NameAbraham Gum
Birth1754, Augusta County, VA25781,25821,25783,25785,25784,25787,25786,25822,25790,25802,25801,25807,25808,25823,25824,25813,25814,25815
Memoabt 1755?
Tax List7 Jul 1790, Augusta County, VA25825
MemoTax List
Land Purchase18 Nov 1792, Bath County, VA25826
MemoFrom John Gum & Alice, 220 ac on Back Creek
Land Purchase15 Aug 1796, Bath County, VA25827
MemoTract granted containing 90 ac adjoining tract for John Gum
Tax List29 Jul 1798, Bath County, VA25828
Memo1 Titheables, 4 Horses
Tax List17 Jun 1799, Bath County, VA25829
Memo1 Titheables, 5 Horses
Census1800, Bath County, VA25830
MemoAbraham Gum, 1 white male, 6 horses
Tax List1801, Bath County, VA25831
Memo1 Titheable, 7 Horses
MemoWill dated
Deathaft 26 Jan 1805, Highland County, VA25835,25836,25837,25838,25839,25840,25841,25842,25843,25844,25845,25846,25847,25848,25849,25807,25808,25850,25851,25813,25814,25815,25820
MemoPendleton County, WV? 1804? 1806?
MemoGum Graveyard, Mill Gap VA on land of Isaac Gum
MemoWill produced in court by John Gum & Otho Wade, executors p 382 Order book 11 Bath Co., VA Feb 11 1806
MemoInventory submitted by William Dinwiddie & Henry & Stuart Slaven
Will Filed28 Mar 1806, Bath County, VA25861
MemoEstate Sale by Exec Otho Wade & John Gum
Will Filed1824, Bath County, VA25862
MemoEstate Sale
MemoSettlement of Estate, Otho Wade & John Gum, exec
Occupationsurveyor of the road from the county line on Jackson River down to David Ruckman’s25866
Misc. Notes
Misc.: listed DAR Patriot Index pub 1966 /Source: 1st wife listed in DAR listing-Leaves of the Gum Tree pg 496
Pg 290 Gum, Abraham b.c. 1755 d. 1806, m(1) Priscilla Callahan, m(2) Priscilla Wade, Cpl VA
25867 (I show Priscilla Callahan as being married to Gum, Abraham b: c.1775, Son of Isaac & Martha Gum?)
From the Bath County Order Books, a. number of entries about John is found. 3. p. 112, June 11, 1793: "John Gum deed of Bargain and Sale to Abraham Gum, proved and 0. R. " (Ordered Recorded) (This was probably John 3 Gum to his son, Abraham 4 Gum, and not the John 4 Gum of this chapter)
25868Order Book 11, 1801-1806. p. 170, July 12, 1803: "Ordered that William Dinwiddie, Otho Wade, Abraham Gum and John Gum, or any three, to appraise estate of John Slaven, dec'd. "
25868Wills Inventory Bath Book 1, Pg 34, p. 269 Inventory - John Slaven: Submitted Sept 24, 1803 by Otho Wade, Abraham and John Gum, before W. Dinwiddie. 15 books, set of “cowper towls”, loom, gears, redes
2017FHL Film 30602 Will Books Bath County, VA 1791-1813
25869 Pg 344-345 Abraham Gum
Last will and testament of Abraham Gum ... to Priscillar (sic) my derly (sic) beloved wife ... part of my lands ... my well beloved sons all my lands to be ? in the following manner and form after being first divided equally by augment of the following men John Gum, Stuart Slaven, Henry Slaven and Otho Wade, also my well beloved son John Gum he is to take the first choosing? also those above mentioned men, the other part to the rest of my will beloved sons namely, William Gum, Otho Gum, Abraham Gum and Isaac Gum are to give as they think proper... also my daughter Elizabeth Gum when come of age to have a horse bridle .... 26 Jan 1805 /s/ Abraham Gum (seal) Witnesses: Stuart Slaven, Henry Slaven, Otho Wade
Pg 349-350 The appraisement bill of the personal estate of Abraham Gum
25869 provides listing of assets, notes and receipts
Military Record: cpl Virginia during Revolutionary War
25708Pg 290 Gum, Abraham b.c. 1755 d. 1806, Cpl VA
25867Pg 493 Abraham 4 Gum, Corporal, infantry, (the name appeared on army register but had not received bounty land). (S: Gwathemy, Virginians in the Revolution p.333). Some descendants have used that entry as proof of his service in the war. They state that his wife was on a pension in 1840, so believe that he served in the VA Militia, but have been unable to get records from the National Archives.
1790VAAugustaPrsnlC05.jpg July 7 Ebram Gum 1 Tithes, 0 slaves, 4 horses (Could this be the same Abraham? John Gum on line below him? Brother?)
258711791BathCoVATax Gum, Abraham 1 Tithes, 6 Horses
25872 (Same Abraham? Gum, John on this list also - Brother?)
Pg 800 Pendleton Co, WV
12143 Gum, Abraham, 140 ac, Loc: Straight Creek, Year 1804, Bk 2, Pg 229-A (Same Abraham Gum?)
Pg 22 Jun 8, 1785 “Marr Bonds - Abram Gum & Priscilla Wade d/o John Wade. Surety Wm Slaven, Wits: Wm Slaven, Jno Gum” (S:Chalkley, Vol II p.346) Burns-Augusta Co Marriages gives same names but the date Apr 20, 1785
18359 (Who is William Slaven who witnessed and provided surety for marriage? Relationship?)