US & Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index 1500s-1900s
1009 (Ancestor? Related? arrived VA?)
John Woodcocke; Arrival: MA; Source: 6799.25 Pope, Charles Henry. The Pioneers of MA, A Descriptive List, Drawn from Records of the Colonies, Towns and Churches, and other Contemporaneous Documents. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc, 1998. 550p. Pg 512
John Woodcocke; Arrival: VA; Source: 2772 Greer, George Cabell. Early VA Immigrants 1623-1666. Richmond (VA): W.C. Hill Printing Co 1912, 376p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore 1978. Repr 1982. Pg 369
Jon (sic) Woodcocke; Arrival: 1637 VA; Source: 6220 Nugent, Nell Marion. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of VA Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666. Vol 1 Richmond (VA): Dietz Printing Co 1934. 767p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, 1983. Pg 8
Plymouth County MA Probate File Papers 1686-1881
71523 (No Mary Savory)
1Thomas Savory Sr.
Memo1571? 1572? bef parents marriage? over 100 yrs old?
Baptism1574, Hannington, Wiltshire, England89153,89154
Residencebef 24 Mar 1633, Highworth, Wilts, England89155
Deathaft 6 Apr 1674, Plymouth County, MA89156
Image 124 Pg110 Mary & John, Robert Sayres, Master, sailed fm Southampton 24 Mar 1633/4 but the time of arrival is not recorded: (Drake:Founders of New England 70-71): William Savery of Highworth, county Wilts; Plymouth
71755 (on ship with Thomas Savery; Related?)
Plymouth County MA Probate File Papers 1686-1881
71523 (No Thomas Savory with appropriate dates)