Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1790, Prince George’s County, MD53982
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD53985
MemoPiscataway and Hynson Hundreds
Census1820, Prince George’s County, MD53984
Memo4th District Nottingham
1790PGNoTwp290/291 Hill, Henry Capt
10212Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestor’s Index) in the Lineage Books of the DAR (Vol 41-80) Vol II
30126Hill, Capt Henry Jr.: Vol 47, pg 88
Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestor’s Index) in the Lineage Books of the National Society of the DAR Vol IV
30128Hill, Capt Henry of MD: Vol 151, pg 142; Vol 153, pg 311
Hill Marriage Dates Listed, Prince George’s County, MD
53986Hill, Henry Junr & Hetta Brooke 4-23-1781
Census1790, Prince George’s County, MD53988
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD53991
MemoPiscataway and Hynson Hundreds
Census1820, Prince George’s County, MD53990