1James Stephenson
Birth25 Mar 1789, Blackstock, Chester County, SC16448,16449,16450,16451,16452,16453,16454,16455,16456,16457,8510,16422,16423,16424,16427,16458,16459,16460,16461,16433,16462,16463,16464,16465,16466,16467,16468,16469,16470,16471,16472
Memo29 Mar? VA? NC? York County, SC?
Residencebef 1792, Roanoke, VA16458
Residenceabt 1792, Greenbrier County, VA16458
Residence1813, Putnam County, VA16458
Memonow WV; Teay’s Valley, then Cabell County, VA
Census1820, Jackson County, OH16474
Land Purchase12 Apr 1822, Chillicothe, Ross County, OH16475
MemoPatent 85.76 acres (See Misc Notes)
Land Purchase12 Apr 1822, Chillicothe, Ross County, OH16476
MemoPatent 80 acres (See Misc Notes)
Census1830, Jackson County, OH16460
MemoMilton Township
Land Purchase4 Jan 1831, Chillicothe, Ross County, OH16477
MemoPatent 80 acres (See Misc Notes)
Land Purchase8 Aug 1837, Chillicothe, Ross County, OH16478
MemoPatent 40 acres (See Misc Notes
Land Purchase30 May 1833, Chillicothe, Ross County, OH16479
MemoPatent 80 acres (See Misc Notes)
Census1840, Jackson County, OH16461
MemoMilton Township
Residenceabt 1851, Kosciusko County, IN16425
Memonear Leesburg
Land Purchase1 Jul 1852, Chillicothe, Ross County, OH16480
MemoPatent 39.72 acres (See Misc Notes)
MemoMilton Township
Census1870, Jackson County, OH16422
MemoMilton Township
Deathaft 1870, Jackson County, OH16448,16452,16455,16462,16463,16481,16482,16483,16484,16485,16486,16487
Memo1837? 29 Nov 1865? Alive in 1870 Census?
Misc. Notes
BLM GLO 12/23/2008
16488James Stephenson OH0150_069: Certificate # 69 Patent James Stephenson of Jackson Co, OH has made full payment for sale of public land of the East half of the NW quarter of Section 18 in Township 7 of Range 17 in the district of Chillicothe, OH containing 85.76 acres, 12 Apr 1822
James Stephenson OH0150_070: Certificate # 70 Patent James Stephenson of Jackson Co, OH has made full payment for sale of public land of the West half of the NE quarter of Section 36 in Township 6 of Range 18 in the district of Chillicothe, OH containing 79.20 acres, 12 Apr 1822
James Stephenson OH0170_297: Certificate # 1306 Patent James Stephenson of Jackson Co, OH has made full payment for sale of public land of the West half of the SE quarter of Section 24 in Township 7 of Range 18 in the district of Lands, subject to sale at Chillicothe, OH containing 80 acres, 4 Jan 1831
James Stephenson OH0180_088: Certificate # 1599 Patent James Stephenson of Jackson Co, OH has made full payment for sale of public land of the West half of the SE quarter of Section 13 in Township 7 of Range 18 in the district of Lands, subject to sale at Chillicothe, OH containing 80 acres, 30 May 1833
James Stephenson OH1200_096: Certificate # 6226 Patent James Stephenson of Jackson Co, OH has made full payment for sale of public land of the SW half of the NE quarter of Section 13 in Township 6 of Range 19 in the district of Lands, subject to sale at Chillicothe, OH containing 40 acres, 8 Aug 1837
James Stephenson OH1430_057: Certificate # 17780 Patent James Stephenson of Jackson Co, OH has made full payment for sale of public land the SE quarter of the SW quarter of Section 23 in Township 5 of Range 19 in the District of lands subject to sale at Chillicothe, OH containing 39.72 acres, 1 Jul 1852
1870OHJacksonMiltonTwp1/186 Dwg 2 Fam 2 Foster, Mary 55 F W, House Keeper, b: WV
16489 (Listed with him - any relationship?)
Chap III James Stephenson Pg6-John Stephenson-wife, Nancy (Agnes) Ewing-she went with James (son) & family when they moved to Kosciusko Co IN.
8522 (son James is in Jackson Co OH for 1850-70 Census’s? when was he in IN?)
James Stevenson & Margaret McCallister children: S.H.Stephenson b: abt 1813
16490 (Additional child listed with this source!)
1860OHJacksonMilton23of60 Dwg 169 Fam 150 Mary Mooney 47 F Domestic, b: Ireland
16491 (Enum w/James Stephenson) (Any relationship?)
John Stephenson FindAGrave
16492 (he is not listed as a son)