Pvt John Gum b: unk d: Apr 24, 1885; b: 1813? Co F, 25th VA Inf. Regt bur: Gum Family Cemetery, (n. Hightown), Highland County, VA
2421American Civil War Soldiers
2423John Gum
Enlistment Date: 11 Jun 1861
Enlistment Place: Hevener’s Store, VA
Side Served: Confederacy
State Served: VA
Death Date: 24 Apr 1885
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 11 Jun 1861; Enlisted in on 11 Jun 1861
Sources: 21
US Civil War Soldier Records & Profiles
945John Gum
Enlistment Date: 6 Nov 1861
Rank at Enlistment: Private
Enlistment Place: Hevener’s Store, VA
State Served: VA
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Enlisted in on 11 Jun 1861
Death Date: 24 Apr 1885
Sources: The VA Regimental Histories Series
US Civil War Soldiers 1861-1865
941 (one of these him?)
John Gum, 162nd Regiment, VA Militia; Side: Confederate; Regiment State: VA
John Gum, 25th Regiment, VA Infantry (Heck’s); Side: Confederate; Regiment State: VA
John D. Gum, 25th Regiment, VA Infantry (Heck’s); Side: Confederate; Regiment State: VA
John E. Gum, 162nd Regiment, VA Militia; Side: Confederate; Regiment State: VA
John E. Gum, 2nd Regiment, VA State Line (Cavalry); Side: Confederate; Regiment State: VA
John H. Gum, 162nd Regiment, VA Militia; Side: Confederate; Regiment State: VA
BlueGr(30of105)Mntry Dwg 200 Fam 200
25536 Snyder, Washington, 13 M W, Farm Boy, B: VA, & Logan, Margaret E., 14 F W, At Home, B: WV, & Gum, Eleanor, 46 F W, At Home, B: VA (Related?)
1Mary Ann Gum
Birth5 Dec 1820, Pendleton County, VA33081,33082,33083,33084,33085,33072,33086,33087,33088,33089,33090,33091,33092
Memo1817? abt 1788 Bath County, VA? 1809? 16 Sep 1816-only 3 mos aft brother?
Census1840, Pendleton County, VA33095
Census1850, Highland County, VA33096
MemoDistrict 25
Census1860, Highland County, VA33070
MemoNew Hamden
Census1870, Highland County, VA33071
MemoBlue Grass, Montery
Memoage 74 yrs 10 mos 13 das
Burialaft 30 Jul 1891, Gum Family Cemetery, Hightown, Highland County, VA33076
Anst File#AFN:10SD-X2D33073
Ln 5 Gum, Polly, W F, d: 25? Dec 1881 Back Creek; Cause: Consumption; 76 yrs; Parents: Gum, Leonard & Anna; b: Back Creek; Occ: Domestic; Consort: Gum, Abraham; Info: T___linton, neighbor
25240 (Her? Husband different?) (Reunion note under Mary Wade, w/o Abraham Gum)
Ln 14 Gum, Polly, W F, d: 31 Jul 1891 Hightown, Cause: Dropsy, 75 yrs, Parents: Adam & Susan Gum; b: Pendleton; Occ: --; Consort: widow; Info: A. F. Gum, son
25240 (Her? Parents are different? Son is right)
Not listed as a child of Leonard Gum & Anna Seybert
29362 (only one Mary listed)
Marr MemoMin. Elias Zickefoose