: James Claypoole; near north boundary of Shenandoah County
MemoBranch Linville Creek, 37 acres, Augusta Co Survey Bk#1, pg 58
Memo40 acres, NE side of Dry River, Survey Bk Pg 83
Memo210 acres, Cedar Branch, gap of North Mountain, Land Patented to John Gum, Chalkey, Vol 111, p 533, Land Ofc Patents No 34, 1756-1765, p238 (Reel 33-34)
MemoCrabbottom Valley, below Peter Hull
Land Purchase9 Dec 1766, Augusta County, VA35304,35305
MemoJohn Gum 72 ac fork at first right hand fork of Crabapple waters. Lines & corners: Cunningham & Arbogast
Memoof Augusta Co VA deeded his interest in Sussex Co DE land to his nephew Jacob Gum for 20 pence
Residence10 Sep 1767, Augusta County, VA35313,35272
Land Purchase20 Sep 1768, Augusta County, VA35314
Memo250 acres on the north sides of Dry River, Land Ofc Patents No.37, 1767-1768, p435 (Reel 37)
MemoHighland Co? Crabbottom - Wimer Run - P. 1769, 72 acres, Augusta Co Survey Bk2 pg 60
Land Purchase7 Jul 1769, Highland County, VA35318
Memo220 acres Gap of North Mountain, Land Patented
Memo130 acres Gap of North Mountain, Land Patented, Chalkley, Vol. III, p. 533
MemoCrabbottom, 144 acres, Augusta Co Survey Bk 2, pg 164
Memo210 acres, Cedar Branch, Land Patented 12 May 1759, sold to Henry Bear of Frederick County, MD; Augusta Co Deed Bk 19, pg 390 & Chalkley,Vol.III,p.533; delivered by Joseph Leman in May Court May 1779
Memo130 acres Gap of North Mountain, to Isaac Gum, Land Patented 14 Jul 1769, Augusta Co Bond & Security Bk 19 & Chalkley, Vol III, p533
Memo220 acres Gap of North Mountain, Land Patented 7 Jul 1769, to Isaac Gum, Chalkley III, pg 533
MemoCrabbottom, adj Arbogast/Armcoat - P. 1784, 41 acres, Land Ofc Grants M, 1781-1785, p297 (Reel 53), Survey of 20 Jun 1780
MemoHeadwaters of Jackson's River, 12 acres
Memo18 Mar? 220 acres on the head of a Valley & branch of Back Creek above Lewis's Land, Land Ofc Grants K, 1783-1784, p477 (Reel 51), Survey of 20 Apr 1774, from John Skidmore& Mary; Sarah Smith, relict of Abraham Smith, deceased & John Smith, heir-at-law of Abraham
MemoBack Creek, S. of Meadowdale - P. 1784, 220 acres, 200 acres? from John Skidmore & Mary, Sarah Smith (relict of Abraham Smith, dec’d) & John Smith
Memo1783? 19 acres, small branch, South Branch of Potomac called Crab Apple Bottom, Lines & Corners: Adam Armcast (Arbogast) & Gum’s home tract. Warrant 1000 ac to Robert Allen
Land Purchase19 Jan 1785, Augusta County, VA35355,35356
Memo12 ac small branch, head of Jackson’s river, joining John Slavens, part of warrant of 1231 1/4 ac granted to John Wilson, May 13, 1783 #16375
Memo144 acres on branch of Crab Apple, Land Office Grants No.18, 1788-1789, p531 (Reel 85), Survey Date: 29 Aug 1769
Tax List1789, Pendleton County, VA35360
MemoJohn Gum Sr paid tax
Tax List1790, Pendleton County, VA
MemoJohn Gum Sr paid tax
Residenceabt 1790, Pendleton County, VA35364,25799
Memo& Bath Co, VA
Land Purchase31 May 1790, Augusta County, VA35365,35366
Memo98 acres on head of a small South east branch of the North fork of the South Branch of Potowmack, LandOfcGrants No22, 1789-1791,p234(Reel 88), Warrant 16,375
Land Purchase19 Nov 1790, Augusta County, VA35367
Memo172 acres on the head of the North Branch of Jacksons river & on the north west of his land, Land Ofc Grants No.22, 1789-1791, p615 (Reel 88)
Tax List1791, Pendleton County, VA35360
MemoJohn Gum Sr. paid tax
Memo19 acres, Patented 29 Sep 1791, branch of the South Branch of Crab Apple Bottom adjoining Adam Arbogast land, Land Ofc Grants No24, 1791-1792, p343(Reel90), Warrant 7,677
MemoJohn Gum Sr. paid tax
Land Sold18 Nov 1792, Bath County, VA25826
MemoTo Abraham Gum, Sold tract of land 220 ac on Back Creek granted him 18 Mar 1784
Tax List1793, Pendleton County, VA35372
MemoJohn Gum Sr. paid tax
Land Sold11 Jun 1793, Bath County, VA35374
MemoJohn Gum deed of Bargain & Sale to Abraham Gum, proved & Ordered Recorded.
