Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameHenry Arbogast 44908,44907,44909,44920,44921,44922,44914,44913,44912,44911,44915,44916,44917
Memo22 Aug?
Residence8 Sep 1802, Pendleton County, VA44923
MemoCrab Apple Bottom, Henry Arbocosts land
Land Purchase14 Nov 1807, Pendleton County, VA44924
Memo125 ac land on the branch of the Strait (Straight) Fork by Patent dated Nov 14, 1807
Census1810, Pendleton County, VA44920
Land Purchase14 Aug 1812, Pendleton County, VA44925,37645
Memo5 Apr 1813? from Jacob4 Gum & wife Dolly (Arbogast) 2 3/4 ac Crab Apple Bottom
Misc. Notes
Pg 27 Henry (Arbogast) was another brother who lived nearby (adjoined the Gum family home place).
Pg 186 Muster rolls of 1794 Captain William Janes company comprised Crabbottom & Straight Creek. Arbogast, Henry
1810VAPendletonNoTwp415 Henry Arbocast 3M <10, 1M 26-45, 2F <10, 3F 10-16, 1F 16-26, 1F 26-45
24038 children not in Reunion
2Elizabeth J. Seybert 44907,44908,44909,42851,44910,44911,44912,44913,44914,44915,44916,44917
Census1810, Pendleton County, VA44910