Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1790, Prince George’s County, MD53988
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD53991
MemoPiscataway and Hynson Hundreds
Census1820, Prince George’s County, MD53990
Census1790, Prince George’s County, MD53982
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD53985
MemoPiscataway and Hynson Hundreds
Census1820, Prince George’s County, MD53984
Memo4th District Nottingham
1790PGNoTwp290/291 Hill, Henry Capt
10212Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestor’s Index) in the Lineage Books of the DAR (Vol 41-80) Vol II
30126Hill, Capt Henry Jr.: Vol 47, pg 88
Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestor’s Index) in the Lineage Books of the National Society of the DAR Vol IV
30128Hill, Capt Henry of MD: Vol 151, pg 142; Vol 153, pg 311
Hill Marriage Dates Listed, Prince George’s County, MD
53986Hill, Henry Junr & Hetta Brooke 4-23-1781