Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameElinore Esther Sutton
Memoca 1626?
Deathbef 6 Nov 1688, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71726,71727
Death6 Nov 1688, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71696
1Richard Bowen
Land Purchase1643, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71714,71715
Memo1st purchasers
Land Purchase30 Jun 1644, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71716
Memo31 (sic) Jun? lots drawn for division of the woodland
Land Purchase22 Jun 1658, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71717,71718
Memolots were drawn for the meadows that lie on the north side of the town
Land Purchase26 May 1668, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71719
Memolots were drawn for the meadow lands in the North Purchase
Will Filed12 Apr 1718, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71720
MemoWill dated
Deathaft 12 Apr 1718, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71697,71720
Memobef 25 Mar 1722/3; 4 Jun 1678 - after marriage date to Martha Allen?
BurialRehoboth, Bristol County, MA71721
Memo4 Jun 1678?
Will Filed25 Mar 1722, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71720
MemoWill probated
Misc. Notes
Rehoboth, Bristol Co., MA - Early Settlers -Extracted from Our County & Its People A Descriptive & Biographical Record of Bristol County Massachusetts Alanson Borden 1899 Pages 13 - 19
64874 As copied from the Proprietors' Records: About the year 1643, a joint agreement was made by the inhabitants of Sea conk alias Rehoboth, ffor the bringing in of their estates; that soe men's lotments might be taken up according to person and estate, as alsoe for the carrieing on of all publick chardges both for present and future; furthermore the means and interest of what is heare expressed is that by which lands, now granted by the Court of Plymouth to the towne, is to be divided according to person and estate, as is expressed in the following list: 35. Ed Bennet now Richard Bowen’s Jr. 134£
Marriage4 Mar 1646, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA71698,71700,71702,71704,71706,71708,71723,71712
Marr Memo1656?