Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJustinian Tennison
Memoaft 1650? bef 1680? Yarmouth?
Memo29 Nov 1700? bef 1702?
Elizabeth remarried shortly after John's death to James Green (in 1684) and they soon brought suit aginst Justinian (executor of John's will).
11003 (Same Justinian? His father, John?)
See Research Note for Justinian Tennison, brother of this Justinian’s father, John Tennison. These two Justinian’s are intertwined, I believe incorrectly.
1Elizabeth Shanks
Birthca 1664
Deathaft 15 Oct 1702, St Mary’s County, MD89982,89994
Vol 10 p. 37 Hill, Giles; Elizabeth Shanks he d: 15 Oct 1702; wid/o Justinian Tennison b: 29 Nov 1700 St Marys Co; Ref: Chancery Lib PC Fol 444-474; Wills Lib 4 Fol 16; Lib 3 Fol 741 Land Ofc Annapolis
28737 (Who b: 29 Nov 1700? Marr: Date to Giles Hill?)