Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1620
Residenceaft Oct 164973531
Memoleft MD, appoints attorney to recover debt due to him
OccupationDeputy Governor 1646; appointed Governor by Leonard Calvert 30 Jul 1646 for short time73527,73533,73534
OccupationOffices: in VA: Speaker House of Burgesses 1644-5, 1654, 1659; Council 1655, 1660-3; Colonel by 165473535
Misc. Notes
The Flowering of the MD Palatinate
47068Pg 144 While Leonard Calvert was in exile away from the wrath of the Puritans & possible execution, aft a number of months he made a diplomatic move by appointing Capt Edward Hill, a Protestant, Governor during his absence. The appointment was made on 30 Jul 1646, but within a short time Calvert had regained the governorship and the late appointment of Hill became of no force and effect. (38 Archives vol 4, pp 435-437)
Pg 145 At the death of Governor (Leonard) Calvert on 11 Jun 1647, Capt Edward Hill from Checakone, VA on 20 Jun 1647 addressed the Council in a lengthy epistle and announced his claim to the governorship by right of his appointment by Calvert in exile. Thomas Greene who had been appointed Governor y Leonard Calvert on his death bed replied to Hill and advised that under such emergencies if the Governor “shall happen to dye or be absent out of the Province” the Council had full power to elect a person from the Council, but not being a member of the Council his appointment was “grounded uppon false pretense”. Furthermore, Hill was advised “to desist from such unlawfull wayes”. (41 Archives of MD vol 3, pp 188-189)