1776 MD State Archives Census Index: Piles, Mary, White, Prince George’s County, Prince George’s St John’s Hundred; Source: Box 2, f. 18, p. 64; S1419-12-16053; also an Osborn Piles same County and Hundred; Source S1419-12-16054
Md Indexes Probate Records Colonia 1634-1777
10138 Name Date County
Image # 04073 Piles, Mary 1736 PG Liber 15 folio 215 Accounts
Image # 04074 Piles, Mary* 1743 PG Liber 19 folio 522 Accounts
Image # 04075 Piles, Mary 1740 PG Box 11 folder 32 Bonds
Image # 04076 Piles, Mary 1733 PG Liber 17 folio 270 Inventories
Image # 04077 Piles, Mary 1744 PG Liber 26 folio 365 Inventories
Image # 04078 Piles, Mary 1741 PG Box 12 folder 24 Inventories
Vol 11 p. 258 Hunter, Mary; Zachary Wade, 1745 d/o William Hunter, Prince Georges Co, Ref: Wills Lib 1 Fol 174-370 Upper Marlboro, MD
28737 (another marriage?)
Anne Hunter, Female, Father: Will. Hunter; FHL Film 991305
1064 (Her? Her father immigrated 1635?)
Mary Hunter, Female, bapt: 10 Jan 1691 All Saints, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England; Father: William Hunter; FHL Film 1068938 Item 3
MD Wills & Probate Records 1635-1777
10139 Could not find Mary Piles or Mary Wade
1John Piles
Birthabt 1690, Calvert County, MD78263,78264,78228,78265,78266,78267,78268,78269,78270
Land Purchase18 Mar 1730, Prince George’s County, MD78237
Memopart of Hunters Folly, 100 ac, from William Hunter for 866 pounds tobacco,
Land Purchase1731, Prince George’s County, MD78271,78237
Memoinherited 2 tracts of land, “Hunter’s Field” & “Hunter’s Folly” from wife, Mary’s parents (Will Book Q:239)
Land Sold28 Mar 1732, Prince George’s County, MD78238
Memotract called Lomsley near Tinkers Branch, 50 ac; to William Wheat, of Prince George’s County, Planter, for 2000 pounds of tobacco
MemoWill Written
Deathaft 19 Apr 1735, Prince George’s County, MD78277,78264,78265,78267,78278,78273,78279,78280,78275,78281
Memobet 19 Apr-27 May 1735; St John’s Parish
Will Filed27 May 1735, Prince George’s County, MD78282,78166,78283,78284,78272,78273,78274,78275,78276
MemoWill probated, distributed his land, “Hunter’s Field” & “Hunter’s Folly” to his children (Will Book 21:363); Book 1 Pg 249
Will Filed2 Oct 1735, Prince George’s County, MD78285
MemoInventory Book PD 1 Pg 319
Will Filed14 Oct 1736, Prince George’s County, MD78173
MemoAccount of Mrs. Mary Piles, extx
Misc. Notes
The records of Prince George's Parish (Formerly Piscataway or St. ???'s, now (1976) Rock Creek Parish, Washington, D. C.) list John PILES as a ??ien in 1723, and show the marriage of Mary PILES and the birth of her son Hunter. George Murdock was the Parish Rector. (Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 76-48412-Wilsons and Burchells and Related Families 1608-1976)
78289John Piles Will dtd 19 Apr 1735 Prince George’s Co Probate 27 May 1735 Book 21 Pg 363:
17765Wife, Mary, Extx, personalty during life
Son Hunter, 150 ac enters Field, residue to be equally divided among the other three, Mary, William and John
Sons Richard and Francis, Hunter’s Folley, equally divided between them
Dau Sarah and to unborn child, Lamesly divided equally, wife to have use of sd tract during life
Test: William Moore,Francis Hudson, William Harrison
US & Canada, Passenger & Immigration Lists Index 1500-1900
1009 (Him & family? Born in MD?)
John Piles arrival 1730 MD
Household Members:
Hunter Piles
John Piles
Mary Piles
William Piles
Md Indexes Probate Records Colonial 1634-1777
10138 Name Date County
Image # 04052 Piles, John 1736 PG Liber 15 folio 215 Accounts
Image # 04053 Piles, John 1736 PG Box 1 folder 19 Accounts
Image # 04054 Piles, John 1735 PG Box 9 folder 45 Bonds
Image # 04055 Piles, John 1735 PG Liber 21 folio 164 Inventories
Image # 04056 Piles, John 1735 PG Box 10 folder 12 Inventories
Image # 04057 Piles, John 1735 PG Liber 21 folio 363 Wills
Image # 04058 Piles, John 1735 PG Box 5 folder 6 Wills
Marriage1721, Prince George’s County, MD78319,78232,78265,78305,78320,78241,78252,78253,78254,78321,78258,78260
Marr Memoabt 1720? bef 1726? bef 6 May 1728? 1735?