Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Residenceca 1640, Hampton, Rockingham County, NH188653
MemoGranted land when he brought his family to the Salem, Newbury-Hampton Area
Memolosing his life at sea on a voyage from Hampton NH to Boston MA
Will Filed10 Nov 1657, Hampton, Rockingham County, NH188659
MemoEstate appraised
Chap II Pg 12 William Swain was a Sergeant in the Militia
Misc. Notes
Chap II Pg 11 According to the History of New Hampshire, Prudence (Marston) was the 4th born child of William Marston and his 2nd wife, Sabina Page.
165106Chap II Pg 12 Moses Coxe Marr: 16 Jun 1658 Prudence Swain and only had one daughter, Leah.