Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
V103 Pg272 xi. Capt Esbon Sanford & Mary Woodward ch: 4. Hannah Sanford Marr: 28 Jun 1759 Joseph Phillips
65332 (Joseph Philllips or Joseph Bailey or two marriages?)
Vol 104 Pg74of362 Esbon Sanford ch: Hannah Marr2: 28 Jun 1759 Joseph Phillips* (*As this marriage reads “Joseph Phillips & Hannah Sanford” it would seem that it is not the marriage of Esbon Sanford’s daughter, who at this date was the widow Hannah Bailey.
65332Image455of555 Pg clxxxii Esbon Sanford ch: Hannah Sanford Marr: 28 Jun 1759 Joseph Phillips
163387 (Bailey or Phillips?)
Birthca 1725
Census1747, Newport, Newport County, RI169369