1Samuel Eddy
Birthbef 15 May 1608, Cranbrook, Kent, England82842,82866,82867,82868,82869,82870,82871,82872,82873,82874,82857,82859,82875,82876,82877,82878,82879
Memo1607? 1600? Sep?
Memo15 May 1608?
Residencebef 29 Oct 1630, Cranbrook, Kent, England82885,82886
Land Purchase9 May 1631, Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA82894,82895,82896,82897,82898,82899,82900,82901,82902,82903,82904
Memobought land and house from Experience Mitchell for £20; No. 34 & 36 Market Street now (plym. Col. Deeds; Vol. 1, p. 18.); at Spring Hill at the end of Main Street
Tax List2 Jan 1633, Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA82905,82906
Memotax was 9 shillings
Memotax of 9 shillings
Memotax of 9 shillings
Memo/1636; had 3 ac land Plymouth set off to him by the town, next to the lands of John Dunham the elder
MemoHouse and garden from Nicholas Snow for 12 pounds sterling; The said 12 pounds for the premiss to be payd in 40 bushells of good Indian Corne to be given by the last day of Oct next
MemoHouse and garden to Richard Clough for 40 bushells of Indian Corn
Land Purchase1640, Middleboro, Plymouth County, MA82920,82921
Memobought large tract of land of the indians and founded Middleboro with several of his neighbors
Memohad 6 ac land on NW side of Fresh Lake& 30 ac of upland at the Narrogansett Hill & 4 ac of meadow set off to him
Memopurchased a house, barn and other buildings at Willingsley and Wayberry Plain from John Allen
Memosold house purchased from Experience Mitchell to John Thompson for 4 pounds, and 3 ac upland lying in Newfield
Land Sold20 Mar 1647, Plymouth County, MA82933,82934
Memoto Experience Mitchell of Duxbury, 1 ac of marsh meadow
Land Purchase7 Jun 1659, Plymouth County, MA82935
Memoone of 5 men desiring some proportions of land to accommodate them for their posterities, the Court giveth liberty unto them to look out a tract of land for that purpose
Memo A deed (Plymouth Co. Deeds, 2.2.III) states that Thomas Savery makes over to Samuell Eedey, his brother-in-law, land in Puncateesett, lying over against Road Island.
Land Soldabt 20 Feb 1662, Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA82943,82938
Memoland at four mile brook, exchanged with Thomas Savery, his brother-in-law
Memogranted to sons Zachariah & Obediah, land near Namassakett
Land Purchase7 Jun 1665, Plymouth County, MA82948
Memoassigned 30 ac on the west side of the Nemasket River
Memogiven 6 ac on the South Meadow River
Land Sold7 Mar 1671, Plymouth County, MA82952,82953
Memoto Steven Bryant Sr, Plymouth, husbandman, one share of land be it more or less divided and undivided that I have in a certain share of tract of land called the Major’s Purchase lying at or near Namassakeesett pond
MemoSwamp at Wellingsley (a section to the south of the town) lying up the brooke was granted to him and others
Land Sold21 Dec 1681, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82962
Memoto Job Almy of Portsmouth two shares or two portions of land in a neck of land against Road(sic) Island, divided or undivided, the third lot being a part; half of it which was one share did belong to Thomas Seabury (sic)
Death12 Nov 1687, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82963,82964,82965,82966,82967,82869,82870,82968,82969,82970,82971,82857,82972,82973,82974,82975,82976
Memo(Plymouth Ch. Rec., Vol. I, p. 262); 1685? in his 87th year; 1688?
MemoEddy Cemetary
Tax List1688, Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA82906