1Caleb Eddy
Birth1643, New Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA82564,82565,82566,82567,82568,82569,82570,82571,82572,82573,82574,82575,82576,82577,82578,82579,82580,82581
Memo1641? 1642? 1650? 1654? Swansea, Bristol County, MA?
Memo100 ac land from John Browne, lying in the Narragansett Bay betwixt Quidnisett and the trading house of Mr. Richard Smith, Commonly called & known by the name of Mr. Browne’s Share
Land Purchase24 Mar 1662, Plymouth County, MA82585
Memoland near Namassakett from Samuel Eddy, his father, to him and his brother, Zachariah, known as Capt Southworths purchase (The 26 Men’s Purchase), total of 6 ac with brothers Zachariah & Caleb
Residence6 Dec 1670, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82586,82587,82588,82589,82546,82590,82591,82592,82593
Memo/1670; 1672?
Land Purchase14 Oct 1695, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82594,82595
Memoreceived land from Samuel Eddy, father, land west side of Namasket Great River called Sixteen shilling purchase
Land Sold16 Aug 1699, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82596
MemoTowesett (alias) Sheep pasture, 6 ac, to George Sisson of RI, with the township of Swansea
Land Sold18 Oct 1708, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82597
Memohalf share in the 16 Shilling Purchase, which he held in common with his brother John, to his son, Caleb Eddy
Will Filed18 May 1710, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82598,82599
MemoWill dated
Death23 Mar 1713, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82600,82601,82602,82603,82604,82605,82571,82606,82572,82607,82608,82578,82579,82556,82609,82599,82610,82611,82612
Memo1712? 1711? 13 Mar 1712/23? age 69?; age 79?
Burialaft 23 Mar 1713, Kickemuit Cemetery, Warren, Bristol County, RI82613,82614,82606,82607,82579,82615,82609
Memo/1712 Inventory
Will Filed1 Apr 1713, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82616,82619
MemoInventory recorded; registered Bristol Folio 124 & 125 on 13 Apr 1713
Will Filed15 Apr 1713, Swansea, Bristol County, MA82621,82619
MemoInventory of Estate
Misc. Notes
Samuel and his wife sent their sons John, Zachary & Caleb to work and live with others when they were each 7-9 years old (in 1645, 1646/7 & 1652, respectively)
Mayflower Desc., Vol. II, Plymouth Colony Deeds, pg 30 Bradford: Govr; Memorand; the 4th of March 1652
That wheras Samuell Eeddy and Elizabethhis wife of the Town of Plymouth haveing many children and by Reason of manywants lying upon them soe as they are not able to bring them u as they Doe Desire and out of the good Respect they have to mr John Browne of Rehoboth they Did Desire that hee the said mr Browne wuold take Caleb theire sonne being of the age of nine yeares and bring him up in his Imployment of husbandry or any other busines hee shall see meet fr the good of their child till he come to the age of one and twenty yeares; wheruon Mr Browne did in the prsence of Mr Bradford Govnr and other of the maiestrates take into his service the said Caleb; and promiseth to provid for and allow him Dureing the said tearme all nessessaries Requisite for such a servant according to the condition and stae of the countrey; And Doth further of his owne will provide; that if incase he the said Mr Browne and his wife shall Depart this life before the said Caleb shall ataine the end of his time of service; that then his sonne that shall have the goverment of him Dureing the Resedue of the said time not attained unto; shall make sale of the said Resedue of time not attained unto nor any pte therof to any pson or psns whatsoever wherby hee shall or may bee wronged; And if it shall soe come to pase that those to whomsoever hee shalbee comitted unto after the Death of the said Mr. John Browne and his wife shall notDeale well with him as such a servant ought to be Dealt with; then upon the complaint of any of the frinds of the said Caleb; It shalbee Lawfull for the Deacons of the Church of Plymouth aforsaid with the Governor that then shalbee to take him wholy away and place him with whom they shall see meete provided that noe sale or merchandice bee made of the Remainder of his time by any;
66066In 1667 Hugh Cole, Constant Southworth, Josias Winslow, and others, all of Plymouth, purchased of King Philip all the marsh and meadow land of Mattapoysett. At this time Rev. John Myles, who had been a pastor in Wales and had been driven from his parish by the new laws of the Englis king (Act of Uniformity issued by Charles II), was in Plymouth, but his preaching did not please the church members there and Myles and his few Baptist Dissenters were sent to Rehoboth. Complaints soon drove him from there, and he was advised by the court of Plymouth to go farther south beyond the borders of Rehoboth. The Court then decided to grant to him and those of like mind the new tract recently purchased from the Indians. On Feb. 22, 1669 fifty-five men signed the articles of agreement which made this section into the new town of Swansea. Two of the signers were Zachariah Eddy and his brother
Caleb. Thus Zachariah and Caleb became two of the first purchasers of Swansea and at the same time became members of the First Baptist Church in Swansea. Zachariah took an active part in the Church life. In the old Church Book, now in the vaults of the B. M. C. Durfee Trust Co. of Fall River, there is a copy of a letter sent to a church in Boston, asking that the brethren in Boston help the Swansea Church in the selection of a pastor. Both Zachariah and Caleb Eddy signed this letter.
82633Bk 1 Pg 58
65720 Will of Caleb Eddy of Swan, Husbandman, dtd 18 May 1710, prob. 6 Apr 1713 Wife Elizabeth. ... Request that Samuel take care of his mother. Witns: Thomas Eastabrook, Lidiah Mason & Joseph Mason (3:123/4)
Pg 196 At the death of his (Caleb Eddy) father certain lands in Middleboro’ were deeded to him, Jun 7, 1659.
82634 (father d: 1687?)
Vol 70 (1916) Pg 28 Kickemuit Cem, Warren RI:
21456 (related to each other? Same cemetery)
Eddy, Caleb d: Mar 1713 aged 69 years
Eddy, Caleb s/o Caleb & Mehetabel Eddy d: 14 Sep 1750 in ye 20th year of his age