Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Tree
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Tree
Richard III of Normandy
997 - 6 Aug 1028
Richard II of Normandy
23 Aug 963 - 28 Aug 1026
Judith De Bretagne
6 Jan 983 - 16 Jun 1017
Richard I of Normandy
28 Aug 933 - 20 Nov 996
Conan I De Bretagne
944 - 27 Jun 992
Ermengarde D’Anjou
952 - 27 Jun 992
William I of Normandy
893 - 17 Dec 942
Sprota de Senlis
911 - 945
Harald III De Crepon
911 - 1 Nov 986
Geoffrey I D’Anjou
11 Nov 938 - 21 Jul 987
Adelaide De Vermandois
940 - 8 Apr 976
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© 12 Jul 2024 Chris Dunmore; AncHunter65[at]
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