Misc. Notes
DAR Supporting Documentation, Member #789221
45669Last Will & Testament of James Trail (pages 67-69 of 146)
In the Name of God Amen, I. James Trail of Montgomery County and State of Maryland being sick and weak in body but of sound a perfect memory and calling to mind the uncertain state of the transitory life and will knowing that all flesh must yeald (sic) unto death when it shall please God to call do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I give and devise to my beloved son James Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever, one hundred and twenty six acres and three quarters of an acre of land whereon he now dwells being part of a tract or parcel of Land called the Reserving on the Younger Brother. I give and devise to my beloved son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever a tract of land whereon I now dwell called Rach Head patented for sixty acres. I also give to my said son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever sixteen acres and three quarters of an acre of land which I purchased of William Benson called Pleasant Fields. I also give to my said son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever twenty seven acres and one quarter of an acre of land thereunto adjoining being part of a tract or parcel of land called the Resurvey on the younger Brother. I likewise give to my said son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever twenty three acres of land contiguous to the other tracts mentioned above being part of a tract of land called Trails Addition. I give and devise to my beloved son Osborn Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever one hundred acres of land being part of a tract or parcel of land called Fathers Good Will. I likewise give to my said son Osborn Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever twenty seven acres of land being part of a tract of land called Trails Addition. I give to my daughter in Law Frances Trail for and during the time she shall remain a Widow and no longer one hundred acres of land whereon she now dwells being part of a tract or parcel of land called Fathers Good Will and after her decease on on (sic) the day of a second marriage I give to my four grandchildren Vos: Daniel Trail, William Trail, Edward Trail, Nathan Trail and their heirs and afsigns forever twenty five acres each of the aforesaid piece or parcel of land to be equally devided between them by some indifferent person to be named for that purpose if they cannot agree on the devision between themselves. I give and bequeath to my dear and beloved wife, Rachel Trail one negro girl called Febey, one Feather Bed and furniture, one Lining wheel, one clear? wheel, one iron pot, one pewter dish, two pewter basons, and six pewter plates, the remaining part of my Estate after my lawful debts are paid. I give to my said wife Rachel Trail and nine children hereafter named Vis - James Trail, Archibald Trail, Osborn Trail, Eleanor Lee, Jean West, Sarah Buxton, Cafsander Ford, Rachel Cybert?, Margary Fryer share and share alike. Lastly I consider order and appoint my dear and beloved wife Rachel Trail and my son James Trail hole and sole Executors of this my last will and testament revoking all other Will or Wills by me hereto made either by word or writing and this shall be taken for my last Will and Testament and no other. In witnefs I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of March in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and eighty three. James Trail Sen
Signed, sealed, published and declared in the presence of us - Edwd Burgefs, Lodwich Yost, Basil Trail
Montgomery County - On the 18th day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight came Edward Burgefs and Basil Trail two of the subscribing witnefses to the last will and testament of James Trail late of said County deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the testator therein named sign and seal this will and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and that they respectfully subscribed their names to this will as witnefses in the presence and at the request of the testator and in the presence of each other
Certified by Saml Turner, Regr
=7 Sedes 41 Words =
On the 18 day of March 1799 came Rachel Trail the widow of James Trail late of Montgomery County deceased Quited her Claim to the several Bequest and devises made to her in the Will of her said husband deceased and elected in lieu thereof her dower or third part of the deceased personal estate only. Before Saml Turner, Regr
I Rachel Trail the appointed Executrix in the last Will and Testament of James Trail late of Montgomery County deceased do hereby refuse to act as Executrix to said Will by Virtue of said appointment and do therefore renounce all my right title and claim to said Executorship accordingly. /s/ Rachel Trail (her mark)
Saml Turner
=1 Sede 16 words=
Pg 17 James Trail took the Oath of Allegiance on 2 Mar 1778 and lived in Seneca Hundred in 1777.
7562Ancestor # A116019 Traill (sic), James Sr.