Tax List1794, Pendleton County, VA35375
MemoJohn Gum paid tax
Tax List1795, Pendleton County, VA35375
MemoJohn Gum paid tax
Memo390 acres, Headwaters of the South Branch of Potomac for 60 pounds to Peter Hull; granted John Skidmore & Abraham Smith by patent of 10 Jun 1780
Tax List1796, Pendleton County, VA35375
MemoJohn Gum paid tax
Memo50 acres, Augusta Co, S.E. Branches if the North Fork of the South Branch of the Potowmack, Land Ofc Grants No. 35, 1795-1796, p486(Reel 101), Warrant 16,375
Land Purchase12 Aug 1796, Augusta County, VA35384
Memo35 acres on Waters of Jacksons River, adjoining his home tract and the Slavens, Land Ofc Grants No34, 196, p503(Reel100), Warrant 16,375
Tax List1797, Pendleton County, VA35375
MemoJohn Gum paid tax
Memo144 acres, Patented Jun 19, 1789 (1769?), on branch of Crab Apple Bottom Consideration: 5s (3 properties 144 ac, 41 ac, 19 ac)
Memo41 acres, Patented 8 Jul 1784, on Crab Apple Bottom, adjoining his own & Arbogast's land
Memo19 acres, Patented 29 Sep 1791, branch of the South Branch of Crab Apple Bottom adjoining Adam Arbogast land
Tax List1799, Pendleton County, VA35375
MemoJohn Gum paid tax
Tax List1800, Pendleton County, VA35375
MemoJohn Gum paid tax
Memo7 Jun 1799? 98 acres, Crab Apple Bottom adjoining Christian Waggoner to John Hydey
Memo4 horses, exempt due to age?
Tax List1801, Pendleton County, VA35375
MemoJohn Gum paid tax
Deathbef 10 Apr 1802, Pendleton County, VA35249,35252,35216,35221,35254,35217,35255,35222,35397,35226,35227,35398,25795,35232,35234,35399,35400,35401,35402
Burialbef 10 Apr 1802
MemoBond: $2000 Isaac Gum, John Brown & Robert Gwin for Isaac Gum to be Executor for John Gum
MemoInventory submitted by W. Dinwiddie, Otho Wade and Stuart Slaven
MemoEstate file: Bath Co., VA Order Book 11, 1801-1806 3 pg 119 Sept. 14. 1802
MemoIsaac Gum administrator of the estate of John Gum Sr dec’d to Henry Buzard both of Pendleton Co. for $50, 80 ac granted to John Gum Sr by Patent 12 Aug 1796
Occupation2 Aug 1766 appointed surveyor of the highway; 1767 yeoman (a free person and often illiterate) of Augusta Co, VA; 16 Mar 1779 appointed surveyor of the road; 21 Aug 1781 vice-surveyor of the road under Barnett Lance35413,35414,35415,35416,35417,35418,35419,35420,35421,35422