Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameStephen Brayton
Residenceabt 1658, Portsmouth, RI163520
MemoAft 5 Sep 1692
MotherMary (ca1630->1692)
1Ann Tallman
Memoabt 1658? 1660?
Misc. Notes
V85(1931) Pg 73 iv. Ann Tallman Marr: 8 Mar 1678/9 Stephen Brayton of Portsmouth. Five Children
65332Pg 235 Peter Tallman 3 May 1709 Bros & Sisters of Jonathan Tallman, Admr of his father, Peter Tallman Sr estate give their acquittance to him, Jonathan. As his daughter Ann does not sign by herself, or husband, Francis Brayton, she had perhaps married again, and is represented by one of the other signatures
V1 Pg196of674 Brayton, Stephen (-1692+) & Ann Tallman, m/2 William Potter
66948 (Ann’s 2nd marriage to William Potter?)
Marriage5 Mar 1679, Portsmouth, Newport County, RI163542,163516,163555,163518,163519,163520,163556,163545,163546,163524,163525,163557,163527,163529,163530,163558
Marr Memo8 Mar 1678? 8 Mar 1679? 5 Mar 1678?