Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birth4 May 1922, Chaptico, St Mary’s County, MD58977,100434
Census1950, Milestown, St Mary’s County, MD100434
MemoED 19-20
Death3 Dec 2013, Hospice House, Callaway, St Mary’s County, MD100433,58977
Burial10 Dec 2013, Charles Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Leonardtown, St Mary’s County, MD58977
OccupationFarming (1950)100434
Preceded in death by his sibling, Christine Lacey, Luke Lacey
58977 (Not listed in other sources as siblings?)
1950MDStMED19-13ElecDist3Leonardtown Image55of63 Dwg 427
8317 (Not listed with the family)