NameMatthew Howard Jr.
Birthabt 1640, Lower Norfolk, VA101129,101130,98580,101131,101119,101132,101133,101134,101135
Memoca 1641? 1635?
MemoNorth Severn
MemoHenry Catlin assigned his survey to Matthew Haward Jr, who resurved the same with Hopkins Plantation added, into Howard’s Inheritance
Land Purchase7 May 1667, Anne Arundel County, MD101139
Memo500 ac for transporting Sarah Darcey, his wife; John Pine, Thos Gleve, Thos. Medloe, Wm Cooke, Joseph Windoes, Sarah Driven
Land Purchase1683, Poplar Plains, Anne Arundel County, MD101140
Memosurveyed by Matthew Howard Sr for Matthew Howard, Jr., the minor
Memo3 Oct 1691? will dated
Deathaft 23 Oct 1691, Anne Arundel County, MD101147,101148,101149,101143,101144,101119,101150,101145,101133,101151
Memobef 12 Jan 1692; 1702? 1694?
MemoWill Probated, Book 2, pg 222
Memo12 Jan 1692/3? will probated
Occupationnamed one of the commissioners in 1683; associate justice of the county and upon the Committee of the Port Entry101153,101154,101155
ReligionChurch of England98644
Misc. Notes
MSA S538-2, 1669-1707 Will, Liber HB Pg 222-4, Matthew Howard 23 Oct 1691; probated 19 Jan 1692
9987,17765Matthew Howard of Ann Arundell County in the Province of Maryland ... Last Will and Testament ...
To my son John Howard ... parcel of land called Howards first Choice 160 acres commonly known by the name of Howards Quarter plantation with allthe stock, household goods and all the appurtenances
To my son John Howaard & my son Mathew Howard a certain parcell of land called the adventure being 500 acres lying on the Branch of Putuzen? River to be equally divided between them
To my sons John & Mathew parcel of land called Popler Plain lying by the Bodkin Creek 500 acres
To my daughter Sarah Worthington that parcel of land called Howards Range lying on the lower side of this Bodkin Creek 276 acres ... parcel of land called Howards pasture 200 acres lying on the southwest side of Maggitty River ... the plantation where on I now dwell with 130 acres ....
My grandson John Worthington one heifer with a calf by her side and one young stand horse bred out of my Mare called Ball.
My two grandsons Mathew and John Howard each of them one two year old heifer ....
To my three brothers: Jno, Samuell and Philip Howard and to their three wives each of them one pair of mourning gloves of five shillings price each pair ....
My daughter Sarah Worthington with the assistance of her husband my sole and whole Executrix ....
/s/ Matthew Howard
in the presence of us: Nicholas Greenberry, John Howard Senr, Signum, Richard (his mark) Hornnor, Pattrick (his mark) Murphey
This will proved in Common form by the oaths of the (withinfoos?) in Open Court at London Town this 19 Janry 1692
Pg 356 In 1684 will of one Henry Howard of Anne Arundel County, MD (Matthew Howard Jr.) & his brother John were each left “a silver seal”
47338 (Who is Henry Howard?)
Mathew Howard Will dtd 3 (sic) Oct 1691 Anne Arundel Co MD Probated 12 Jan 1692 Book 2 Pg 222:
17765Grdson John Howard. (Who’s son is this?)
Grdson Matthew Howard. (Who’s son is this?)