Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1700
Genealogy of Thomas Hill & Rebecca Miles
47955 Pg 5 The Miles family came to the colony from the north of England near the border of Wales in the latter part of the 17th century. John Miles, who Marr: Mary Beckwith, granddaughter of Nicholas Harvey and a passenger on the Ark or the Dove was a son of Nicholas Miles. Nicholas Miles came to America after his son and was granted land in MD in Nov 1651. John Miles and Mary Beckwith had five sons: James, John, Nicholas, Henry & Edward Miles. So states Father V.F. O’Daniel in his book, The Father of the Church in TN, an account of the life of Bishop Richard Pius Miles, O.P. Two of John and Mary Miles’ sons have been named as the father of Rebecca Miles. Which is correct - Henry or John - is not known.
Webb assumes this relationship, and Father V. F. O’Daniel is inclined to think that Philip and Rebecca had another brother named Nicholas Miles, the father of Bishop Miles.