Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NamePatience Gum
Birthabt 1745, Sussex County, DE38625,38626,38627,38628,38629,38630,38631,38632,38637,38638
Memoabt 1746? bet 1770-1780 VA? Augusta Co VA?
Residenceabt 1790, VA38639
Memoleft for Green County, TN
Residenceabt 1790, Greene County, TN38639
MemoWilliam Graham appointed to represent her interests
MemoLeft VA
Residenceabt 1818, Silverville, Lawrence County, IN38645
Memobet 1821-30, abt 1828? 1821?
Misc. Notes
1791 Joseph Malcom & Joseph Beith filed suit against them for running out on debts, Source: Chalkley Vol 1 pg 395
Not listed as child of John Gum II
21729Not listed as child of John Gum
337961818 Patience -Benjamin-John Jr. moved to Lawrence Co., IN
25708(Who are Benjamin & John Jr.?)
Pg 402 The 1810 Augusta Co Census lists: John Chesnut & Jane Chestnut. The Bath Co VA census lists a John Chesnut
25870 (Her/Them - He died in 1805?)
1John Chestnut
Memobet 1770-1780? abt 1739?
Land Purchase15 Feb 1768, Augusta County, VA38656
Memo232 ac by survey to John Chesnut (sic) on Bull Pasture Mountain. The land is now in Highland County, VA
Land Purchase1772, Augusta County, VA38657
Memoland received from his father, William Chestnut
Land Sold26 Apr 1779, Augusta County, VA38658
Memosold land to William Boyd
Land Purchase1782, Augusta County, VA38659
MemoBull Pasture Mountain, 232 acres Survey for John Chesnut
Residenceabt 1790, VA38639
Memoleft VA for Green County, TN
Residenceabt 1790, Greene County, TN38639
Land Purchaseaft 1800, Knox County, KY38660
Memoin the Talbot survey
Will Filed21 Mar 1805, Knox County, KY38661
MemoWill dated
Will FiledMay 1805, Knox County, KY38661
MemoWill Probated
Misc. Notes
Abstracts of Bath County VA Wills, Pg 44: p. 349 Inventory Abraham Gum Submitted Mar 21, 1806 by Wm Dinwiddie & Henry & Stuart Slaven...notes and accounts of John Chestnut & Pg 120, p. 106 Sale of estate of Abraham Gum, Mar 28, 1806? Bond: John Chestnut
John Chesnut Mil Svc 1777 Augusta Co VA (S66 Virginians in the Revolution, Gwalthmey, 1938, in Capt Hopkins Co, Augusta VA, William was fined for missing Capt Hopkins’ militia muster on September 8, 1777 and this is the only known record of evidence of his service.
3738 (Note William was fined, not John?)
Pg 402 John Chesnut served in Capt Hopkins Company of Augusta County in 1777 in the Revolutionary War
Marr Memobef 1808? bef 1779? abt 1768?