Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Tree
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Tree
Alfonso VI of Castille
1030 - Jul 1109
Fernando I of Castille
1017 - 24 Jun 1065
Sancha de Leon
1013 - 27 Nov 1067
Sancho Garcia III of Navarre
985 - 18 Oct 1035
Munia Mayor
ca 980 - 1066
Alfonso V de Leon
ca 980 - 7 Aug 1028
Garcia Sanchez II of Navarre
964 - 29 Jul 1000
Sancho Garcia I of Castile
ca 960 - 5 Feb 1017
ca 960 - 20 May 1025
Elvira of Castile
ca 955 - 1017
ca 970 -
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© 12 Jul 2024 Chris Dunmore; AncHunter65[at]
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