Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthbef 31 Mar 1592, Moulton, Suffolk, England150772,150773
Will Filed18 Feb 1658, Moulton, Suffolk, England150774,150775
MemoWill dated
Deathaft 18 Feb 1658, Moulton, Suffolk, England150774,150776
Will Filed28 Jun 1658, Moulton, Suffolk, England150777,150775
MemoWill proved by the executor, John Moody, s/o the testator
Occupationwoolen draper at Bury St Edmunds, was an alderman there, a justice of the peace, and a member of Parliament for Bury in 1654 and 1656150778,150779
Misc. Notes
Pg 148 The Will of Samuel Moody of Mowlton (sic), co Suffolk, Esq., dated 18 Feb 1657 (1657/8) was proved by the executor, John Moddy, s/o the testator 28 Jun 1658. (An abstract of this will was published in the Register, vol 39, pp 68-69, and was reprinted in Waters’s “Genealogical Gleanings in England,” vol 1, pp 96-97.)
69568 V80(1926) Pg 317