Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameWinifred Coad
Memoabt 1705? bef 1702?
Memoaft 1769?
Misc. Notes
Birch, Burch Families of Great Britain & America Vol 1
20211 (Assume first Winifred is his wife, others his children)
Pg 159 Heirs of Benjamin Burch as Winifred Burch and Jonathan, Eliza, Barbary, Winifred, Sarah & Susanna Burch orphans of Benj. Burch
Surname Thomson?
9971,20367Benjamin Burch m. Winifred Thompson, d/o John Thompson and Mary Green
11003 (Surname Coad - perhaps married before Benjamin Burch?)
Pg 9 Benjamin Burch (1702-ca1745) Children: Rebecca
10217 (Rebecca not named in other sources?)
1Benjamin Burch
Birth1683, Charles County, MD20353,20354,20358,20357,20355,20378,20361,20362,20364,20366,20367,20379,20371,20380,20381,20382
Memoabt 1703? 1702? 1680? Newport;
Land Purchase27 May 1729, Charles County, MD20359,20383,20363,20384,20365,20142,20368,20192,20385,20386,20387,19947,20388,20389,20390,20391
Memo75 acres Bowling Plains, from his father’s will; Will declared invalid and he did not receive the land
Death11 Mar 1744, St Mary’s County, MD20353,20354,20356,20392,20361,20362,20364,20366,20367,20371,20393,20394,20395
Memo1745? 1746? ca 1765?
Memo1745? Will Inventory, MD Inventories 31:157-159, FHL microfilm 0,012,873
Misc. Notes
John Sawyer of San Angelo, TX has other dates for this child.
Birch, Burch Family in Great Britain & America Vol 1
20211Pg 158 Benjamin Burch nearest kin were: Jonathan Burch, Rebecca Burch. They were evidently children.