Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameRuth Reynolds
Birthca 1624
Residenceca 1654, Boston, Suffolk County, MA155148
MemoAft 12 Oct 1692?
1John Whitney Jr
Birthbef 14 Sep 1621, Isleworth-on-the-Thames, Middlesex County, London, England155167,155147,155168,155169,155170,155154,155156,153023,155171,155172,153013,155173,155162,155174,155175,155176
Memo1620? 1624?
Baptism14 Sep 1621, Isleworth-on-the-Thames, Middlesex County, London, England155156,155171,155162
Memoabt Jul 1635?
Residence1643, Lexington Street, Watertown, Middlesex County, MA155178
Memoon 3 ac lot on the east side of Lexington St, on land granted to E. How & the next lot south of the residence of the Phillips family & prob the same lot occupied by his gr-grandson, Bradshaw Whitney
Will Filed27 Feb 1685, Middlesex County, MA155179
MemoWill written, subscribed in the year 1690
MemoInventory taken by Elnathan Beers and Thomas Hammond
Will Filed23 Dec 1692, Charlestown, Middlesex County, MA155187,155188
Misc. Notes
Pg 495 John Whitney Marr: 1642 Ruth Reynolds, leaving issue, from whom descended Eli Whitney b: 1765 d: 1825, the inventor of the Cotton Gin
Not mentioned with family
1009 Jonathan Whitney b: abt 1634; Arrival: 1635 Boston, MA age 1; Fam Memb: Relative Ellen 30; Rel Nathaniel 8; Rel Thomas 6; Rel Jonathan 1; Rel Richard 9; Primary Immig. John Whitney; Source: 6799.25 Pope, Charles H. The Pioneers of MA Pg 495