Misc. Notes
Pg 16 Robert Wade Jr. had at least two children, Robert and Josiah. On 18 May 1752 he deeded 150 acres of Stoney Harbor to his son Robert (Deedk Bk NN, p.452, PGC) on 27 Jun 1765 as Robert Wade Sr he deeded 100 ac of Stoney Harbor to his son Josiah (Deed Book TT p.488 PGC) and on 8 Nov 1760 as Robert Wade Sr 33 ac of Stony Harbor to his grandson Robert 3rd (Deed Bk RR p.109 PGC) Evidently Josiah d: intestate prior to 18 Aug 1787, for on that date Zephaniah Wade gave a life estate in part of Stoney Harbor to his mother Ann (Deed Book HH, p.439 PGC). Josiah may have d: earlier for neither the census of 1776 nor the Oath of Fidelity of 1778 lists a Josiah Wade, but the census does list an Ann Wade as the head of a family, age 38, with two males age 13 and 10 and three females age 15, 10 and 3 (Ann the d/o Ann Brooke, widow, (Deed Book CC No. 2, p.435 PGC))
Liber 24, folio 51; 13 Dec 1744 Wade, Zachariah, PG Co: To John, the son, & Sarah, the dau of my dec bro, when of age, 800 lb tob or L4
19771 (His children?)
5 Robert Wade listed as son of Zachariah Wade, grandson of Robert Wade & Elizabeth Nuthall Sprigg
11738Not listed as child of Robert Wade and Elizabeth Nuthall
11738Update 9 Jul 2007
Not listed as child of Robert Wade and Elizabeth Nuthall
19772,9969Pg 941 Robert Wade, Jr. m. Elizabeth Edgar
47338 (brother Richard Wade married Elizabeth Edgar?)
Vol 7
28737 (Him? wife Elizabeth Hamilton or Elizabeth Edgar? Research Note under Elizabeth Edgar and Robert Wade s/o Richard Wade also)
p.26 Edgar, Elizabeth, Robert Wade, d/o John & Joanna Edgar, His will Pro 22 Nov 1736 Prince Georges Co; Ref: Wills Lib 21 Fol 733 Land Ofc, Annapolis & Wills Lib 1 fol 72-190 Upper Marlboro, MD
p.27 Edgar, Elizabeth, Robert Wade, s/o Richard & Mary Wade, His will Pro 1727 Ref: Wills Lib 19 Fol 232 Land Ofc, Annapolis
Pg 15 Robert Wade, Jr., the second son of Capt Robert Wade (old Zachary’s second son). This Robert Jr. Marr: Elizabeth Edgar, d/o Johana Edgar of Prince George’s County (PGC Wills, Liber No. 1 f. 72-190, Hall Records)
46552 (wife Edgar or Hamilton? Other sources have Elizabeth Edgar as married to his brother Richard Wade?)
Pg 16 On 4 Jun 1779 Robert Wade Jr (evidently son of Robert (Wade) Jr & Elizabeth Edgar) made a deed of gift of personalty to Ann described therein as the wife of my brother Josiah Wade (Deed Bk CC, No. 2, p.637, PGC) (wife Elizabeth Edgar?)
Pg 19 Robert Wade’s mother (or possibly his grandmother) may have been Elizabeth Hamilton, d/o John Hamilton of Charles Co, who Marr: a Robert Wade in 1744. (Charles Co Deeds, Liber X No. 2, f. 129)
Box 80 Folder Wade 101_0165_1: TT f308 31 Oct 1764 Robt Wade Jr of Chas Co to Ann Price ux of Wm Price of Chas Co, & Mary Ann Gibert ux of Francis Gilbert of Pr Geo for 1000 lbs tob & 30 bvls Indian Corn pt of Wade’s Adventure in Pr Geo adj St James 150ac
45680 (Him? died before 1764? his nieces by brother Zachariah)
Pg 180 Josiah (d: bef Jul 1784) s/o Robert Wade Sr (b: 1701-07, d: aft 9 Sep 1776) & (N) (N), Marr: bef 4 Jun 1779 Ann (N) (d: aft Aug 1787). Josiah & Ann had sons Robert Wade & Zephaniah Wade
10901 (His son & wife?)
Image1027of1074 Hamilton, Elizabeth Marr: 1762 Robert Wade
28846 (Date after his death)
1Elizabeth Hamilton
Land Purchaseaft 27 Jul 1734, Charles County, MD49656
MemoSt Edmonds from her father John Hamilton whom received it aft 13 Aug 1678
Land Sold3 May 1738, Prince George’s County, MD49687
Memoto Zachariah Wade, Wade’s Adventure adj St James
Land Sold6 Jul 1744, Prince George’s County, MD49688
MemoSt Eauwnas, from John Hamilton, her father, to Daniel of St Thos Jenifer for 2000 lbs wheat
Misc. Notes
Charles County MD Probate Records
49229409: John Hamilton decd 27 Jul 1734 - Elizabeth Wade & Charity King two of nearest of kin - Mr Jno King adm.
Charles County MD Probate Records
49229409: John Hamilton decd 27 Jul 1734 - Elizabeth Wade & Charity King two of nearest of kin - Mr Jno King adm. (Her and her father? Sister Charity & husband Jno King?)
Elizabeth Hamilton married Robert Wade son of Richard Wade & Mary Glover
9969 or son of Robert Wade & Elizabeth Nuthall Sprigg?
Vol 10,
28737 (Her? Robert Wade is s/o Robert not John?)
p. 72 Hamilton, Elizabeth; Robert Wade, 1762, s/o John Wade, Charles Co, Ref: Deeds Lib L#3 Fol 104 LaPlata, MD
p. 72 Hamilton, Elizabeth; Robert Wade, 1744, d/o John Hamilton, Charles Co, Ref: Deeds Lib X#2 Fol 129 LaPlata, MD
Pg 15 Robert Wade, Jr., the second son of Capt Robert Wade (old Zachary’s second son). This Robert Jr. Marr: Elizabeth Edgar, d/o Johana Edgar of Prince George’s County (PGC Wills, Liber No. 1 f. 72-190, Hall Records)
46552 (wife Edgar or Hamilton? Other sources have Eliabeth Edgar as married to his brother Richard Wade?)
Marr Memo1762 would have been @ 60 yrs old and after children born?