45603Service: MD; Rank: Patriotic Service;
Service Source: DAR, Unpublished Rev Recs of MD, GRC 1939, S1, Vol. 61, p. 56;
Service Descr: Took Oath of Allegiance, 1778;
1. Father of Anna Brittania Buxton, Spouse of Nathan Jones (#A062490) & child;
2. Of Patriot’s dau Sarah, is not proven. See Data Corrections File 8/2010;
Resid: Montgomery Co MD;
Spouse: Rachel X;
Associated Applications:
1. Nat’l # 297059, Add Vol. 487; Child: Cassandra; Spouse: Zadock Ford
456702. Nat’l # 633212, Add Vol. 620, Child: William, Spouse Frances X
456713. Nat’l # 637804, Add Vol. 684, Child: Jane, Spouse: Benjamin West
456724. Nat’l # 728267, Add Vol (blank); Child: Jane; Spouse Benjamin West (same desc as # 3 above)
5. Nat’l # 660798; Add Vol 694, Child: William, Spouse: Frances Norcroft
456736. Nat’l # 579660, Add Vol. 744, Child: Cassandra; Spouse: Zaddock Ford (same desc as #1 above)
7. Nat’l # 822341, Add Vol. 902, Child: Cassandra; Spouse Zadock (sic) Ford
456748. Nat’l # 857448, Add Vol. (blank), Child: James; Spouse: Mary Ann Northcroft
456759. Nat’l # 860195, Add Vol. 981, Child: James; Spouse: Mary Ann Northcraft; (same desc as #8 above)
10. Nat’l # 885571, Add Vol. (blank), Child Sarah, Spouse: (blank)
4567611. Nat’l # 860167, Add Vol. 1002, Child: James; Spouse: Mary Ann Northcraft; (same desc as #8 above)
12. Nat’l # 789221, Add Vol. 1013, Child: Margery, Spouse: Walter Fryer
4567713. Nat’l # 752483, Add Vol. 1036, Child: Archibald, Spouse: Nancy (not available in desc search)
DAR Supporting Documentation (146 pgs), Member # 660798
45678James Traill Sr.
d: testate 11 Mar 1783 (Notes - Harry Newman, Gen of MD, Gen 7);
probated: 18 Mar 1798 (S10 Montgomery County Deeds Lib A, Fol 190)
18 Mar 1799 Rachel Trail, widow, renounced the provision of the last will ... demanded her legal thirds and refused to act as executrix.
Letters of administration - James Trail Jr.
Applicant 660798 thru Child: Rachel (note different than # 5 above, which says through Child: William)
b: ca 1740 MD d: 30 May 1780 Montgomery County, MD; Patriot, MD
Applicant: Sue Kinsbery Porter, Daniel Colman Chapter, TX 13 Dec 1990
Revolutionary Patriots of Montgomery County p.328
7563James Trail, Sr. (died 1798). Took the Oath of Allegiance before the Hon. Gerrard Briscoe on 2 Mar 1778 (Ref: T-3:56, L-1:46). Lived in Seneca Hd. (three taxables) in 1777 (Ref: R-31:8). Died testate in Montgomery County (wife named Rachel) in 1798 (Ref: V-136). “James Traile, Sr.” died testate in Montgomery County (wife named Mary Ann) in 1823 (Ref: V-137)
MD Genealogical Records Committee s1 v061
7564Pg 56 Montgomery County established 1776 from Prince George’s County, Patriots Oath 1778, Mar Court 1778
List of persons taken oath bef different magistrates returned to Montgomery Court /s/ Gerrard Briscoe (Returns)
83. James Trail Snr
James Trail s/o Charles Trail & Susanna
15119 (Parents? Charles or David?)
45679 James Trail Junr 2M 16+, 5M <16, 5F (Him?)
45679 James Trail 1M 16+, 2F (Him?)
Trail Research by Morn M. Lindsay, 2 Dec 1987
Trail family history and genealogy compiled by Rosalie Trail Fuller in 1983 is available at the Montgomery County Historical Society library, according to “The Trail families” by William N. Hurley, Jr. p.17
7562James Traill Sr. Last Will & Testament: I give to my four grandchildren Vos: Daniel Trail
45669 (who is the father of Daniel Trail? assume Daniel Trail is son of William Trail and Frances since the other three grandchildren were his)
Revolutionary Patriots of Montgomery County p.328
7563 (Same James Trail d: 1798? another wife?)
