Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameRebecca Browne
Birthca 1640
Land Sold13 Oct 1671, Providence County, RI163831
MemoAlong with her husband, John Scott, sold Leonard Smith, a house & 4 ac
Land Sold8 Nov 1677, Providence County, RI83249
MemoSold to John Fitch, of Rehoboth, 41.5 ac
Misc. Notes
Vol 96 Pg10of441 Rebecca ___, Marr2: 15 Apr 1678 John2 Whipple of Providence s/o John & Sarah Whipple, by whom she had two children
65332Vol 2 Pg175of220 Richard Scott & Katharine Marbury ch: 3 John Scott Marr: Rebeckah ___ , her maiden name is not positively known, but there is strong circumstantial evidence that she was the d/o Sylvanus White, son of Peregrine White, born on board the Mayflower.
V2 Pg1341of1482 Scott, John (-1677) &Rebecca(Brown)?(White?) m/2JohnWhipple; by1662Providence (Reg21:179, 60:170, 96:10; NYGBR2:175; Bassett-Preston319; Dunham-Boyd306; Scott(1906)12; Hopkins(#2)210; FrenchAnc72; Whipple-Hill31; Austin’sDict221, 372-3)
66948 (Surname?)
Image11of64 Pg 12 John Whipple Jr Marr2: 16 Dec 1674 Rebecca Scott d/o John Scott
155529 (daughter of John Scott? Not wife of John Scott? Marriage Date also different)
1John Scott
Land Purchase30 Sep 1662, Providence County, RI163828
MemoBought a house and 4 ac of George Palmer
Land Purchase8 Feb 1665, Providence County, RI163829
MemoBought of Robert Williams of Newport, schoolmaster, a dwelling house in Providence & a home share, orchard & other land
Land Purchase23 Nov 1668, Providence County, RI163830
MemoBought 20 ac of Thomas Clemence
Land Purchase1 Jan 1671, Providence County, RI67780
MemoBought of Thomas Wilmot of Rehoboth & Elizabeth his wife 41.5 ac being half of tract called Reynold’s valley
Land Sold13 Oct 1671, Providence County, RI163831
MemoSold to Leonard Smith a house and 4 ac along with his wife Rebecca
Land Purchase2 Feb 1677, Providence County, RI163832
MemoLands laid out (confirmation of grant of 1668, now bounded)
Deathaft 2 Feb 1677, Pawtucket, Providence County, RI163797,163800,163833,163834,163835,163836,163837,163814,163820,163838
Memosaid to have been shot in the doorway of his own house; slain at Pawtucket Ferry by Indians; bef 15 Apr 1678
Vol 2 Pg175of220 3 John Scott was wounded at Pawtucket in King Philip’s war 1675
134946Pg48 Richard Scott had a son John Scott, they both took an active part in the early Indian fighting.
163839Vol I Part IV Chap III Pg 365 From Dec 1675 to Aug 1676 Richard Scott and his son John who also served, came home at the close of the war, but soon after was show and killed by an Indian as he was standing on his own doorstep
ChildrenSarah (1662-1743)
Baptism9 Mar 1641, Dorchester, Suffolk County, MA169176,169178
Land Sold25 Nov 1695, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA163747
MemoSold to his step son Silvanus Scott, land
Residence25 Nov 1695, Providence County, RI163747
OccupationProvidence Town Clerk 1670-71-78 & 81; Town Treasurer in 1668 & 1683. 169185
Vol II Pg 154 John Whipple Jr became blind
Providence, RI: Index to Probate, 1646-1899
64815Pg 27761 John Whipple, 1700, Providence, Providence, RI; Record Type: Probate Record; Case # A81; Case Type: administration
John Whipple Kin 1 Joseph Whipple Kin 2 Alice Whipple
63759 (His brother Joseph and his wife Alice?)
Marr MemoIntentions 28 Mar 1678; by Thomas Olney, Asst