Misc. Notes
MSA S538-31, 1734-38 Will, Pg 425-7, Hunter William dtd 6 May 1728; probated 25 Jun 1728
9987 Vol 19 Pg 425
17765 Vol 19-20 Image218of965 Pg425
10139William Hunter Senr of Prince George’s County in the province of Maryland ...
To My Wife Rebecca ...
My son William Hunter & Mary my daughter, wife of John Pile
To Hunter Pile, John Pile & Mary Pile, my grandchildren the children of John Piles & Mary his wife my daughter, land known by the name of Huntersfield to be divided among them, 150 acres & the remainder to be equally divided and distributed among the other three William, John & Mary, each one third part to them and their heirs forever
One acre of the above tract of land where my first wife & four of my children are buried and where my body shall be laid shall not be sold or disposed of forever.
To my grandson Thomas Hunter one shilling
Appoint William Hunter, my son & my good Friend, Mr
Zachariah Wade to be Executors of this my last will and testament....
/s/ William (his Mark) Hunter
Witnesses: Philip (his mark) Tennely, John B (His Mark) Brawnor, James Kondall
The next to the aforegoing will the following probate was thus written viz. 25 Jun 1728 Then came John Brawnor and Philip Tennely two subscribing evidencer to the within will made Oath .... /s/ Pet. Dent, D Com’y of Pr Geo County
Prince George’s County Register of Wills (Administration Bonds, Original, MSA C1147-7
87058Bonds Box 7 Folder 11: Prince George’s 1728 Wm Hunter’s Exc’t, … G.P. No. 6 fol 232 Petter Dent
Wm Hunter late of this County deceased having by Last Will appointed me one of Ex but not inkling to take ye trouble upon me you may grant Lottery to ? Hunter his son his other Ex nominated as to who else you think fit who is ye would pull from. Your humble ser’t. /s/ Zack Wade, 6 Jun 1728 To Mr. Petter Dent
Maryland: Know all men by those presents and who William Hunter, John Piles, Phil Tonally and John Brawnier, are held & firmly bound unto ye right Honorable Lord proprietary of ye province of Maryland in ye full & just sum of 120 pounds sterling? money to be paid to his said Lordship …. 25 Jun of 13th year of his ? 1728.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that if ye above bound Wm Hunter & Jno Piles, Exs of ye Last Will & Testament of Wm Hunter, late of Prince George’s County deceased so make (vz camfo?) to be … /s/ Willm (his mark) Hunter, John Piles, Phil (his mark) Townsley, John (his mark) Branson; then /s/ John Smith Prather, John Evans
Folio 174 William Hunter Sr. Will:
17767,17765 (married before? Other children?)
Testator leaves 1 acre of ground “where my first Wife & some of my Children are buried & where my body shall be laid shall not be sold or disposed of forever”
MD Indexes, Probate Records, Colonial, Index 1634-1777
10138 Name Year County
Image # 011699 Hunter, William 1729 PG Liber 10 folio 99 Accounts
Image # 011700 Hunter, William* 1729 PG Liber 10 folio 99 Accounts
Image # 011701 Hunter, William 1728 PG Box 7 folder 11 Bonds
Image # 011702 Hunter, William 1728 PG Liber 13 folio 191 Inventories
Image # 011703 Hunter, William 1728 PG Box 7 folder 41 Inventories
Image # 011706 Hunter, William 1728 PG Liber 19 folio 425 Wills
Image # 011707 Hunter, William Sr 1728 PG Box 3 folder 64 Wills
US & Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index 1500s-1900s
1009 (Him? Ancestor?)
William Hunter; Arrival: 1676 MD; Source: 8510 Skordas, Gust, editor. The Early Settlers of MD: an Index to Names of Immigrants, Compiled by Records of Land Patents 1633-1680, in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co 1968. 525p. Repr. 1986 Pg 246
William Hunter; Arrival: 1695 MD; Source: 1243 Coldham, Peter Wilson. Settlers of MD 1679-1783. Consolidated Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc. 2002 Pg 352
William Hunter; Arrival: 1708 MD; Source: 1243 Coldham, Peter Wilson. Settlers of MD 1679-1783 (same as above) Pg 352
C1720-1 Clement Hill Will prob 26Apr1708:
18379 (Him? Priest?) Vol 11-12 Image353of544
10139To Mr. William Hunter, Mr. Robert Brook and Mr. William Killick priests of the society of Jesus, to each 500 pounds of tobacco
Third Torrey Supplement US New England Marriages Prior to 1700
87059 (Him? other marriages?)
