1Richard Scott
Birth9 Sep 1605, Glemsford, Suffolk, England163848,163850,163885,163856,163886,163887,163888,163889,163890,163891,163892,163893,163894
Memo1607? Herefordshire, England?
Residence7 Jun 1632, Gorlston, Suffolk, England163884
Memoat a place called Moshasuch, near what was later Providence in the vicinity of what has since been called Scott’s Pond in Lonsdale
MemoHome Lot was on the Towne Streete. The present day George Street was laid out through this land
Land PurchaseSmithfield, Providence County, RI163904
MemoOwned a large estate, a portion of which remained in possession of his heirs until 1825
Land Purchaseabt 1651, Providence County, RI163905
MemoDeed from Roger Williams of Patience Island (confirmatory deed given 11 Aug 1682)
Land Purchase19 Feb 1665, Providence County, RI163906,163907
MemoLot 88, in a division of lands; was admitted to the Providence purchase & was allotted a home lot next north of Roger Williams, with whom he did not always live in friendly neighborliness
Land Purchase23 Nov 1668, Providence County, RI163908
Memo20 ac laid out to him by Arthur Fenner, surveyor
Land Sold25 Dec 1671, Providence County, RI163909
MemoTo Leonard Smith, a parcel of meadow, being part of my meadow which liveth upon Moshoosick River
Land Sold26 Feb 1676, Providence County, RI163910
MemoConfirmed a deed made many years before of Patience Island to Christopher Holder and wife Mary
Tax List1 Jul 1679, Providence County, RI163911
MemoLand Taxed 6s, 3d
Deathaft 1 Jul 1679, Providence County, RI163850,163912,163856,163913,163860,163914,163911,163915,163916,163917,163918,163919,163920,163921,163922
Memo1680? 1681? 1682?
Tax List16 Jul 1680, Providence County, RI163923
MemoHis estate taxed 2s, 6d
OccupationShoemaker; commissioner to MA in 1645 to settle the controversy with that colony in regard to Shawomet and a deputy to the assembly in 1666163924,163925,163926,163927,163928
Misc. Notes
Part 2 Pg 160. Richard Scott said to have been the first Quaker to reside in Providence where he signed the compacts of 1637 and 40. He and his wife were among the first to join the Society of Friends in New England
65330English Origins of New England Families
69568Vol III Pg 94 Richard Scott, said to have been the first Quaker in Providence, RI (Publications of the RI Historical Society, N.S., Vol VII, p.136). Richard Scott’s house stood on the lot that is now No. 242 North Main Street
Vol III Pg 317 Was banished from Massachusetts for religious opinions.
Vol 96 Pg3of441 The Arms of Richard Scott by Richard LeBaron Bowen, of Rehoboth, MA
65332ancient armorial Scott Pedigree Roll, with eighteen shields of arms in colors, on vellum, made in England about 1608, for the emigrant Richard Scott’s father Edward. On this Pedigree are shown nine generations, commencing with a William Scott who lived in the time of Henry VI (and who was the eldest son of John, of Brabourne, 1413) and ending in the early 17th century with the generation of the emigrant Richard1 Scott and his brothers, thus connecting England with America. The document is headed:
The Pedigree of the most Auntient and Knightley Family of the Scotts of Scott-hall, in the County of Kent, with the Several matches, issue and transplants, of whome is Descended Edward Scott of Glemsford in the County of Suffolke.
Vol 96 Pg8of441 Richard1 Scott … said to have been the first Quaker in Providence
Vol 96 Pg9of441 Richard Scott’s house stood on the lot that is now No. 242 North Main Street (Providence)
Pg 374 Richard Scott it is claimed was the first Quaker resident at Providence
65461Vol V Pg 438 Richard Scott in 1657 he became a Quaker and his wife and daughters were whipped and imprisoned in Boston for their faith
143830Pg 48 Richard Scott - his father’s family being an offshoot of the family of Scots Hall
163839Vol I Part IV Chap III Pg 363 Richard Scott - The so-called Providence Compact was written by Richard Scott and his is the first signature to it. The other signatures are this of other neighbors at Moshasuch most of whom subsequently became Quakers and were not included among the original proprietors of the town of Providence under Roger Williams.
104780Pg 5 Richard Scott was admitted to the First Church, Boston, his wife Catherine did not join, nor did his children Richard, John, Mary or Patience.
Genealogical Gleanings in England
52792 Pg 1288 In the Register for Jan 1868 (Vol xxii p.13) Mr. Scott gave some notes on the lineage of Richard Scott of Providence, which was also reprinted in a pamphlet of nine pages. He attempted to destroy the theory advanced by some that Richard was the son of Edward Scott of Glemsford, Suffolk, Eng., and advanced the conclusion that Richard was a son of Richard, a brother of Edward. The will of George Scott given above conclusively shows that Richard Scott of Providence, RI was son of Edward Scott of Glemsford, Suffolk, Eng.
Vol 2 Pg174of220 Scott Family: Richard Scott, of Providence, his grandfather was Edward, his father was Richard, as appears by the will of the latter, which also shows that Richard was eldest son and heir
134946 (Father Richard not Edward?)
Pg49 Richard Scott had two sons and five daughters
163839 (five daughters?)
Pg 22 Katherine Marbury Marr: Joseph Scott of Providence
163937 (Richard or Joseph Scott?)