Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Tree
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Tree
Maud of England
abt 1091 -
1 spouse 2 children
Conan III of Bretagne
Bertha of Brittany
Constance of Bretagne
Henry I Beauclerc
21 Sep 1068 - 1 Dec 1135
4 spouses 12 children
Edith Matilda Canmore
William Beauclerc
Matilda Beauclerc
Constance Fitzroy
Richard Beauclerc
Mary Beauclerc
Adeliza of Louvain
Sybil Corbet
Robert Fitz Roy/Beauclerc
Maud of England
Sybilla Beauclerc
Elizabeth of England
Henry I or Reginald Fitz Roy
Nest Ferch Tewdwr
Henry Fitz Henry
Maud Fitz Roy
Sybil Corbet
1070 -
2 spouses 6 children
Henry I Beauclerc
Robert Fitz Roy/Beauclerc
Maud of England
Sybilla Beauclerc
Elizabeth of England
Henry I or Reginald Fitz Roy
Herbert Fitz Herbert
Herbert Fitz Herbert
William I Conqueror of Normandy
14 Oct 1024 - 9 Sep 1087
1 spouse 11 children
Matilda of Flanders
Robert of Normandy
Gunrdade of Normandy
Richard of Normandy
William II of Normandy
Cecilia of Normandy
Constance of Normandy
Gundred of England
Adela of Normandy
Agatha of Normandy
Henry I Beauclerc
Alice of Normandy
Matilda of Flanders
1031 - 2 Nov 1083
2 spouses 11 children
Gherbod the Fleming
William I Conqueror of Normandy
Robert of Normandy
Gunrdade of Normandy
Richard of Normandy
William II of Normandy
Cecilia of Normandy
Constance of Normandy
Gundred of England
Adela of Normandy
Agatha of Normandy
Henry I Beauclerc
Alice of Normandy
Robert Corbet
ca 1052 -
3 children
Sybil Corbet
Robert Corbet
Alice Corbet
Robert I of Normandy
22 Jun 1000 - 22 Jul 1035
Harlette De Falaise
1003 - 1050
Baldwin V of Flanders
19 Aug 1012 - 1 Sep 1067
Adele of France
Sep 1009 - 8 Jan 1079
ca 1030 -
Richard II of Normandy
Judith De Bretagne
Fulbert De Falaise
Baldwin IV of Flanders
Ogive or Otgiva of Luxembourg
Robert II Capet
Constance of Toulouse
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