William1 Hunter (c1624-by 1667) Marr: 30 Jan 1656/7 Boston, 1/wf Scissilla Corish (GM 3:476)
William1 Hunter (c1624-by 1667) Marr: aft 29 Apr 1673 2/wf Mary Carter d/o Richard; Marr2: Joseph Cowell (GM 3:476)
Boston Image1972of60705 William Hunter Marr: 30 Jan 1656 Boston MA, Priscilla Corish by Richard Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
64310 (Previous Marriage?)
Springfield Births Marr & Death Image473of6014 Pg 16 Sarah Hunter d/o Wm Hunter (a sojourner here) b: 16 Dec 1662 (Daughter by first marriage?)
Springfield Births Marr & Death Image473of6014 Pg 17 Priscilla Hunter d/o William Hunter b: 2 Mar 1664 (Daughter by first marriage?)
V2 Pg824of1482 Hunter, William & Rebecca Besse (1657, 1659?-); 17 Feb 1670, 1670/1; Barnstable/Sandwich (Brainerd Anc 33; Randall Anc 306, 309; Barnstable Co Prob 1:182; Pope’s Pioneers 33; Tag 26:194 (wrong); MD 6:137, 14:166; Gen Adv 3:73; Sv 1:149; Bearse (ms) 4; Reg 3:195; NYGBR 26:189)
66948 (Him? MA not MD?)
MD Marriages 1655-1850
10322No Hunter Surname, Males, Marr 1640-1660
Pt II Pg 178 Pt II Blessing, John Leicester, Master. She sailed in June with the following passengers ‘to be transported to New England’ and arrived at Boston in August
71755. (Him? Siblings?)
Richard Hollingsworth 40 Salem (testified that his father came with 12 persons in 1635 & the last six named in his family are probably those who are found in Salem afterward)
Mrs Susan Hollingsworth 30
William Hollingsworth 7
Richard Hollingsworth 4
Elizabeth Hollingsworth 3
Susan Hollingsworth 2
Christian Hunter 20
Elizabeth Hunter 18
Thomas Hunter 14
William Hunter 11
Thomas Trentum 14
Thomas Biggs 13
1Rebecca Bessey
Deathaft 25 Jun 172887071
Misc. Notes
Pg 139 Mary Hunter d/o William Hunter & 1st wife
10901 (1st wife)
Chap B Pg 30 Botfish, Joseph 2 (1651- ) & Elizabeth Bessey d/o Anthony; Marr: by 1674 Sandwich (GM 1:358, 1:269)
87059 (Anthony Bessey her father? another marriage?)
Pt II Pg 152 James sailed late Jul & arrived end of Sep 1635 Boston: Anthony Bessey, 26; to Sandwich
71755 (Her father?)
US & Canada, Passenger & Immigration Lists Index 1500s-1900s
1009 (Ancestor?)
Michael Baisey; Arrival: 1653 MD; Source: 8510 Skordas, Gust, editor. The Early Settlers of MD: an Index to Names of Immigrants, Compiled from Records of Land Patents, 1633-1680, in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1968. 525p. Repr. 1986. Pg 18 Index from manuscript by Arthur Trader, Chief Clerk in the MD Land Commission, 1917. And see nos. 4507-4511, Land Notes.
Michael Bassey; Arrival: 1665 MD; Source: 8510 Pg 28 (same as above)
Edmond Basey; Arrival: 1670 MD; Source: 8510 Pg 28 (same as above)
Joseph Basse; Arrival: 1668 MD; Source: 8510 Pg 28 (same as above)
MD Wills & Probate Records 1635-1777
10139 Could not find Rebecca Hunter
MD Marriages 1655-1850
10322No Bessey Surname, Males, Marr 1640-1660
MA Wills & Probate Records 1635-1991 Plymouth Wills Inventories Image81of291 Anthony Bessey of Sandwidge Will dtd 10 Feb 1656
44589 (she is not mentioned in his will)
Marr Memo/1671; 1679? bef 1711 Prince George’s County, MD?