Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1676
Burial24 Sep 1707, All Hallows Parish, Anne Arundel County, MD101470,101471
Birthca 1676
Land Purchaseca 1699, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel County, MD101703
2Joseph Howard
MemoNorth Bank; ca 1666?
Memofrom father, Cornelius Howard Will: land called Howards Hope on So. side of Severn River in Ann Arundell Co., 100 ac out of Howards Hardship
Land Purchase1722, Howard County, MD101444
MemoClarksville, Discovery 2590 acres
Land Purchase1727, Howard County, MD101445
MemoJoseph’s Hazard 100 ac
Land Purchase1728, Howard County, MD101446
MemoHowards Passage 500 acres
MemoWill dated
MemoWill proved
Occupationvestryman in St Ann’s Parish in 1713101456
ChildrenHenry (1707-1773)