Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1693
Residence1771, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, MD98457
Cornelius John Howard & Elizabeth Gasaway
3738(Elizabeth’s surname Gasaway? His brother, John Howard married Elizabeth Gasaway?)
Vol 18 p.253 Rumsey, Edward; Elizabeth Howard, 1740, sister of Sam Howard, Anne Arundel Co, Ref: Judgments Lib 1B #1 Fol 128 Land Ofc, Annapolis
28737 (Her? wife of Sam Howard and Cornelius Howard?)
Birthca 1672
Memo/1724; Will dated
Deathaft 9 Feb 1723, Anne Arundel County, MD98434,101651
Memobef Mar 1726?
MemoWill probated;Book 18, pg 290
Pg 148 Sec 1 Howard: Samuel Howard2 of Matthew1: Will dtd 28 Feb 1702/3:
98539 (Not named in his grandfather’s will like the Maccubbin children were)
2Cornelius John Howard
Memobef 11 Feb 1743?
Cornelius John Howard Marr: Elizabeth Gasaway
3738 (His brother John Marr Elizabeth Gasaway?)
Pg 263 John Howard marr: Elizabeth Gassaway
84857 (His brother, John not Cornelius John Howard that married Elizabeth Gassaway?)
Pg 264 Cornelius Howard marr: Elizabeth ___, widow of his cousin, Samuel Howard sometime aft Mar 1726
84857 (cousin, Samuel?)
MD Wills & Probate Records Pg 35 John Howard Will d: abt 1742 MD ( 9/3/2015-could not go to next page)
Marriageabt 1726, Anne Arundel County, MD98458