Misc. Notes
Register of MD’s Heraldic Families
18957Pg 1_33 St Mary’s County Manors: Cornwalleys Cross Manor - 1633; 2000 ac, The oldest Manor house in MD today; built 1642; in preservation. Cross Manor, granted in 1633 in England; survey 1638-39; in St Inigoes Hundred. Sir Thomas Cornwalleys. Acquired later by John Nuthall, deputy lord overseer for Thomas Cornwalleys and wife, Penelope Wiseman and their children. Registrants: By right of descent from Thomas Cornwalleys
Monnette Family Genealogy
47337Pg 1069 1. John Nuthall of St Mary’s Co MD, who d: 1668 by his wife, Elizabeth Bacon Holloway, had two ch: 2.i. John Jr m.twice. Name of 1st wife unknown; ii. Eleanor who marr:1668 Thomas Sprigg Sr (see Sprigg Fam) 2.i. John Jr Nuthall m. twice. Name of 1st wife unknown; had a son, i. John who married his cousin Eleanor Sprigg, d/o Aunt Eleanor Nuthall who married Thomas Sprigg Sr. After John Nuthall died his widow married Thomas Hillary Sr his 2nd wife (See Sprigg & Hillary Family)
Pg 1077 John1 Nuthall was another signer (Submission to Parliament) & thus must have been John1 Nuthall, gentleman of Cross Manor, whose daughter Eleanor2 Nuthall, marr Thomas1 Sprigg before Sep 1668.
Pg 1078 Col. Thomas1 Sprigg, Settlement of Estate of John Nuthall Sr., children Eleanor Sprigg, wife of Thomas, Sr., sons John, James & Elias Nuthall (Vol. 5, pg 34) Col. Thomas1 Sprigg, .. married Eleanor 2, daughter of John1 Nuthall of St Mary’s County, & Elizabeth Bacon Holloway, his wife.
Pg 1080 He (Thomas1 Sprigg) probably came from Northamptonshire, England & settled first in Northampton Co VA, where he with John Nuthall & others signed the “Submission to Parliament” in 1651 (W.H. Wootten of Plainfield, NJ at 843 Carlton Ave)
Pg 1081 He (Thomas1 Sprigg) was twice married 1st to Katherine .. (died before 1668), by whom he had no issue; & 2nd, Eleanor Nuthall, daughter of John Nuthall of St Mary’s Co, (died 1668) by Elizabeth (Bacon-Halloway) Nuthall. Thomas Sprigg & Eleanor Nuthall had issue: Eleanor2 Sprigg married 1st Thomas Hilleary (died 1697) & 2nd John Nuthall, son of her uncle, John Nuthall of St Mary’s Co Issue: John Hilleary. John Nuthall was a son of John Nuthall and settled in Northampton Co, VA by 1645. He subsequently became High Sheriff of St Mary’s Co MD (W.H.Wootten of Plainfield,NJ at 843CarltonAve)
The Nuttall Family
47340Nuthall, Elias Immigrant:free, Hundred:Resurrection, Date first rec:1668? Date last rec:1688 Date arrived:1663 Father:John d:1667, Wives:Elizabeth,dau of GeorgeBeckwith, 1st mentioned1679, Occupation:Planter,indentured servantVA, petitionedCouncil freedom. Petition of Elias Nuthall, John & James Nuthall Archives V, p98, 103 Proceedings of Council Nov 22, 1671 Elias..son of JohnNuthall late of StMaryCo gent. decd.. portion of estate. Petition of Elias Nuthall, John & James Nuthall Archives V, p98, 103 Proceedings of Council -John&James sons of John Nuthall & Thomas Sprigg who marr dau of John to appear on Dec 6. Elizabeth Beckwith Nuthall, Father: George Beckwith #363 Mother: Francis Harvey Beckwith, Husband: Elias Nuthall Father:JohnNuthall d.1667, Occup:planter,Land:250ac, First record: 1679 Last: 1688.
G0500A John Nuthall (immigrant of Cross Manor) b:1614/5Cattenhall,CoCheshire,England; Christening:10Feb1614(OS)StMary’sParish,Stockport,CoCheshireEng Marr:abtJan/Feb1643/4HungarsParish,NorthamptonCoVA ElizabethBacon 1609Engl-aft27Jul1653NorthamptonCoVA; G0500A John Nuthall (immigrant of Cross Manor) b:1614/5 Parents: John Nuthall & Mary Hyde John NUTHALL IV [of Cross Manor] ..became prominent in Northamptom County and obtained a commission from the Governor of Maryland to trade among the Indians for beaver furs, skins and other articles. Capt. William JONES, in fact, was the neighbour of Gov. William STONE by whom Hugh HAYES had been transported. [See the patent granted to John HOLLOWAY, the first wife of Elizabeth BACON who subsequently married John NUTHALL IV [of Cross Manor]. 25Aug1643,JohnHOLLOWAY,1st huband ofElizabethBACON,1st wife ofJohnNUTHALL IV[Cross Manor],namedCaptWilliamJONES among the overseers of his estate to assist his widow in execution of his Will. CaptWilliamJONES. Capt. William JONES..was required to deal withJohnNUTHALL IV when, in Jan1643/44,Elizabeth BACON remarried.
