Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1912
Death17 Jul 1958, Washington, DC9036
1George H. Tipp
Soc. Sec. #578-10-48459044
US World War II Army Enlistment Records 1938-1946
5065George H Tipp, Single, Enlistment for the Duration of the War, 7 Jul 1942 Pittsburgh, PA; White, b: 1912 GA, Education: 1 yr College, Occ: Managers and officials n.e.c.; Rank: Private; Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers; Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men); Source Ref: Civ Life; Serial # 33282532; Affiliate ARC Identifier 1263923; Box Film # 06371.154