Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJemima Piles
Memobef 1775?
Census1790, Prince George’s County, MD37228
Memo6th District
1820MDPG6D Image2of5
10887 1820MDPG6D209
10888 Jemma Allen 1M 16-18, 2M 16-26, 1F <10, 1F 26-45, 1F 45+ (Who are the Male 16-18, Male 16-26, Female <10?)
Winfred Piles next line on same page)
Not listed with the family
11738St John’s Parish Pg 174
37233 Not listed as daughter of Piles, Dorothy, w/o Francis
Pg 139 Francis Piles & Dorothy Lanham ch:
10901 (not listed with family)
1Thomas Allen
Baptism14 Jun 1767, St John’s Parish, Prince George’s County, MD37207,37212
Census1776, St John’s Parish, Prince George’s County, MD37226,37225
10888 6D Image2of5
10887Jemma Allen 1M 16-18, 2M 16-26, 1F <10, 1F 26-45, 1F 45+ (Not listed with family - dead or divorced? Couple lines from William H. Piles)
Thomas Allen 1M 16-26, 1F 26-45 (A few lines farther down on the same page - perhaps a son?)
Marriageaft 11 Oct 1786, Prince George’s County, MD37234
Marr MemoMarriage License 11 Oct 1786