Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NamePhilip Howard
Memoca 1646? ca 1649?
MemoNorth Severn, on the banks of the Severn River near his father’s Surveys
MemoEdward Lloyd ... surveyed in the name of “Philip Howard Orphan a tract of land called Howard’s Stone (on the Severn)
Will Filed29 Jul 1701, Anne Arundel County, MD101236
MemoWill dated
Memobef 24 Feb 1702
Memo/1701 Will probated
Will Filed1704, Anne Arundel County, MD101245
MemoWill Account, book 3, pg 401
Occupationone of Their Majesty’s Justices of Anne Arundel County in 1694 and during that same year he was a member of the commission to lay out the town of Annapolis101246,101247,101248,101249,101250
Misc. Notes
Pg 363 Philip Howard was not a legatee in the 1648 will of Richard Hall
Pg 304 Philip Howard joined the expedition against the Nanticoke Indians and for his services he received 500 pounds of tobacco.(S: Archives, vol. 7) Later he held the rank of captain in the militia forces and signed as one of the military officers of Anne Arundel Co (S: Archives, vol. 7) In 1696 Captain Philip Howard gave his receipt to Col. Nicholas Greenbury, the Commanding Officer of the county, for one barrel of gunpowder to be used in the defense of the community.
848571697 Capt Philip Howard, Anne Arundel County
47338Pg 630 Capt Philip Howard
53398Pg 10 Philip Howard held the rank of Captain in the Militia.
98647Pg 4 v. Capt Philip Howard
1Ruth Baldwin
Birthca 1648