James Traile Sr. died testate in Montgomery County (wife named Mary Ann) in 1823 (Ref: V-137)
Henry Wright Newman Collection
45680 (which tract of land is this?)
Box 79 Folder Trail 101_0134: James Trail 200 ac CW; Warrants Liber WS#3 (1761) f53 by paying sum of £10
MD Oaths of Fidelity Volume 1
7561Pg 46 Montgomery County: James Trail Sr
Not listed MD Marriages 1666-1970
1Rachel Wofford
Memo1722 Montgomery Co MD? bet 1734-44? 1736?
Land Sold18 Feb 1792, Prince George’s County, MD45642
MemoDeeded Resurvey on Younger Brother to Henry Brookes, waved all her dower rights
Death26 Aug 1799, Montgomery County, MD45697,45698,45699,45700,45701,45702,45703,45704,45705,45706
MemoPrince George Parish Montgomery MD age 77?
Burial27 Aug 1799, Montgomery County, MD45706
Misc. Notes
Two others might have been children who died young; Nathan, David
3. Rachel TRAIL was the daughter of 6. James TRAIL and 7. Rachel JENKINS
45192 (Mother Surname Jenkins or Wofford?)
James Trail marr: Rachel Jenkins
32792 (Surname Jenkins or Wofford?)
PP 95:
834 At request of Rachael Jenkins the following Deed of Gift was recorded Jan 5, 1750 Maryland ... that I William Scott, of Prince George’s County, MD, Planter ... in consideration of the Natural love and affection ... beloved daughter Rachel Jenkins ... one negroe girl called Hannah ... signed William Scott and Mary Scott Witnessed by Henry Scott & Zachariah Scott (Her parents? Maiden Surname Scott? Her brothers or uncles witnesses?)
PP 310:
834 At the request of Enoch Jenkins the following Deed of Gift was recorded May 31, 1759 ... Daniel & Ruth Jenkins of Prince George’s County, MD for consideration of natural affection ... our beloved son, Enoch Jenkins of Prince George’s County, Planter ... part of a parcel of Land Called Protrayall (sic), 50 ac ... signed Daniel and Ruth Jenkins. (Any Relationship?)
T 255:
834 At the request of Daniel Jenkins the following Deed of Gift was recorded Apr 28, 1735 ... John Poorco of Prince George’s County, planter for consideration of natural affection ... beloved daughter, Ruth Jenkins & to her husband Daniel Jenkins of Prince George’s County, Planter ... part of a parcel of land called Port Royal, 50 ac, ... signed John Poorco (Any Relationship?)
TT 630:
834 At the request of William Jenkins Jr the following Deed of Gift was recorded Oct 15, 1766 ... I Daniel Jenkins of Prince George’s County, MD, planter, & William Jenkins of Prince George’s County, planter, ... Daniel Jenkins ... to son, William Jenkins Jr for 5 shillings ... part of tract of land called Oarnan? Town estimated 50 ac ... signed Daniel Jenkins (Any Relationship?)
Y 529:
834 At the request of Daniel Jenkins the following Deed was recorded Sep 8, 1742 ... Francis Goodrick & Mary his wife of Charles County MD to Daniel Jenkins of Prince George’s County, planter for 10,000 pounds tobacco ... land called Ocman? town, later the possession of John Lanham, 219 ac, ... near Robert Wade’s land ... 438 ac ... signed Francis Goodrick (Daniel Jenkins - Any Relationship?)
AA 2 421:
834 At the request of Enoch Jenkins the following Deed was recorded Nov 26, 1771... Ruth Jenkins, widow of Daniel Jenkins of Prince George’s County, MD, deceased and Enoch Jenkins of Prince George’s County, planter, ... for 50 pounds sterling ... for part of tract called Portroyal, 50 ac ... signed Ruth Jenkins (Any Relationship?)
In some land transactions of Mrs. Jane Trail West she mentions lands entailed by John Wofford..... Jane's Trail West's mother was a Wofford
45708 (John Wofford grandfather?)
Pg 17 James Trail Marr: Rachel Jenkins
7562 (Surname Jenkins?)
8. James Trail Marr: Rachel Jenkins
45709 (Surname Jenkins?)
Marr Memoabt 1756 - dau Rachel b: 1752? WFT Est 1761-1791?