As a young man, he (John Nuthall) ran away from his master, Hugh HAYES, and lived among the Indians long enough to learn their language and served later as an interpreter. For the price of a hoe, he was purchased from the Indians by William JONES, who was trading in the Chesapeake Bay. NUTHALL was brought home "well strapped with ye halyards". John was living in Northampton County in 1640. He became prominate there and obtained a commission from the Governor of Maryland to trade among the Indians for beaver furs, skins, and other articles.
3738Early VA Immigrants 1623-1666
50052Ditch, Andrew, 1645 by John Nuthall, Northampton Co
Evere, John, 1645 by John Nuthall, Northampton Co
Nuthall, John; Liber 5 Folio 343; Transported 1663 s/o John
50053 (Him & sons?)
Nuthall, John; Liber 5 Folio 343; Immigrated 1663
Nuthall, James; Liber 5 Folio 343; Transported 1663 s/o John
Pg 942 John Nuthall III, s/o John & Barbara Nuthall Jr.
47338 (John Nuthall III mother: Barbara or Elizabeth?)
US & Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index 1500s-1900s
1009 (Him? arrived 1645?)
John Nuthall; Arrival: 1645 VA; Family Members: Wife Eliza; Source: 6219 Nugent, Nell M. Cavaliers and Pioneers: A Calendar of VA Land Grants 1623-1800. Vol 1:1-6 Richmond VA: Dietz Printing Co (1929-1931. Although vol. 6 ends with the year 1695, no other volumes were published) Pg 233
John Nuthall; Arrival: 1645 VA; Family Members: Wife Eliza; Source: 6220 Nugent, Nell Marion. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of VA Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666. Vol 1. Richmond (VA): Dietz Printing Co, 1934. 767p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, 1983. Pg 158
UK Parish Register
www.freereq.org.uk - Searched for John Nuthall 1645 +/- 2 yrs Marriages and found No John Nuthall’s found in any County
MD Wills & Probate Records 1635-1777
10139 Could not find John Nuthall
1Elizabeth Bacon
Memoabt 1630? bet 1609-1630?
Memobef Sep 1660; Northampton, Prince George’s Co, MD?
Misc. Notes
Pg 5
47338 1640 to 1645 Northampton Co. Orders, Deeds, Wills & C. No. 2 (Trans). Index, under “N” .. “Nuthall, Elizabeth, wife of John & 1st widow of Dr. Holloway, she was born Elizth Bacon.”
John Nuthall (s/o John Nuthall & Mary Hyde) marr. Elizabeth Bacon Holloway 1645, d/o Nathaniel Bacon & Elizabeth Kingsmill Taylor
47086 (her mother Elizabeth Kingsmill Taylor or Anne Le Gros?)
Elizabeth Bacon d/o Nathaniel Bacon & Elizabeth Kingsmill
47339 (her mother Elizabeth Kingsmill or Anne Le Gros?)
John Nuthall & Mary Hyde ch: John Nuthall Marr: Elizabeth Bacon d/o Nathanial Bacon & Elizabeth Kingsmill Taylor
31138 (Her mother Elizabeth Kingsmill Taylor or Anne Le Gros?)
John Nuthall, Father: John Nuthall, Mother: Jane Newport, Wife: Elizabeth Bacon (Hollow); Other Spouses of Elizabeth Bacon: Stephen Yoakley
50105 (Other Spouse: Stephen Yoakley? other sources show him as spouse of Martha Sprigg?)
Pg 117 John Nuthall marr 1645 Elizabeth Bacon, a widow & d/o Dr.John Holloway (or Holliday).
47342 (daughter of Dr. John Holloway not widow of John Holloway?)
Elizabeth Eleanor Bacon Parents: Nathaniel Bacon & Anne Le Grosse b: abt 1595 England
3738 (her mother Anne Le Grosse or Elizabeth Kingsmill Taylor?)
Pg 3 (Elizabeth Bacon) parents remain unidentified. She was
not the daughter of the Rev. James and Martha (Woodward) Bacon, of Suffolk Co, Eng., as has often been stated. His 1649 will reveals a daughter Elizabeth, but now the wife of Thomas Burrows.
47338Southwick, St Saviour Denmark Park Image 446:
47014 (Her? Father John not Nathaniel?)
29 Oct 1609 Elizabeth Bacon D of John a birtualon? (occupation?)
FreeREG.org.uk UK Parish Register
1600 (Her?)
County Somerset; Place Bruton; Church St Mary the Virgin Pr; bat: 28 Jan 1613/14; Elizabeth Baken; Female; Father Willm Baken; Notes: Hayward Transcript; File # 28523
MD Wills & Probate Records 1635-1777
10139 Could not find Elizabeth Nuthall
Marriage1645, England50106,50107,50108,50109,50110,50111,50112,50113,50114,49956,49959,50115,50116,50117,49973
Marr Memo1644? abt Jan 1643/44 Hungars Parish, Northampton Co, VA? 1634?
ChildrenJohn (1646-<1714)
Marriage12 Sep 1660, Hungar’s Parish, Northampton County, VA50121,50119